The two of us were so close that we had to go together.


Didn't we agree to go together?

Is the egg still there?

The key is, it's ok to not take the egg with you, but why did you leave me behind?

Cui Dongshan was confused at this moment, and he didn't understand what happened at all.

At this time, the eyes on the giant egg turned around and looked at Cui Dongshan again.

After seeing this, Cui Dongshan suddenly felt uncomfortable all over, and he didn't dare to look at it, for fear that if he looked at it more, he would grow a few more little Dongshans.

"Human race!"

At this moment, a voice sounded, but it was not a baby's voice, but a voice similar to that of a middle-aged man.

Cui Dongshan was stunned.

The existence of the descendants of the ancient gods is a higher life form among higher life forms. How could they know the human race?

"Yes, you are?"

Cui Dongshan asked cautiously.

The middle-aged male voice continued: "You can call me the Eye of All Things."

Cui Dongshan said decisively: "You are such a great existence, and you also know the human race?"

A little flattery.

It's survival, so don't shiver.

At this moment, Cui Dongshan also reacted.

Just now, it seemed that Luo Xing had the upper hand, but in fact he must have been calculated. If he left, it would be a bit difficult to come back.

He is a small human race, just in the Yuanshen realm, at most one foot has stepped into the threshold of higher life forms.

How to fight?

There is no way to fight.

The Eye of All Things: "I have seen a human race like you, his name is Long Zhan Ye."

"Long Zhan Ye!" Cui Dongshan widened his eyes.

I didn't expect to hear this name here.

Although Long Zhanye is not a great name in the human race.

But in Cui Dongshan's eyes.

This is the first great pioneer of the human race to go out and explore the wilderness for the human race.

Originally thought that Long Zhanye died in the Seven-Colored Mountains, but unexpectedly there are variables.

Eye of All Things: "It seems that you know him, very good, but what is your relationship with the Star Tree Clan and the Moon God Clan just now?"

Cui Dongshan's mouth twitched, and he simply answered: "They parasitized on me and said they wanted to be my friends. You can see that you are a sensible boss and you know that I can't refuse."

Eye of All Things: "So that's it, you didn't lie to me."

Cui Dongshan's heart tightened.

It seems that existences like this are much more advanced than Star Tree and Moon God, so He has more incredible abilities.

Fortunately, I am an honest young man.

The Eye of All Things continued; "I was stranded here because of an accident, and with the help of a polluted world, I opened the passage to this world, lurked here, and recuperated."

"The human named Long Zhanye awakened me with a strong will to survive, and made a deal with me. He used his body to become the nutrients for my rebirth, and his soul was sent to another world by me, reincarnated, and got a chance to start over."

"There is a bond between me and the human race."

When Cui Dongshan heard this, the first thing he thought of was not Long Zhanye's deal, but other news revealed by the Eye of All Things.

According to His meaning.

Was the connection between the alien demon world and the wild world actually His handiwork? Let the two worlds fight, and he took the opportunity to sneak through?

Good guy, the mystery is solved.

It feels that Daxia suffered an unexpected disaster and was implicated in the battle between these two higher worlds. It was you who did it. You are really a living father.

Although he was complaining in his heart, Cui Dongshan had a smile on his face.

"It's really an honor, ha, hahaha..."

"You don't look that happy."

Cui Dongshan's smile froze.

Well, in front of higher beings, he couldn't hide it at all.

"But I won't blame you for what happened today, and I'm willing to make a deal with you."

Cui Dongshan was stunned.

Another deal?

No, I'm so popular?

Everyone wants to make a deal with me?

And you're from the Gui clan!

Is it really appropriate for us to cooperate?

Cui Dongshan complained silently, but he could only ask: "How to trade?"

People are under the eaves.

What to do?

Either bow your head or turn around.

It's a good choice.

Eye of All Things: "This place has been exposed, it's not safe, I need to find a new place to stay, I have a deal with the human race, I am willing to trust you."

Cui Dongshan's mouth twitched, and he said directly: "Boss, can you tell the truth? What you said is very false, and it is difficult for me to completely

Believe it. "

The Eye of All Things was silent for a moment, then said: "You have a power in your body that I can't see through, and you have received indescribable attention."

Cui Dongshan was completely speechless.

It seems that my system is a panacea.

You big guys, you can't see through it, so you look down on me?

But Cui Dongshan is used to it.

How to say it.

Stupid people will be straightforward, who cares about your mother, just do it.

Smart people are different.

Smart people have flexible brains and think a lot.

"Your reason is the same as that of the Star Tree and the Moon God. Big brother, I am also very curious. What kind of existence is paying attention to me? Do you know it?" Cui Dongshan asked with pretended curiosity.

The Eye of All Things was silent for a moment, then said: "I can't see through it. If I force myself to spy on it, I feel like I am facing death. It is a more terrifying feeling than the outer god Azathoth I faced. "

Cui Dongshan was thoughtful.


That is to say, the reason why this ancient god of the Weird Clan turned into an egg was because of a guy named Azathoth from the Outer God?

There is no peace between the bosses.

"Is that so?" Cui Dongshan showed a regretful and disappointed expression.

The Eye of All Things continued: "It is indescribable and unspeakable. It is an existence beyond the level of living beings. Their attention is a gift more mysterious than the blessing of God. You should have special powers that transcend ordinary living beings."

Cui Dongshan nodded: "Yes, a little bit."

The Eye of All Things continued: "That's right. If you work hard to practice, you may be able to see that indescribable and unspeakable existence in the future."

"Is that so? "This time, Cui Dongshan's tone was much more cheerful, with some expectations.

The Eye of All Things said: "Now, let's talk about our cooperation. I am the Eye of All Things, and I control fair rules. Any transaction is fair and just. You let me rely on you and give me a new place to cultivate. I can give you a lot of help."

Since it is about cooperation.

Cui Dongshan was not humble and asked directly: "What help?"

The Eye of All Things said: "I can help you, but my identity will bring you great trouble. You can choose carefully whether to help or not."

Cui Dongshan looked hesitant.

The Eye of All Things continued: "I can also help you transform all things. Even if you are resurrected from the dead, the soul is still there, it is just a simple matter."

Cui Dongshan was surprised: "Resurrection from the dead is possible?"

The Eye of All Things: "When you reach my level, you will know that resurrection from the dead is just a simple matter. Anything can be resurrected as long as it has not reached the state of complete extinction of its essence. ”

“But when the soul of a living being reaches its limit, there is no way out. The essence of a living being is the soul. When the soul is extinguished, the body decays and never exists again. This is the innate rule of the Taichu Ancient Land, not the various world rules that evolved from various worlds later.”

Cui Dongshan’s eyes moved slightly: “But I heard that higher-level creatures, who have obtained the power of divinity, can live again even if they are about to die.”

The Eye of All Things: “This is why the Taichu Ancient Land collapsed, because when the original ancient land collapsed, the innate rules no longer existed, and there would be a polar opposition between the Yang Spirit and the Yin Spirit. If we obtain divinity, we can regain our lives. If we obtain the vitality of the Yang Spirit, we can also exist for a longer period of time.”

“It’s just that this kind of acquisition only belongs to the transformation between higher-level creatures. Lower-level creatures don’t have such an opportunity. "

Cui Dongshan was speechless for a moment.

It sounds like two groups of people are powerful but are constrained by the laws of a country and are not comfortable.

So, the two groups of people conspired, colluded with each other, directed and acted on their own, and tore the country apart, with local separatism and independent governance. Then the original laws of the country could not constrain them.

What a dog!

But this also made Cui Dongshan feel excited.

It is really a broken mountain and river, with all races fighting for the front. Who will be the master of the vast land?

Does our human race have a chance to turn the tide and fight a bloody road to the throne in this chaotic world?

Emma, ​​I dare not think about it, I dare not think about it at all.

This dream is too big.

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