After coming out of the water, the spirit women were already dressed neatly, each carrying a bow and arrow. These bows and arrows were all exaggeratedly large, as tall as them, but the arrows on them were very strange, all of them were a kind of tough and slender grass, which looked very sharp. It must be very powerful to be used as arrows. Cui Dongshan was always an impertinent person, and he was too embarrassed to get angry when being suppressed like this, so he could only admit his weakness. As a man, how could he have the nerve to argue with a woman. Unless they were too much. They entered the forest all the way, and soon came to a tribe built on a tree. This unique style reminded Cui Dongshan of elves. These spirits were very similar to elves. Judging from their skin, they seem to be from the forest.

They were imprisoned in a vine house.

The spirit women withdrew, leaving only two guarding the door.

Cui Dongshan moved his body, silently immersed his mind in the Five Internal Organs Dao Palace, and tried to contact Luo Xing and Yue Shen.

However, nothing was found.

Hey, where did these two women go with my senior brother?

I can't even contact them.

Cui Dongshan didn't care if he couldn't contact them.

Cui Dongshan began to stand still and gather himself.

Now that he has mastered more and more knowledge, his own cultivation is constantly adjusting and summarizing.

He also needs to deduce the cultivation method of the Yuanshen realm.

He needs to devote his mind every moment.

He wasted too much time in the underground dark river. Now Cui Dongshan is free, so he naturally wants to continue to deduce.

This deduction lasted for several days.

He didn't see the spirit woman come again.

However, food and drink were provided normally, two meals a day, the food was very plain, all kinds of spiritual fruits, and some sweet spiritual water, the taste was not bad.

Cui Dongshan was also happy about this.

However, secretly, he let the spirit of martial arts go out to observe and learn.

Through the spirit of martial arts, he also learned some of the status of this spirit race.

There are many spirit races in the whole tribe, more than 10,000 people.

Most of this spirit tribe uses bows and arrows, and a few are close combat.

However, in the tribe, the spirit of martial arts discovered a unique existence, that existence seemed to be able to sense the existence of the spirit of martial arts, and almost wanted to capture it.

The spirit of martial arts did not dare to approach.

This surprised Cui Dongshan.

Those who can discover the spirit of martial arts must be high-level creatures, or have a strong spirit.

This kind of thing is rare in wild beasts and fierce beasts.

At least, the ancient golden eagle does not know the existence of the spirit of martial arts and cannot see it at all.

However, the spirit of martial arts was fine in the next few days.

Cui Dongshan was too lazy to care.

Anyway, the spirit of martial arts also learned the secrets of archery and some close combat skills from the spirits of this tribe.

Not to mention, it's very unique.

After mastering the secrets of archery through the spirit of martial arts, Cui Dongshan discovered that the archery of the spirits was very magical. Their bows and arrows contained a certain kind of wind power. The arrows shot out were not only powerful, but also could fly very far.

Even those arrows had unique abilities.

These abilities also gave Cui Dongshan a lot of inspiration, and various ideas related to martial arts emerged in his mind.

However, he never came to him, and Cui Dongshan did not take the initiative to ask.

In this way, half a month later.

The long legs finally appeared again.

"Barbarian tattoo master of the barbarian tribe, now it's time for you to take action." The long legs were very straightforward and got straight to the point.

Cui Dongshan smiled and said, "Okay."

Then, Cui Dongshan followed the long legs and came to a larger vine tree house.

Then, Cui Dongshan saw an old woman with white hair and skin like tree bark.

The old woman was hunched over, a bit like the spirits, but not like them. Even Cui Dongshan could feel the strong wood spirit power on her body.

The old woman was not tall, at most 1.6 meters, but she had a kind smile and looked easy to get along with.

"This is the guardian tree of my spirits, the Fusang Mother Spirit."

The long legs came in and introduced directly.

Cui Dongshan was surprised: "Fusang tree?"

"Yes, I am from the Fusang tree clan." The old woman replied with a smile.

Then, the old woman looked at Cui Dongshan deeply and said: "You have the breath of the Star Tree and the Moon Goddess on you. Young man, you have come into contact with many higher beings."

Cui Dongshan smiled and said: "Yes, I have had some contact with them, and we were together not long ago, but I encountered an accident and I was separated from them temporarily."

The old woman nodded: "It is a great honor to be recognized by higher beings.

Let the Star Tree and the Moon God both depend on you, which shows that you are a trustworthy person. "

Cui Dongshan smiled shyly: "Fortunately, those who know me like me very much."

After that, Cui Dongshan looked at the old woman and said: "Senior is from the Fusang Tree Clan, and is also a high-level creature. "

The old woman nodded, then sighed: "My body was destroyed, leaving only a sapling, but it was cursed by a unique power that prevented me from relying on it to survive. Now my condition is very bad."

"Oh? That's right! The opponent who can destroy the Fusang tree is very strong." Cui Dongshan said seriously.

The old woman said: "To be honest with you, the one who destroyed me was a descendant of the Jinwu clan. Before the ancient times, our Fusang Tree Clan and the Jinwu Clan had a mutually helpful relationship, but the Jinwu Clan suffered a genocide because they were too arrogant, and my clan was also implicated, leaving only me alive. "

"Later, I was rescued by the King of the Wood Spirit Tribe, and I became connected with the Wood Spirit Tribe, which has continued to this day. However, more than 3,000 years ago, a surviving Golden Crow found me and asked me to return. I was tired of the Golden Crow's tyranny and rejected Him, but was destroyed by the Golden Crow with divine fire and cursed with fire poison, making it impossible for me to fully revive. "

When the old woman said this, she sighed and said, "I also know that the hope of recovery is very slim, but Yuan He did not give up and kept looking for a way to save me, so I agreed to try one or two. If there is no way, I will not let her embarrass you. "

Cui Dongshan smiled and said, "Senior, you are polite. To be honest, I was also accidentally jumped out before, and I am somewhat sorry. If I can help, I will definitely be willing to do so. "

Then I will trouble you. "

He was very polite and kind, which made people sigh. Although they were all from the higher divine tree clan, there were still differences.

But Cui Dongshan was not a fool.

When the old woman spoke, she first mentioned the Star Tree and the Moon God. Obviously, he gave face, mostly for these two reasons.

How could a half-wasted higher creature be the opponent of two intact higher creatures.

He was not sure of my identity, so of course he had to be friendly.

Cui Dongshan also gave face.

After all, studying his body is also a kind of accumulation.

For the human race's martial arts to grow, it must absorb the nourishment of all races. Any knowledge and gains are very valuable.

This is a mutual need, and there is no reason for anyone to take advantage.

After that, Cui Dongshan began to check the old woman's current physical condition.

He is now a spiritual being like the Falling Star Moon God, similar to the soul of the human race.

But higher than the soul, it is more appropriate to say that it is similar to the primordial spirit.

Therefore, Cui Dongshan used the power of the primordial spirit to check his body without hesitation.

The old woman did not resist and let Cui Dongshan check.

For a moment, Cui Dongshan's mind observed A complex spiritual structure, as if entering a palace of knowledge.

Every part of the old woman's spiritual structure conveys beauty and contains some wonders. Careful observation can yield various information.

Just like studying advanced mathematics, at a glance, all kinds of complex geometric diagrams are in the mind.

This old woman is really a treasure!

This kind of opportunity is probably something that Luo Xing and Yue Shen are unwilling to expose.

At this moment, Cui Dongshan was simply ecstatic.

Through the old woman's body, Cui Dongshan confirmed himself and also had a lot of knowledge about the Yuan Shen. There are many ideas that can be tried and explored.

The harvest at this moment can be said to be much more valuable than the treasures obtained in the previous few times.

Although he was ecstatic, Cui Dongshan's expression became serious.

This look surprised the old woman. Was there really something wrong with her spirit?

The long legs were even more nervous.

Time passed little by little.

Although Cui Dongshan was reluctant, he couldn't continue like this, which would make people suspicious.

He withdrew from the old woman's spirit and continued: "I want to see the remaining body of the predecessor and see what the curse is like."

The old woman smiled: "Of course. "

Having said this, the old woman also checked herself and was satisfied that Cui Dongshan had not left any tricks in her spirit.

This kid really helped me check, not for any other purpose.

Well, then was the weird thing that peeped at me before sent by him?

Let's see what he thinks after watching the Golden Crow Fire Poison Curse.

After that, the long legs took the initiative to help and moved a bonsai out from the back of the tree house.

In the bonsai, there was a dead branch that was almost half withered, without a single leaf, and only a little vitality remained.

Even, Cui Dongshan could clearly see a line of fire flowing on the dead branch, which seemed to be there and not there.

Fourth update, please give me five-star praise.

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