The doctor was so angry that he was in a coma.

When the lion tribe leader Youyou woke up, his face changed instantly, and he jumped up subconsciously with a vigilant expression.

As a superior, the most feared thing is to lose control.

Even before coming, he had already understood the treatment rules of this doctor.

But the coma was too quick, and he couldn't react in time.

This shows that he has no power to resist in front of the doctor, which makes him shocked and angry, and very uneasy.

"Haha, the king is awake, don't worry, your hidden injuries are all cured, and I want to congratulate the king." Cui Dongshan's voice came over.

The chief of the lion tribe looked over and saw that he was studying the skeletons and claws of the ancient demon god Qingshi that the chief of the lion tribe had sent.

Hearing this, the chief of the lion tribe subconsciously checked his own situation first.

After checking, a bright light appeared in the eyes of the chief of the lion tribe.

All the hidden injuries left over from years of fighting disappeared completely, not a single one was left.

Even those injuries to the bones and meridians were intact.

In addition.

The chief of the lion tribe found that his blood inheritance seemed to have been opened up even more.

It was like a gap in a river was dug twice as wide, and the power from the blood was more compatible with the body.

He just slept for a while, and after waking up, his own rank was greatly improved.

At this moment, he had a strong feeling that his way to advance to the seventeenth rank was opened up again.

This was simply unimaginable.

You have to know that before, his blood was not open enough, he was injured, and his cultivation began to slow down.

According to previous calculations, it would be difficult for him to break through the sixteenth level in this life. Although his life span was still long, his future was cut off.

However, now, he hoped to be reborn, so he didn't know what to say for a while.

He just looked at Cui Dongshan with gratitude and shock.

No matter how negative emotions are, they can't cover up the gratitude in his heart.

Just like a reckless, life-trampling, lawless and vicious person, there are also grateful people, and they will thank others for their sincere help.

"Thank you, doctor." The chief of the lion tribe directly expressed his gratitude with the highest etiquette of the lion tribe.

Cui Dongshan smiled and stepped forward, supporting the chief of the Lion-Man tribe, saying: "First of all, I am a doctor, and my duty is to cure diseases and save lives. Secondly, you also gave me a lot of good things. You see, I like these remains of demon gods very much. This is a transaction, so don't be so polite."

His tone was gentle, and his smile made people feel like spring breeze.

The chief of the Lion-Man tribe suddenly felt a little guilty.

There are so many people in the world who have received the doctor's favor, and there are countless legends about him.

However, I still have a little doubt.

It's really a loss of face for the chief of the Lion-Man tribe.

No, I must send some treasured remains of demon gods.

Compared to my future, those external things are not important at all.

After all, there are too many of these things in the world.

In ancient times, various demon gods fought for supremacy, and many demon gods existed in the form of tribes.

Later, the demon gods were destroyed, and the remains left behind were piled up like mountains.

All tribes have taken them in, but they are of little use.

Using useless things to exchange for what they need, is there a better deal than this?

"Doctor, you are really a god. From now on, you will be a friend of our lion tribe. If you need anything, just ask. We lion tribe will definitely help you." The chief of the lion tribe said firmly.

Cui Dongshan said with a smile: "I am kind to others and never fight. It is better not to trouble you. However, my people may travel around the world in the future. Like me, they do not like fighting. They prefer peace and enjoy a good life."

"If they come to the Lion Clan in the future, please help them."

The Lion Clan Chief said decisively: "Of course there is no problem."

After that, the Lion Clan Chief asked expectantly: "Doctor, are all your people doctors?"

Cui Dongshan said with a smile: "Not all of them. Some are good at medical treatment, some like business, and some like various research. In short, my people like a variety of things. I believe that after the Lion Heart Kingdom contacts them in the future, they will find their goodness."

Cui Dongshan has planned to connect this world with Daxia in the future and build a channel.

In the future, countless human races will enter this world to obtain various resources here.


Say hello in front, and it will also be convenient for the future Daxia people to move around here.

"Hahahaha, then it's done. My lion people are the most hospitable, because we inherit the legacy of the three saints of the demon gods. Our bloodline source, the three saints, are also very hospitable demon gods, and they are famous in ancient times." The chief of the lion people vowed.

Cui Dongshan naturally echoed a few words and expressed his admiration and praise.

After a few pleasantries, the chief of the lion people hurried away.

He now urgently wants to go back, consolidate his current rank, and check his body.

As soon as he leaves.

Luo Xing jumped out and sat on Cui Dongshan's shoulders, hugging his hands, kicking his feet, and said in his mouth: "He was sold and helped count the money. I'm talking about him."

Cui Dongshan said: "Not really, after all, he also got what he wanted. A transaction that both parties are satisfied with is fair."

Luo Xing glanced at Cui Dongshan and ignored him.

This kid is getting more and more shameless.

"Okay, please invite the next one." Cui Dongshan continued.

Luo Xing added in his heart: "Victim."

After a while, the leader of the werewolf tribe came in.

After all, the first batch, these big guys all want to experience it.

In fact, the werewolf tribe is not ranked second, he has been watching outside.

Seeing the lion tribe leader leave happily, he felt the change in the lion tribe leader's aura, and he couldn't resist the temptation, so he cut in line.

After all, this is the second strongest man in the Lion Heart Country, also sixteenth level, only half a chip weaker than the lion tribe leader.

Naturally, no one dared to object to his cutting in line.

But the wolf tribe leader's cutting in line made the eyes of the strong men of various tribes in line even hotter.

They are like those leeks who were fooled by experts in 2024 and waved money to break into the stock market, moths to the fire, fearless and unafraid of death.

Cui Dongshan saw the werewolf chief who came in and the large bag of demon god relics he brought with him, and a kind smile appeared on his face.

"Brother, what's your surname?"

The werewolf chief said: "Werewolf, Yaohe."

"Oh? Surname Yao? One of the eight ancient surnames!" Cui Dongshan was a little surprised.

I thought the werewolf tribe's inheritance was mainly the ancient wolf god, combined with human women, to form this tribe.

Now it seems that this is the offspring of the wolf god who was fucked by my human race.

The ancient human race, awesome!

The werewolf chief said proudly: "So, our werewolf tribe and the doctor are close relatives, and the lion people are at most cousins."

After hearing this, Cui Dongshan couldn't refute it for a while.

Because this world not only has various demon god descendants, but also pure human race, mainly with the eight surnames, but now there are very few of them, and the demon god descendants with strong natural strength are the mainstream.

But the human race is also half of the blood of the demon god's descendants.

Cui Dongshan's current appearance is that of a pure human race.

Therefore, the werewolves are right to recognize their relatives from the perspective of the human race.

Cui Dongshan smiled and said, "Since we are closer, I will definitely help Brother Yao heal his body and help you improve your bloodline. When the werewolves become stronger in the future, they will also take care of the human race."

The leader of the werewolf tribe decisively stated: "I, Yao He, swear to the demon god that in the future, if my werewolf tribe encounters a human race, I will definitely protect them. If I can't do it, let my werewolf tribe be exterminated."

What a straightforward answer.

Cui Dongshan was very satisfied, and then let Luo Xing knock him out.

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