After a brief look at the horrors of the two worlds, Cui Dongshan began to select the space node. This is the most critical step. Once a space node is selected, it will form a stable channel with Daxia. At that time, as long as people are arranged to operate beside the channel, everyone can be sent to the other node in batches. If the choice is not good, the node on the opposite side hides a great terror, or there are no special resources within a million miles around, this node will be useless. There are only six nodes in the whole Daxia, and none of them can be lost. Therefore, Cui Dongshan chose very carefully. Observe slowly. Don't choose a place with a terrifying alien demon lord within a million miles. Don't choose a place that looks very barren. Don't choose the place that feels wrong.

After picking and choosing.

Cui Dongshan finally chose three areas.

After repeated consideration and even observation for five days, he made a decision to aim the anchor channel at the Cataclysm World, an area that seemed like an abyss.

This area should also be a polluted world, and then merged into the entire Cataclysm World and became a part of it.

However, after the merger, this world is not flush with the Cataclysm World, but sunken, and the height difference with the normal Cataclysm World is more than seven or eight thousand meters.

But in this huge area stretching for billions of miles, there are also various terrifying alien demon lords.

But relatively speaking, the alien demon lords in this area are much weaker than those in other areas. On the whole, it is very suitable for the human race to slowly test and become stronger, or even to develop and grow.

After making a choice.

Cui Dongshan chose a relatively hidden corner in this area, even a valley in a valley, an environment with a radius of more than 100 miles and surrounded by mountains on all sides.

There are only some low-level beasts and demons wandering around here, and they don't even have wisdom. They are like zombies and can be easily wiped out.

Then Daxia can build a base here, and use it as a point to expand in all directions.

This is much better than the edge area where the two worlds meet.

This is the essence of the Cataclysm world, and the resources obtained are at least ten times more than the edge of the connection.

Construct the channel again, this time more carefully, it took half a month.

After the channel is completed.

Cui Dongshan took the lead in trying it himself, passing back and forth, and then carefully inspected the surrounding thousands of miles, swept for several days, and determined that the degree of danger here was within the tolerance range of Daxia warriors, so he felt at ease.

This is the maximum extent he has done.

When the channel is opened in the future, exploring further, he will inevitably encounter the terrifying demon lord.

At that time, life and death are determined by fate, and wealth is in the hands of God.

If you win, you can get enough resources and become stronger.

If you fail, you will be the pioneer hero of the human race.

Cui Dongshan would not deliberately help with this.

Otherwise, wouldn't he become a nanny?

If a nation wants to gain a foothold in the heavens and the worlds, the last thing it can have is a nanny.

After perfecting everything.

Cui Dongshan came out of the Great Rift Valley.

This place has been strictly protected, the army has been dispatched, and the warriors have cooperated.

An old man with the rank of general and an old man in a Zhongshan suit met Cui Dongshan.

"Hello, Wu Zu, I have always heard your legend, but this is the first time I meet you. I am really guilty." The old man in the Zhongshan suit smiled and stretched out his hand.

Cui Dongshan shook hands with him and said with a smile: "We are all comrades fighting on different fronts for Daxia and the human race. It is enough for us to know each other."

The old man in the Zhongshan suit sighed: "Daxia is honored to have you."

The old general couldn't wait to ask: "Martial Ancestor, how is your time and space channel?"

Cui Dongshan smiled and said: "Successful."

"Really?" The old general was so excited that his face turned red.

Cui Dongshan explained the positioning of his time and space anchor point.

The old man in the Zhongshan suit and the old general nodded in agreement.

Martial Ancestor considered the far-reaching development of the human race.

And Daxia actually did a good job in this regard.

Outside the gate of hell, there are few strong people accompanying and protecting, unless they are some geniuses who have not yet grown up, they will get some care. Others are left to fend for themselves. If you can rise, it is considered your ability and you will be treated in accordance with your current status.

After a brief conversation, Cui Dongshan said: "Then here

It's up to Daxia. How to choose, how to develop, how to hunt, these things, Daxia officials, as well as civilian teams, are more experienced than me. "

"I'm going to develop other channels now. There are only six channels that can be developed in the whole Daxia. Each one is very important. I must not only create more anchor points with the wilderness and the Cataclysm world, but also prepare an anchor point for retreat. As the human race of Daxia, once we can't withstand the attack of the alien demons, we can keep a part of the fire for our human race."

"This must be done. Even if we are sure that we can survive, there are still countless years of getting along in the future. The most powerful beasts in the wilderness and the most terrifying alien demons in the Cataclysm world, each of them has the power to easily destroy Daxia. They are all potential and biggest threats and must be guarded against. "

The two old men recognized Cui Dongshan's sense of crisis, and then let him go ahead and do it. Daxia would cover him.

So, in the next half a year.

Cui Dongshan was basically busy constructing various channels.

The six on Daxia's side were all constructed.

Two lead to the Cataclysm World, both of which were carefully selected areas.

Two lead to the Wild World.

One of them is not far from the Iron Blade Gorge, which is very suitable for creating cooperation between the tribes of the two worlds.

The second one leads to the deepest part of the Wild World, an island in a lake that is as boundless as the sea.

This island is a deserted island, without any living creatures.

But in the lake, there are various aquatic beasts, and the one who dominates here is the dragon clan.

Cui Dongshan The reason for choosing this place is that he has some friendship with the dragon clan. After being infected with the dragon clan's aura, it will be easier for the human race to gain a foothold here.

Moreover, in the deep wilderness, the area ruled by powerful clans has more exaggerated spiritual energy, and the effect of practicing here is better.

However, this passage is not suitable for large-scale entry for the time being. It can only be used as a place for breakthroughs or a place for strong people to practice in seclusion.

Cui Dongshan also tried it.

The spiritual energy is rich and almost forms clouds and mist.

The benefits for ordinary warriors do not seem to be obvious.

But Cui Dongshan felt the great benefits to the soul, and he almost did not want to leave.

Then Cui Dongshan was satisfied.

In this way.

In the future, when practicing in seclusion, you can go through Daxia, and the soul can enter the depths of the wilderness to practice hard and nourish. Yuanshen, there are many benefits.

The fifth channel, Cui Dongshan also located the wilderness, but it was the most remote area in the boundless sea of ​​the wilderness, in the direction of an archipelago.

Those archipelagos, some thousands of kilometers long, some a few kilometers long, densely packed, tens of thousands.

There are also various ferocious beasts lurking on it.

The reason for choosing this place is that Cui Dongshan is sure that no matter how terrifying the alien demons are, they can't rule the wilderness.

Nothing else to say.

Just one point, the wilderness is one of the fragments of the ancient land of Taichu.

Countless powerful people were born here.

The powerful people who are secretly spying will definitely not allow the wilderness to become part of the world of the catastrophe.

Therefore, the wilderness is safe, but it is better to choose a remote area as a retreat, so that it is more convenient for the future human seeds to survive and develop

Of course, if possible, Cui Dongshan would rather waste such a channel than let the human race face an irreversible situation.

As for the sixth space node, it will be temporarily reserved.

After waiting for himself to become stronger in the future and have a deeper understanding of the secret art of virtual crossing, then this space node can be used to communicate with other higher worlds and become a channel for the human race to explore the outside world.

All arrangements are in order.

Cui Dongshan does not care about the development of details, which is the responsibility of the government and the self-consciousness and efforts needed by hundreds of millions of people.

He is only responsible for the general direction, steering the steering wheel, ensuring that the human race does not go astray and can move forward all the way, which is enough.

Otherwise, the lessons of the past are vivid in his mind.

He knows too well how Zhuge Liang died.

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