The complete summary of the Qi realm.

There are many detailed steps.

The transformation of Qi and blood into Qi is the Qi channel stage.

This stage is to warm and strengthen the Qi in the meridians, while also tempering the body and growing together.

After the Qi channel reaches the limit, it is the second step, the transformation of Qi, blood and Qi, also called breaking the limit.

This is the first limit breaking in the Qi realm, which can make the Qi have more powerful power.

Cui Dongshan combined his own summary and made an assumption that breaking the limit once is generally the minimum standard, so that the innate shackles of the five internal organs can be broken and the Dao Palace can be opened.

But Cui Dongshan assumed that the Qi channel can break the limit up to nine times.

Cui Dongshan used a powerful force to forcefully break the Dao Palace, and his Qi strength was only comparable to breaking the limit six times.

However, Cui Dongshan felt that he should give a higher expectation to the descendants of human warriors.

What if someone can really break the limit of Qi and Qi nine times? Or even more times?

Only descendants who are getting stronger and stronger can ensure the prosperity of the human race.

After breaking the limit of Qi and Qi, it is the third step, opening the Dao Palace.

The opening of the Dao Palace, the first opening is the most important, the larger the opening range, the greater the growth.

Cui Dongshan is now nine thousand nine hundred and ninety-nine feet.

That is the limit of the Dao Palace, but the human race itself has talents and resources here. I dare not say that there will be no successors, but at least for a long period of time, it is impossible for a human warrior to be as beautiful as Cui Dongshan.

Therefore, the minimum requirement for the opening of the Dao Palace set by Cui Dongshan is ten feet. If it is less than ten feet, it means that the potential is too small and it is difficult to break through the third realm of the Yuanshen realm.

The bigger the Dao Palace is, the greater the potential is.

If the first Dao Palace is opened, it can reach more than 100 feet, then it is a genius.

The fourth step is to repeatedly impact the Dao Palace. The larger the Dao Palace expands, the greater the chance of breaking through the Yuanshen.

At least, you have to break through the Dao Palace's Qi Sea of ​​1,000 feet before you can consider breaking through the next step of cultivation, nourishing the Yin and Yang Qi with Qi, and condensing the soul with the spirit.

As for the nourishment of Yin and Yang Qi, Cui Dongshan suggested that the sun and the moon are the best.

Refining Yin Soul at night and Yang God during the day.

If there are related spiritual objects to make up for it, the effect is best.

Finally, with Yin and Yang Qi, combined with the Three Treasures Soul, the Yuanshen is formed.

At this step, it is a complete transformation of the soul, which can break the limitations of the human body.

At least, the limit on life span is no longer the increase of a hundred years, but directly breaks through thousands of years.

This is what Luo Xing said, quasi-higher life.

The Yuanshen realm is the threshold for entering higher life forms. Not only will it have more powerful strength, but it will also have a longer lifespan.

However, the difficulty of further improvement will be greater.

Because the progress of higher life forms will be very large, the demand will be greater, and it will take more time.

For example, Luo Xing, who has lived in the wild world for more than 10 billion years, is still considered a minor in his own tribe.

But no matter what.

After such a long time, even a pig can master many secrets and understand a lot of knowledge.

This is the convenience of higher life forms.

But this is also what their ancestors have obtained through hard work. It is a natural resource inherited and cannot be envied.

Cui Dongshan added a sentence at the end of the detailed explanation of the martial arts true qi chapter.

The Yuanshen realm is the patron saint of the human race. It can protect the human race, retreat to one side, and live a stable life.

Above the Yuanshen realm, it is the strength to lead the human race, charge into battle, and make a name for the human race in the heavens and all realms.

This is Cui Dongshan's expectation for himself and for the human martial arts.

In the end, the chapter on true qi is divided into four steps: qi channels, Dao Palace, yin and yang, and soul refining.

This is the most mature and safest way Cui Dongshan has explored.

As long as you have some talent, some resources, and some luck, if you follow this path, you will have perfect true qi in the future and get a glimpse of the spirit.

Although the other Buddhist and Taoist sects do not follow the route of the five internal organs and Dao Palace, they all have three thousand ways and the same destination, and they all end up refining the soul and entering the spirit realm.

There are also talismans.

At present, Cui Dongshan has only developed a talisman, which is a water talisman that is changed by the water pattern of the mermaid demon clan.

But with the deepening of research now.

Cui Dongshan also has great expectations for the future of talismans.

For example, the water talisman can condense a water-attributed innate true qi talisman.

Integrate this talisman into the true qi to speed up the practice of true qi and refine the true qi.

The essence of Qi, even in the future, condensing the Yuanshen, can also refine this talisman into the magic weapon, enhance the power of the magic weapon, and make the induction between the magic weapon and the master closer.

All kinds of thinking are very feasible ways.

Cui Dongshan has no time and no experimental objects for the time being, so he wrote down his ideas and thoughts, compiled them into a book, and uploaded them to Daxia's martial arts platform, so that hundreds of millions of people in Daxia can work together. As long as there are a few interested and talented people, they can make this one shine.

At that time, Cui Dongshan will learn from successful examples and deduce a more perfect method to help Daxia quickly promote the use of talismans.

After coming out of seclusion.

Cui Dongshan asked Luoxing about the dynamics of the fierce beasts and divine beasts.

Luo Xing said: "There is movement, but at present, there are only some flying beasts looking down from high altitude, and the number of times is not large, so no movement of the divine beasts has been found for the time being."

Cui Dongshan said with a smile: "It's fine if there is movement, but I'm afraid that the beasts and divine beasts don't care at all. If that happens, the three realms will merge, and the wilderness will be finished. Without the beasts and divine beasts, the human race is just a small boat in front of the waves and tides, and it will capsize in an instant."

Luo Xing said; "Do you want me to notify them again and make the problem more serious?"

Cui Dongshan said: "No, too much is as bad as too little. Sometimes, hiding things is the best effect. I even doubt that Some powerful beasts and divine beasts may have already acted in secret, but they just did it in a hidden way. "

Luoxing thought about it and said, "It's possible."

The Moon God said at this time: "Brother, I can help with this. Although I am not the Moon God of the Savage World, I can also use some of the scattered moonlight power. I can monitor the situation within three million miles around, but only at night. "

Cui Dongshan asked: "Is there any risk?"

The Moon God said: "A little, but it doesn't matter."

Cui Dongshan said: "Then you can, if the risk is big, you don't need to do this."

"Okay." The Moon God nodded.

Cui Dongshan returned to the cave, sat down cross-legged, concentrated his mind and calmed his breath. The next moment, his soul left his body and broke through the air.

"Tsk tsk, with your moonlight power, plus the nourishment of the Three Lights Divine Water, his soul is getting stronger and stronger. I think it won't be long before he can break through the soul realm." Luoxing exclaimed.

The Moon God said: "This is the benefit of being cared for by a higher being. According to the growth of ordinary creatures, at his age, some are still breastfeeding."

Luoxing suddenly looked at the Moon God: "Now that this kid is not here, let's talk?"

The Moon God also looked at Luoxing.

The four eyes looked at each other, both very seriously.

After a moment, the Moon God smiled: "Okay."


Fourth update, please give good reviews.

Thanks to Yingluo Minghu for the gift of Xiu'er, and thanks to Qiqitingfeng for urging for more updates, muah.

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