The first time, the last time, the last time.

More than ten days later.

The place where the Ten Fierce Domains and the Dragon Domain meet.

A group of ferocious beasts are moving forward.

Cui Dongshan is also in Qi Lie.

This group of ferocious beasts are of different types, with six people as a group, divided into three directions.

One in front and one in the back, and another accompanying Cui Dongshan.

The three teams are the strongest three among the tens of thousands of teams under the Dongshan Association.

This team is all twelfth-level strength.

After two years of running-in and improvement, each team has the strength to fight together and kill thirteenth-level.

This is something they could not imagine before.

The wild rank, the level is fierce.

Cross-level battles mean death.

And they were able to kill across levels.

This was all thanks to the president, Lord Dongshan.

The entire Dongshan Association, all the tribes of fierce beasts, who is not now a die-hard fan of Cui Dongshan.

Being able to accompany Cui Dongshan in battle.

This was something that all three teams were very excited about.

As they moved forward, Cui Dongshan didn't care about anything at all, letting the three teams play their roles and take charge of all actions and arrangements.

This was a test.

The experience they accumulated would be passed on to other teams in written form.

And this behavior could earn Dongshan Association's merit points.

Merit points could be exchanged for various resources currently accumulated by Dongshan Association.

The largest exchangeable value was divinity.

Of course, divinity was currently empty and needed hunting to obtain it.

The sun was high.

The team came to a forest.

The team arranged to rest here, and the three teams took turns to be on guard.

Cui Dongshan made a bonfire and grilled a cloud deer hunted by the team.

Cloud deer are mid-level beasts.

In the wilderness, there are many low-level and mid-level beasts, which are basically at the bottom of the food chain of the tribes in the wilderness.

Seeing Cui Dongshan's actions.

The beast members of the three teams were drooling.

Although for their bodies, a cloud deer is probably not enough for one person to eat.

But high-level beasts don't need to eat every day. Some eat once every few years, some eat dozens of them at a time, and some eat once every few months.

Mainly, the president grills meat, which is now a feature of the Dongshan Club.

When Cui Dongshan was training, there were rewards for excellent students to taste.

Anyone who has eaten it will want to eat it a second or third time.

But after the first training, the bottom-level Dongshan Club beast members were no longer eligible.

I didn't expect that I could have such a good taste this time following the action.

It's great.

When Cui Dongshan was grilling.

A scent has spread.

Just when the several beast members who came to help couldn't take their eyes off and were drooling.

Suddenly, not far away, a red light shot up into the sky and turned into a floating light shadow of an axe in the air.

Seeing the light shadow of the axe.

The beast team, who were originally looking forward to the barbecue, immediately looked solemn and quickly formed a combat posture according to the direction.

Cui Dongshan was calm and continued to barbecue.

Because his soul sensed everything within a hundred miles around.

If the danger was too great, the soul would be stimulated.

But now, he didn't feel that the soul was frightened.

So, even if there was someone coming, the threat was not great.

A moment later.

A team led by the Iron Head Tiger Clan came quickly.

The Iron-Headed Tiger is the son of the current Iron-Headed Tiger Clan leader. He has reached the peak of the twelfth level. Although he is still a giant three meters tall after shrinking, he is not stupid at all. Instead, he is very smart.

Cui Dongshan was impressed by it because it was one of the ten best members of the first training session.

Although it is now an elite captain, it is only because it prefers the way of fighting in a small team and likes to fight in the front line. Otherwise, it would have been a detachment captain, or even a battalion captain.

And its name is Hu Li.

This is the name Cui Dongshan gave it, and he told it to practice hard and become stronger. He hopes that in the future, when he hears the name Hu Li again, it will not only be the captain Hu Li, but also hope that it can become the Great Immortal Hu Li.

Although I don’t know what the honorific title of Great Immortal is.

But to be recognized so solemnly by the president, it must be a very high status.

So, it is not just Hu Li.

Now all the fierce beasts in the Dongshan Club are looking forward to becoming the first Great Immortal recognized by Cui Dongshan.

"Report to the president, a team has been spotted ahead, it should be the fox tribe.

The Fire Fox Clan in the team came from the southeast. According to their route, they should also be heading for Taohuadu. "

"There are many foxes in the team. The rank of the leading fox is unknown. It is estimated that it is more than 13th rank, and there are hundreds of 12th rank foxes."

"Threat level, A-level."

Hu Li reported the situation, and the content he said was very precise and without nonsense.

This is all the result of Cui Dongshan's training.

Cui Dongshan smiled; "The secret realm of heaven and earth is obtained by fate. Now we are just one of the teams seeking it. Don't treat other teams as enemies. This is not appropriate."

"Everything in the world has the right to survive. Get along first. If you can't get along, then make a decision. "

"Yes. "

Hu Li responded.

The other two teams also pricked up their ears and kept Cui Dongshan's words in mind.

The president is also an unfathomable rank.

So the president is also very strong.

And the president knows a lot. Dongshan, from top to bottom, all aspects, are basically created by the president.

Therefore, Cui Dongshan is omnipotent in the eyes of thousands of fierce beasts. What he said and did is worth learning.

Then, the three teams gathered and guarded around Cui Dongshan.

Soon after, a team of foxes slowly appeared.

They were also on their way, and suddenly they smelled something Well, many fox tribes looked towards Cui Dongshan, with some agitation.

The three beast teams looked at him coldly and silently.

But Cui Dongshan didn't care at all, just focused on grilling meat and sprinkling seasonings.

After observing for a while, a small fox team approached.

When they got close.

The beast team led by Blade Wind of the Wind Bird tribe moved the formation to express the intention of interception.

The leader of the fox team, an old fox, smiled and said, "I am from the Fire Fox Clan of Bailing Mountain Range. I'm sorry, who are you?"

"What do you want? "Renfeng did not answer, but asked directly.

As a leading bird, it is actually a lineage of ancient mythical beasts, a branch of the footless bird, born to control the wind, and will fly happily when the wind blows, accompany the strong wind, and lead the strong wind to fly.

But each generation is worse than the previous one.

The leading bird once produced a seventeen-level strongman, but now the strongest is only fourteenth level, and now he is one of the members of the Dongshan Association Elders.

Renfeng is the most talented member of the leading phoenix bird tribe.

The old fox tribe smiled and said, "I'm sorry to bother you. It's mainly because my young master smelled an unprecedented fragrance. We are very curious and asked if we can exchange some."

After that, it took the initiative to introduce: "My Fire Fox tribe is one of the Bailing Mountains. We have rich resources, especially the Fire Spirit Grass. This Fire Spirit Grass is a treasure in the wilderness. After taking it, it has the effect of tempering blood."

Renfeng was unmoved.

But Cui Dongshan looked over curiously: "Tempering blood? Then this is more than just a treasure! "

The old fox clan laughed and said: "Of course, it is only a very weak effect. Generally, it takes a thousand fire spirit grasses to refine a drop of fire spirit liquid. For those after the twelfth level, the effect is not great."

Cui Dongshan suddenly realized.

Then he smiled and said; "When you go out, we are all friends. Since you like it, then let's change it. Well, how many fire spirit grasses do you want to give?"

Cui Dongshan is interested in rare and precious herbs, and he also likes to study them. He may discover something magical.

The old fox clan said: "One. "

Cui Dongshan:???

Although my cloud deer is really worthless.

But you took the initiative to ask for it.

Barter is about taking what you need and getting what you like.

You are so stingy. Do you really have friends in your fire fox tribe?

Just when Cui Dongshan was thinking about how to answer.

Suddenly, a fire fox next to the old fire fox suddenly said: "He killed our fox tribe and has the resentment left by our fox tribe on his body."

As soon as these words came out, the atmosphere became subtle.

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