The first time, the last time, the last time.


At this moment.

The newly born Weird Clan was like a mouse that saw a cat, and its hair stood on end.

However, under the pressure of the ancient god.

He had no power to resist, and was pulled by a terrifying force, flying straight into the huge eye.

At this moment, his despair was beyond imagination.

If he had known this, he would not have tried so hard to be born.

Unfortunately, the newly born Weird Clan has not learned to curse, otherwise, a word of "Fuck" would definitely be indispensable.

The process was quick and there were no accidents.

The little Weird Clan rushed to true love.

The weak new Wei clan, like a moth to a flame, fell into the huge eye, like a raindrop falling into the sea, and merged into one.

Then, through this new Wei clan, the strange power of the entire Great Shang world, which was entangled with the rules, was forcibly drawn out and flew into the eye.

About three or five breaths.

The strange power of the Great Shang world disappeared.

And a look of satisfaction appeared in the huge eye.

This bite really replenished it, and it was very satisfying.

Then, the huge black curtain quickly converged, and the outer starry sky appeared again.

And the black curtain whizzed back to the Tushita Palace of Cui Dongshan's Five Elements Taoist Palace.

There was not even an eighteenth level present.

Naturally, they could not discover the actions of the Eye of All Things.

They only felt a flash in front of their eyes, and then they found that the black surrounding the bright moon in the sky disappeared, and it looked the same as the bright moon a long time ago.

"Okay, my elders have taken action, and now the strange power of the entire Great Shang world has been eliminated. If you elders don't believe it, you can go and check it out. I believe..."

Before Cui Dongshan finished speaking.

Several descendants of the demon god and transformed beasts could not hold back and flew into the sky.

After a while, a descendant of the demon god came back. It was Cang Tian Baihe. His face was flushed. I don't know if he drank too much or was too excited.

"It's gone. The strange power of the whole world is gone. This senior is so powerful. In the blink of an eye, he solved the strangeness of a world, reversed the rules, and restored it to normal! What rank is this!"

Cui Dongshan smiled: "My elders, it's inconvenient to explain in detail."

The man of the Cangtian White Crane tribe looked at Cui Dongshan and said seriously: "From now on, the descendants of the Cangtian White Crane lineage will respect you."

Cui Dongshan smiled: "Compared to me, I hope you will abide by the rules of the Dongshan Association."

"Under the rules, all beings are equal. You cannot infringe on the interests of others, but your interests are also protected by the rules. This is my original intention."

The man of the Cangtian White Crane tribe just saluted to show his conviction.

Soon, the other descendants of the demon gods and the transformed beasts also came back. They were overjoyed and expressed their conviction to Cui Dongshan.

At this moment, Cui Dongshan, who showed a terrifying backing, had no doubts in the hearts of all the bigwigs of various tribes.

This is still a fart of doubt.

Such a terrifying backer, want to kill them, it's just a casual thing, why waste time.

So, Cui Dongshan is absolutely sincere in cooperation.

If he can be sincere, why can't we?

Afterwards, there was a three-day banquet, and all the leaders of the tribes were drunk, and then many of them hugged each other and cried bitterly.

The days of hiding in the blessed land are like being in prison. How many years have passed, how many years have passed!

Unexpectedly, suddenly, I saw the light of day again. This feeling, this emotion, can't be suppressed at all.

Half a month later.

Tianfeng Mountains.

This is the first mountain range in the Dashang world, and Tianfeng is also the highest peak.

This is also the blessed land and territory of the Cangtian White Crane Clan.

After reaching a cooperation, it is necessary to build a channel in the Dashang world.

And there is a node in this Tianfeng Mountains.

The Cangtian White Crane Clan, without hesitation, contributed the area of ​​10,000 miles around this node to Cui Dongshan as a branch and channel point of the Dongshan Club in the other world.

Cui Dongshan performed the Void Crossing Secret Technique and directly opened up the Tianfeng Mountain node and a node in the Wild World's Arakawa Waters.

The mermaid demon tribe in the Arakawa Waters is now one of the core tribes of the Dongshan Society, and the Arakawa Waters has naturally become one of the territories of the Dongshan Society.

It just so happened that the channel node here was not far from an island with a radius of 100 miles. This island could just be used as a transit station.

After opening the channel, Cui Dongshan disappeared directly, and when he appeared again, he arrived at the Arakawa Waters in the Wild World.

There was a lot of water everywhere, rippling, stretching endlessly, and the sky and water were connected in all directions. Only a few dozen miles away, there was

An island, a deserted island.

On the island, there are some weak aquatic animals living.

Cui Dongshan directly opened the water shield pattern and began to call the mermaid demon tribe.

After a while, a team of seven mermaid demon tribe members emerged from the water. After seeing Cui Dongshan, they hurried forward to salute.

"Greetings to the president."

Cui Dongshan said: "You go and clean up that deserted island. The creatures on it will migrate to other places. Remember to compensate them according to the compensation standards of Dongshan Association."


"In addition, go to notify the headquarters and ask the human race to send a construction team to come here through the teleportation array to develop and build the deserted island. In the future, this place will also be divided into a defense stronghold. The mermaid demon tribe is a tribe here. This defense task will be handed over to you. The treatment will be in accordance with the standards of the association."


This time, the voices of the mermaid demon tribe team were much louder, and their voices were full of surprise.

Dongshan Association has many benefits and benefits, covering all aspects.

Among them, the mission of defending the important place is one of the best.

Never expected it.

For the Dongshan Club headquarters, it is actually a good thing to encounter such a good thing one day in the Arakawa Waterslide outside the suburbs.

But think about it carefully.

Several mermaid monsters looked at Cui Dongshan with ambiguous eyes.

After all, the mermaid monster king is now Cui Dongshan's secretary. Is this a pillow talk?

My king is awesome.

The mermaid monster tribe is going to rise.

After arranging a few things.

Cui Dongshan left directly and returned to the Great Business World again to start maintenance and planning of the channel.

This is for the big guys of the thirty-nine blessed land tribes to see.

It is natural to charge fees at that time.

These days, what kind of business can be as convenient and stable as setting up checkpoints on the road, a business without capital, and a profit of ten thousand.

After a busy day.

Cui Dongshan gathered all the big guys in the blessed land and said directly: "The passage has been completed. Next, what you have to do is to recover as soon as possible, form a team, and train cooperation. Of course, you can also go there first to experience it and accumulate experience, because the alien demons in the Cataclysm world are too slow to attack. If you go one day later, you will gain less divinity."

Hearing this, all the big guys were a little restless.

They have long been eager to hear Cui Dongshan talk about divinity.

"However, you can also use me to improve your rank first, and at the same time, I can help you adjust your body. After all, you seniors should all know my reputation as a doctor."

Hearing this, the man of the Cangtian White Crane clan said: "Use the remains of our clan in exchange for the opportunity to adjust and improve?"

Cui Dongshan said: "If the seniors feel it is not appropriate, it doesn't matter."

"That's fine, but can we also improve quickly at this level?"

Cui Dongshan said: "Yes, but the amount of improvement depends on the degree of your bloodline. In addition, I am best at adjusting the body and repairing hidden injuries, so that the seniors will have fewer worries when they go to the Cataclysm world."

Hearing this, Cangtian White Crane said decisively: "Then I will be the first one to come."

Cui Dongshan smiled and said: "Don't worry, seniors, I promise not to let you down."


At the foot of Tianfeng Mountain, in a simple wooden pile building.

The man of the Cangtian White Crane clan lay unconscious.

Cui Dongshan is studying him, with an obsessed look on his face.

His bloodline is so pure!

And it contains three relatively complete secrets.

Flying, sound, and clairvoyance.

Flying is very common and has a slight effect.

But sound is very special. When integrated into the Yuanshen Dharma, it can also breed some mysteries.

What Cui Dongshan likes most is the secret of clairvoyance.

The blue sky white crane flies thousands of miles, but it can lock onto the target on the ground during rapid flight. This is the bloodline secret of their clan, which is incomparable even to the divine beasts like the Golden Winged Dapeng and the Vermillion Peacock.

Cui Dongshan borrowed and copied it, integrated it into the Yuanshen, and gave his Yuanshen a similar ability to clairvoyance. This benefit is too great, and it is very advantageous in battle.

A blue sky white crane has gained such a great benefit.

What about the descendants of the demon gods, the transformed beasts, and the spirit race in the thirty-seven blessed lands?

Cui Dongshan felt full of happiness when he thought of this.

This is really a paradise for learning.

Please give me a five-star review. I am still 0.3 points away from nine points. I will continue to write. There is still one chapter in the evening. Please encourage me.

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