Cui Dongshan’s words stirred up a thousand waves with one stone.

Everyone present looked at him in horror.

Zhao Xinru said: "Martial Ancestor, what kind of secret technique is this? It can actually construct a channel between the worlds! This is too magical?"

Cui Dongshan smiled and said: "The so-called magic is just that you don't understand their essence. It's like a primary school student who can't understand advanced mathematics, but after learning it, he will find that it's nothing special. "

"What I'm telling you now doesn't mean I can do it. I just came to Daxia to investigate and search. It is feasible, but all warriors can work hard. Once it is feasible, we can immediately gather people and make arrangements. "

"In addition, the talismans I developed also have a more mature system. At present, through the talismans, rune base stations can be built. , combined with the water shield rune, to create a rune communication system. ”

“The biggest advantage of the rune system is, It won't be easily interfered with. As long as there are enough base stations, Daxia and the Savage Divine Realm can communicate and exchange even if they are billions of miles apart. "

"I've been sorting this out recently. When I'm done, I hope that in the coming time, Daxia can increase the promotion of talismans, cultivate more talisman talents, and strive to have rune base stations in Daxia and in the wild and outer regions within a few decades. , and even in the Cataclysm World. "

"Perhaps, after the Three Realms go to war in the future, the application of Daxia technology will be affected to a certain extent, but the talismans will not be. "

"At that time, that may be the only thing we can do in battle. Communication is relied on. "

Cui Dongshan's words gave the people of 10 billion more confidence.

Look, this is the Martial Ancestor.

Always considering all aspects of Daxia.

Not only in martial arts, but also in assistance, he is also perfect. .

Having such a martial ancestor is a blessing for Daxia and even more so for the human race.

With such a Martial Ancestor, how can our human race still be depressed? Still afraid? Even if we have to fight for one or two generations, we must build a stable rear for our descendants and support a sky for growth.

"Martial Ancestor , thank you. "Suddenly, a young man couldn't help but speak.

Then the others also agreed, saying thank you from the bottom of their hearts, a sincere expression of emotion.

And in the audience, the voice of thank you, It was heard over and over again, forming a wave.

Cui Dongshan smiled and said, "There is a sentence that I like very much. It says, why are my eyes full of tears? Because I love this land so deeply."

"I hope , all of us love this land that nurtured us, and we love this nation that inherited us and was inherited by us. "

Pa pa pa!

Everyone couldn't help but applaud.

The audience also applauded for a long time."Martial Ancestor, I will work hard to practice, I will become stronger, and I will protect my country and my nation." The young man stood up.

"Me too." Another young man also stood up.

The young man laughed loudly. : "Now, let's officially start the discussion of martial arts. Let me see what you have achieved."

After that, the martial arts performance began.

One by one.

Cui Dongshan fought with them, communicated with them, and gave them instructions.

Today's Cui Dongshan has long passed the most basic stage of martial arts accumulation.

His martial arts cultivation has turned into the spirit of martial arts. Any technique has loopholes in front of him.

Therefore, Cui Dongshan's guidance goes straight to the essence.

Even the old man , a strong old martial arts master like a middle-aged man can also gain something under Cui Dongshan's guidance.

The discussion of martial arts lasted for two hours.

When everyone was still not satisfied.

Cui Dongshan said: "Next, I will practice some secrets created in the Yuanshen realm for the new martial arts warriors who have reached the Zhenqi Daogong realm and provide you with some ideas."

"Old martial arts warriors above the Martial God can also Take a look at it. After all, although Wuhun and Yuanshen are two different paths, they can both be used as references. "

Hearing this, countless people were excited.

Martial Ancestor, you can actually practice the secret method of Yuanshen realm! This is really great.

Especially those new martial arts warriors who have reached the Dao Palace and condensed the seeds of the Yuan Shen, their eyes are shining.

After that, the ten selected people withdrew.

Even Zhao Xinru left. Cui Dongshan said: "The first secret method I practiced is the soul skill, the wrath of the fire god, with the heart of the Tushita Palace

Heart fire is the foundation. "

As he spoke, a 100-foot-tall phantom of the God appeared behind Cui Dongshan's body, ferocious and majestic.

Accompanied by Cui Dongshan's push with both hands.

The next moment, the 100-foot-tall phantom of the God leaped forward, shrouded in a red light.

At this time, Cui Dongshan's voice sounded: "Fire God's Wrath, a close combat soul skill, can burst out a high flux of nearly 10,000 degrees, and it is extremely yang and strong. Generally, a fourteenth-level beast cannot withstand its scorching and can be burned into slag in an instant. "

"If it is used against alien demons, the lethality can even be improved by one level. "

Cui Dongshan was talking about close combat.

But the red light flashed, and the coverage area was also a thousand meters.

Although the burst of red light lasted only a short second.

But this vaccine can determine the outcome.

This soul skill is very awesome. Many new martial arts warriors are looking forward to it.

At this time, Cui Dongshan's moves changed, and the phantom of the Hundred-foot God disappeared, but there were several water vapors lingering, spreading around, covering several kilometers around.

These water vapor changes are invisible and looming.

The next moment, in the water vapor, several water lights rushed into the sky, forming a series of light pillars, intertwining and entangled with each other. After a while, they turned into cages formed by water vapor.

Cui Dongshan also explained: "This is a soul skill, the Tianshui Cage."

"The greatest use of this soul skill is to trap. "

"Once you are trapped in it, it is difficult to break out, because water has no fixed shape. When facing an attack, you can bypass it directly, but you can trap beasts and monsters in it, unless the circulation node of the water vapor can be interrupted in an instant, causing the water prison to collapse."

"In addition, the power of this Tianshui cage in the watery land can be increased by three times. If it can be used in the sea, the water vapor can communicate with the ocean water vapor to form an endless source of power. You can even use this method to trap strong people who are three levels beyond your own and keep the sea forever. "

Looking at the endless water vapor, the shape kept changing, and even Cui Dongshan simulated a beast in it, attacking everywhere.

But the beast's attack fell on the water vapor column of the water prison, but it penetrated through, and was even driven by the water circulation and turned into a part of the water prison.

And the beast was trapped in it, and it couldn't get out of the water prison no matter what.

This made many warriors look strange and shocked.

Is this the soul skill?

It's really amazing.

In the wilderness, in the catastrophe There are many waters, lakes, and oceans in the world.

If you use it in them, you can suppress the beasts and monsters.

Tsk tsk, how desperate those beasts and monsters must be!

At this time, the water vapor in the sky suddenly disappeared.

Only Cui Dongshan was left in the entire martial arts field.

He stood quietly without any movement.

But everyone held their breath and felt that Cui Dongshan was going to go big.

At this time, Cui Dongshan said: "Now it is the third soul skill I have developed, and it is also my strongest soul skill. Its name is Destroying the God."

"This move is the pinnacle of my martial arts, and it is also the strongest move I created after achieving the soul realm. This move needs to be matched with weapons."

"Just watch it. "

Cui Dongshan suddenly opened his mouth, and the next moment, the Fengming Spear flew out of his mouth, turning into a golden light, and instantly shot out, turning into a hundred-foot-long phoenix, golden, gorgeous and noble, with a cry, showing the demeanor of a king.

This hundred-foot-long golden phoenix, with its wings flying, is extremely fast, and it can travel dozens of kilometers in the blink of an eye, and then it turns into a Fengming Spear again, piercing the air with one shot, and then the void is pierced, and spider-web-like cracks appear.

Everyone was stunned.

At this time, Cui Dongshan's voice sounded: "This is the martial arts power that can be exploded after the divine weapon is nurtured and combined with the Yuanshen. This shot of mine has been nurtured for twenty years, and it is unstoppable below the sixteenth level. "

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