The old man was sitting in the tree house.

The Wood Spirit Tribe, in the tree house.

Cui Dongshan and the old woman sat opposite each other.

Yuan He, the long-legged Wood Spirit King, accompanied them.

After eating and drinking.

Cui Dongshan said: "I have been in the Wood Spirit Tribe for a long time, and I plan to leave today."

"Ah? I am leaving now?" Yuan He's face changed slightly and asked.

Cui Dongshan smiled and said: "You have your things to do, and so do I. My life dream is to help many, many races and make them all powerful."

"When the alien demons come again, all races can unite to fight against the alien demons and protect our wild homeland."

Yuan He felt a sense of admiration in his heart, and his eyes became obsessed.

The barbarian in front of him really fascinated him.

Compared with the first time they met, he wanted to kill.

Yuan He's attitude now is completely different.

Cui Dongshan continued: "I have done almost everything I can for the Mu Ling tribe. It is useless to stay any longer, so I should leave, but the short separation is for a better meeting. I believe that we will meet again, and I believe that the Mu Ling tribe will become a heroic race in the wilderness."

Yuan He's eyes were burning: "My Mu Ling tribe will never be a slave."

Cui Dongshan smiled and raised his glass.

He drank a glass of fruit wine.

Cui Dongshan looked at the old Fusang tree spirit again.

No, she is not an old woman now.

She is a middle-aged woman who looks very kind and makes people like her at first sight.

"Senior, is there anything else you need my help with?"

Fusang Mother Spirit smiled and shook her head; "You have done enough for us."

Cui Dongshan thought for a while, took out another basin of Three Lights Divine Water, handed it to Fusang Mother Spirit, and said; "This is for the senior, your body is still too weak, and you need to grow faster. With this thing, you can speed up a lot. By then, you will have stronger power to protect the Wood Spirit Clan."

Fusang Mother Spirit looked at the Three Lights Divine Water handed over by Cui Dongshan with complicated eyes.

Want to refuse.

Can't refuse.

Such a good thing, who can refuse it?

Don't refuse it.

Cui Dongshan really gave all kinds of contributions to the Wood Spirit Clan, but I didn't see him asking for anything in return?

How could there be such a barbarian in the world?

Seeing Cui Dongshan's sincere eyes, Fusang Mother Spirit could only accept it, and a little green light popped out, which fell into Cui Dongshan's hands, and then said: "I won't say thank you anymore. From now on, the Wood Spirit Clan is your eternal friend. At any time, you can crush this thing, and I will naturally find it and will definitely rush to support you."

This is a promise from a higher creature.

Although the Fusang tree is still weak.

But the grown-up "He" is not weaker than Luoxing.

Cui Dongshan smiled and said nothing, just put away the little green light.

In the eyes of Fusang Mother Spirit and Yuanhe, they are the beneficiaries, and Cui Dongshan is the one who works hard and pays all kinds of efforts.

However, in Cui Dongshan's heart, he knows that he has taken too much advantage.

From the Fusang Tree Spirit, analyze the mystery of the Yuanshen and lay the foundation for his own Yuanshen Road.

From the secret collection of the Wood Spirit Clan, get countless secrets and secrets, integrate martial arts, and deduce a broader martial arts road, that is high-end knowledge that can't be bought with money.

Draw the Golden Crow Fire from the dead branches and open the Taoist spirits of the Tushita Palace in your heart.

Transform the Muling tribe into a team that can fight against the alien demons.

All the benefits are worth it.

Cui Dongshan is not the kind of person who gets the advantage without giving anything in return.

He is very happy to do something for the Muling tribe. This is the true meaning of sharing what you have. There will be no knots in the hearts of both parties.

"And our Muling tribe, Master, in the future, our Muling tribe will be your ally. As long as you need it, I can lead my tribesmen to help you even if it is thousands of mountains and rivers." Yuan He also expressed his attitude.

Cui Dongshan didn't say anything, but just poured a glass of fruit wine and raised his glass to indicate.

This banquet lasted for a long time.

Yuan He was drunk and fell asleep on the table.

Cui Dongshan didn't drink anymore. After saying goodbye to the Fusang Mother Spirit, he got up and left.

Not long after Cui Dongshan left.

The drunk Yuan He suddenly got up again, his eyes red.

Fusang Mother Spirit sighed and said, "Why are you doing this? If you have an idea, just express it. You don't look like a Wood Spirit at all now."

Yuan He shook his head, "I'm not worthy of him."

Fusang Mother Spirit didn't know whether to laugh or cry.

After all, he is the head of the clan, a fifteenth-level strongman.

How much do you admire him to have such a humble idea?

Yuan He suddenly

His eyes became firm: "I will lead the Wood Spirits to fight for the wilderness after the invasion of the alien demons. I will become the new overlord of the wilderness. Only then will I be qualified to say that to him."

Fusang Mother Spirit said: "Are you sure? We live here to avoid the Golden Crow. Once we leave, the Golden Crow will be able to capture the breath of the spirits and find us."

Yuan He smiled and said, "Mother Spirit, we are no longer afraid of fire. The Feng Shui Tornado Secret Method developed by the master for us is specifically aimed at the Golden Crow."

Fusang Mother Spirit said: "After all, we haven't fought yet, and it's hard to say whether it will be useful."

"I believe in the master, and I don't plan to leave now. My tribe still has a lot of room for improvement."

"In the next few decades, my tribe will enter the most diligent retreat. At that time, my tribe will return to the wilderness openly and honestly. The first battle will be against that hateful Golden Crow." Yuan He's eyes were burning and he was in high spirits.

Fusang Mother Spirit looked at Yuan He with a loving look on her face; "You are the head of the tribe, you make the decision, I support you."


Leaving the Wood Spirit Tribe.

Cui Dongshan left silently.

After integrating many secret techniques, Cui Dongshan's martial arts skills are now more perfect and magical.

Even the most ordinary footwork.

He can walk past several women of the Wood Spirit Tribe, and they can't find his existence.

At this moment.

Cui Dongshan is walking in the mountains and forests.

It looks slow, but it's actually very fast. In a few blinks of an eye, he can walk from one end to the other end hundreds of meters away.

After leaving a few miles.

Cui Dongshan simply took off and walked on the trees.

He has lived here for several years.

He has a pretty good understanding of the surrounding environment and nearby areas.

Cui Dongshan walked with a purpose.

When he reached the end of the tree, his figure flew by, and it seemed to leave an afterimage.

It took only half a day.

Cui Dongshan walked out from the depths of the mountains and saw an endless plain.

On the plain, various low-level beasts can be seen eating grass, playing, and making fun.

Here, it looks a bit like the African plains in the previous life.

Meat-eating beasts and herbivorous beasts live in the same environment.

Their food chain seems to be fixed and they are used to it.

This is their home.

Speaking of which, these beasts are also happy.

They don’t have too high intelligence, don’t need to consider the safety of the world, just live happily, and the only worry is that they must not be caught by those terrible carnivorous beasts by accident.

The sky is high and the clouds are vast, and the plain is endless.

Standing on the top of a tree hundreds of meters high, looking down from a high place, overlooking all directions, his heart is open.

Cui Dongshan laughed, his figure flew, and flew dozens of miles in the air.

After landing, Cui Dongshan was about to walk towards an unknown group of horses with red eyes, long hair, iron hooves, and scales covering their legs and arms, looking for a mount.

Suddenly, Cui Dongshan paused and casually punched the left front.


A huge monster jumped out of a bush in a depression and rushed straight to Cui Dongshan.

However, before it came into contact, the monster seemed to be hit hard in the head by a punch in the air.

With a bang, the monster's head exploded, blood and flesh splattered, and the corpse fell to the ground and slid five or six meters away.

The sudden movement scared the surrounding beasts of all sizes, and they immediately scattered.

Cui Dongshan looked at the bush in the depression, his mouth curved, and said in animal language: "What are you still hesitating about?"

There was no movement in the bush.

Cui Dongshan raised his hand: "It seems that I need to punch you."

"Deng Yixia, Deng Yixia."

A cry of surprise came from the hollow of the grass, and then the grass fell down with a rustle. A giant beast that looked like a lion, but covered with red hair and very gorgeous, jumped out, with eyes as big as copper bells, looking at Cui Dongshan fearfully at this moment.

"I have no ill intentions, that woman, it is just a low-level beast, not very intelligent, I just passed by, saw that it looked good, and played with it casually, who would have thought that it was so bold and dared to attack you."

"But I am different, I am a high-level divine beast, I don't mean to provoke you."

Cui Dongshan grinned: "Looking at you, you look like a playboy? It's really interesting. According to the records, your clan was destroyed by the dragon clan because they wanted to have sex with the dragon? There is actually a bloodline inheritance? It looks very pure."

The red-haired lion rolled his eyes, as if thinking about how to answer.

Cui Dongshan said decisively: "I give you two choices, let me ride, or, let me ride."

A new January, first day and fourth update, please give me good reviews.

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