The idea of ​​mobilizing the powerful people of all races in the entire Shang world became stronger and stronger.

In fact, it felt that the success rate was very high.

Cui Dongshan was excited, but he could only suppress it.

You have to eat one bite at a time, don't be in a hurry.

Back to the courtyard.

Cui Dongshan introduced the identity of the Golden Winged Dapeng to the Iron-Headed Tiger King and others he brought.

For a while, the demon gods and fierce beasts complimented each other, and the atmosphere was harmonious.

Even the ancient golden eagle heard that a descendant of the demon god of the Golden Winged Dapeng had come, and he came out of seclusion and praised the Golden Winged Dapeng.

After all, this Golden Winged Dapeng is also a seventeenth-level, belonging to the top powerhouses in the Shang world.

The Golden-winged Dapeng was also quite curious about the ancient golden eagle, who had lost one wing but was still alive and kicking, and even reached the sixteenth level.

The two were of the same species and origin.

For a while, they chatted enthusiastically.

Cui Dongshan was happy to see this happen.

As long as the relationship was handled well, all plans in the future would be logical.

After that, Cui Dongshan once again entered the state of treating various patients in the Lion Heart Kingdom.

An experiment.

Although the Starlight Arrow was not launched.

But overall, there were many insights.

For example, the size of the Dharma image is currently the most suitable for a hundred feet, and two hundred feet is also OK, but the power will be weakened a lot.

This requires Cui Dongshan to continue to strengthen the power of the divine bones.

In addition, there is still room for further strengthening of various secret techniques that assist the Dharma image.

Although the several ethnic groups in the Lion Heart Kingdom are all descendants of ordinary demon gods.

But a mosquito is also meat, and a little accumulation makes a lot, and a lot of quantity leads to qualitative change.

It is an extremely good period of rapid progress, so Cui Dongshan naturally has to cherish the opportunity.

Time passed slowly.

In a blink of an eye, another year has passed.

At this time, the entire Lionheart Kingdom, as well as the strong men from the various demon god descendants from other surrounding territories, all accepted Cui Dongshan's treatment and blood stimulation.

For a time, the doctor's reputation was unparalleled within tens of thousands of miles, and any tribe, even if they had deep evil thoughts, did not dare to have evil thoughts towards Cui Dongshan.

This day.

Cui Dongshan found the Golden Winged Dapeng, who had become a buddy with the ancient golden eagle, and often drank and played together.

"Daoyou, we can set off."

The Golden Winged Dapeng was a little confused for a while.

Set off, what set off?

Then He reacted.

He came here to invite Cui Dongshan to the tribe's blessed land to see the inner elixir injury of his elders.

As a result, they had so much fun that they almost forgot about the business.

He hurriedly said, "Ah, OK, OK, you can go anytime."

Cui Dongshan smiled and said, "It just so happens that I also want to go to the noble land to communicate with the patriarchs of your demon gods, fierce beasts, and spirits. I have an elder who is good at solving this weird problem. Moreover, I can also help to activate the sun of this world with the soul of the Golden Crow and restore the normal rules. At that time, the Great Shang world will also return to normal, and all of you demon gods, fierce beasts, and spirits can go out and walk normally."

The Golden-winged Peng bird was surprised and said, "Really?"

Cui Dongshan said, "How could I cheat on such a thing? Moreover, my elders have a business deal, and perhaps all the tribes will be interested."

The Golden-winged Peng bird looked at Cui Dongshan curiously.

Cui Dongshan did not say anything, leaving a suspense first to make them curious.

The Golden-winged Peng bird was speechless.

Why are you still talking halfway?

But fortunately, I can understand it when I go back, and I don’t care about this moment.

Two days later.

Cui Dongshan and his party set off.

Although the leaders of various tribes in Lionheart Country were very sorry, they did not stop them.

After all, Doctor, you are going to the blessed land.

The Golden Winged Dapeng is the descendant of the source of the three holy demon gods.

Speaking of which, they have a friendly relationship with their lion-man tribe for generations.

They are not weak, they are very fast, and it is easy to travel a million miles a day.

Under the leadership of the Golden Winged Dapeng.

In less than half a month.

They came to a mountain range.

Compared with the broken land outside, this mountain range is indeed much more intact, and there are green grass and trees, but there are no living creatures.

Obviously, ordinary creatures will be affected and the environment will be destroyed.

The blessed land of the Golden Winged Dapeng is here, and of course it will not allow other tribes to destroy the area where they live. For the various creatures affected, they will either kill or expel them.

This is the consciousness and rules of territory protection, regardless of good or evil.

Entering the mountains, crossing thousands of

Lishanling, finally, under the guidance of the Golden Winged Peng Bird, entered a valley.

This valley has a barrier like water ripples.

After passing through the barrier, there is a new scene inside.

The clouds are filled with mist, exotic flowers and plants, and various creatures live in it. In the sky, there are occasionally Golden Winged Peng or other birds flying by, a peaceful scene.

When they arrived here, the Golden Winged Peng Bird explained: "Our blessed land is a great power in the clan. With the power of the nineteenth level, combined with the wonders of heaven and earth, it imprisoned a mountain range and transformed it into a blessed land. This is not a real blessed land. The spiritual energy between heaven and earth brews very slowly. We dare not use it indiscriminately during our daily practice, so we dare not protect too many other creatures. We can only protect a few friendly tribes."

Cui Dongshan smiled and said: "This is already a great kindness. The Golden Winged Peng is worthy of the inheritance of the three saints of the demon clan."

Hearing Cui Dongshan's praise, the Golden Winged Peng Bird was very satisfied.

After nearly a year of getting along, he thought he had understood Cui Dongshan and a group of fierce beasts very well, especially the ancient golden eagle, which was particularly to his taste, and they had almost become close friends.

Cui Dongshan's praise was the recognition of a friend, how could he not be satisfied?

Not long after.

The golden-winged Roc brought Cui Dongshan and his party to the outside of a mountain forest.

When they arrived here, they could vaguely see that there were many buildings in the mountain forest, all of which were nests, tree houses and other strange things.

You could also see more golden-winged Rocs.

But if you look closely, there are not many, in fact, at a glance, there are only a hundred or so.

In the human race, there are not as many people as a village.

But this is understandable.

After all, it is the pure blood of the ancient demon god, a higher creature among higher creatures.

Even if there is no strength of a supreme being above the 20th level at present.

But the bloodline foundation is here, so the fertility is very low. It is a dream to want to get thousands or tens of thousands of golden-winged Rocs.

Unlike the winged people, who are the collateral bloodline of the human race, they can have a large family in one lifetime and build a winged tribe or even a small country in thousands of years.

At this time, several men and women wearing feathered clothes came over, some of them were old men and old ladies, each with dignity.

After approaching, one of the old ladies spoke first, smiling and said, "Doctor, I am sorry for not welcoming you from afar."

Lu Bin introduced in a low voice.

This old lady is actually the head of the Golden Winged Dapeng Bird Clan.

Take a quick look.

Cui Dongshan hurriedly saluted and said, "Junior Cui Dongshan, I greet you, senior, you are too polite. It is my honor to be able to visit the blessed land of the Golden Winged Dapeng Clan."

The old lady smiled more kindly.

The kingly majesty in her face became much gentler.

"Doctor, are we talking inside?"

"Senior, just call me Dongshan."

"Then I will be a little generous and call you Dongshan. You can also call me Grandma."

"Okay, Grandma." Cui Dongshan readily agreed.

"Hahaha, okay, okay, I said, I felt close to you as soon as I saw you, it turns out that we are destined to have this good relationship."

"Me too, as soon as I saw you, I felt like I saw my grandma."

A few simple words, the closer they were.

Even when they walked, Cui Dongshan stepped forward and supported the old lady, just like a grandmother and granddaughter.

At this moment, even the Iron-headed Tiger King and his group of fierce beasts brought by Cui Dongshan, as well as several other golden-winged rocs, were stunned.

Both sides felt that they didn't recognize their leaders.

This development was too fast.

Wait until Cui Dongshan and the old lady walked away.

Lu Bin then stopped the ancient golden eagle following behind him and said, "Your junior brother, you are too charming, right? Our Tianmeng clan leader is a blessed land person, there is nothing he is not afraid of."

"In the other thirty-eight blessed lands, they are all famous, how could he get close so quickly?"

The ancient golden eagle glanced at Lu Bin and said, "Do you think it was done with one hand? Both sides want to get to this point. We are not at their level, so we can't understand it, but my junior brother is also a great man of his generation. He and your clan leader are definitely the same kind of people, so they can get together with just a few words and a few glances."

Lu Bin said disdainfully, "What do you mean by getting together? That's really ugly."

"Then, get together?"

Lu Bin: "..."

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