The sky is full of trees, and the sky is full of trees.

The Skyfire Mountains.

A mountain range that stretches over three million miles.

Although it is called the Skyfire, most of the area is actually covered with dense forests.

Only a part of tens of thousands of miles is a bare volcano.

However, this volcano was not formed naturally, but was formed by a sky fireball that fell to the ground a long time ago. After that, this area began to become barren, and then hot fire was generated between the peaks.

Later, this place was occupied by the Firebird Clan. Unexpectedly, it was a natural fit, which improved their bloodline and strengthened the strength of the clan.

After millions of years of development, the Firebird Clan came from behind and defeated several powerful beast clans, becoming one of the Ten Fierce Beasts in the Ten Fierce Domains.

It has continued till now.

The Firebird Clan is stronger than before.

There are rumors that.

The Firebird Clan discovered the secret of the falling of the sky fire, but now the Firebird Clan is so powerful that even if it is coveted by others, it dare not easily provoke it.

Because the Firebird Clan has more than twenty sixteenth-level and one seventeenth-level.

This is almost catching up with the strength of the ancient golden eagle clan.

The ancient golden eagle is a descendant of the divine beast and is naturally powerful.

The Firebird Clan is just a side branch of the Suzaku lineage, and it was once just a group of people who were almost the same.


The Firebird Clan, a group of sixteenth-level and seventeenth-level people are discussing the matter of the Dongshan Society together.

The name of the Dongshan Society suddenly broke out, and the Ten Evils are now very vigilant.

Because according to convention.

The birth of a powerful force will challenge one of the Ten Evils, replace its position, and even occupy its clan land.

The Firebirds were not afraid, but were talking about the information they had, combining their knowledge to explore the secrets of the Dongshan Society.

As a race that rose up by relying on the secret of the falling skyfire.

The Firebirds have an instinctive desire to explore all kinds of sudden rises.

This is the instinct of creatures that eat meat and enjoy the deliciousness of meat to eat more meat.

At the beginning, when Long Zhanye appeared, they coveted him so much, and then united together to force Long Zhanye to get his secret method of becoming stronger, and then enhance the strength of the entire Firebird clan.

Now, the Dongshan Society has emerged.

The Firebirds fully believe that the Dongshan Society has also mastered a means to become stronger.

If this method can be obtained by the Firebirds.

Then in the future, will the Firebirds be far away from dominating the entire Ten Evil Regions?

After some discussion.

The current Firebird leader, the 17th-level Fire God, said with a fiery look: "The current situation is very clear."

"But Dongshan is very powerful. We need to do something to make this force fall apart."

"This is very simple. When the strength reaches the 17th level, no one will be willing to surrender and become a younger brother. This is our biggest opportunity."

"That's right. The biggest problem of Dongshan is that they are not a whole tribe, but two thousand internal tribes. The key is that the two thousand tribes are not equal in strength, which is too easy to cause problems." A female firebird spoke meaningfully, seeming to be good at strategy.

"Well, we all know about the Dongshan Society's problems. The only question now is, do we act alone or with other fierce tribes?"

"Let's act alone first. We will try to disintegrate the Dongshan Society. In this way, we will have the upper hand and declare war directly. According to the rules, after the declaration of war, no other tribe is allowed to participate in our battle with the Dongshan Society. Otherwise, we are now in contact with the Suzaku tribe. We will settle accounts and see who dares to disobey."

"In this way, we have captured the man named Cui Dongshan. Haha, all the benefits will belong to our tribe."

A group of firebird beasts, all kinds of discussions, full of greed.

This is not their arrogance.

No matter what kind of creature, when you are at a high level for a long time, you will develop a kind of self-confidence.

Especially, you are strong, your tribe is strong, and you have a strong backer.

Such you, even if you face a strong tribe, you have the courage to confront.

What's more.

Knowing that the Dongshan Society is a force composed of thousands of fierce beast tribes, this is simply a joke.

In the past billions of years in the wilderness, has there ever been a group of people united and able to maintain a long-term power?

Intelligent creatures have complicated minds. Smart people think a lot, want a lot, and then do a lot.

Just here, when the work was in full swing.

Suddenly, a huge stream of light came from the distant sky.

The light was hundreds of feet long and dozens of feet wide. It fell from the sky like a sharp arrow, landing directly on the land of the Firebirds. Then, with a loud bang, the earth trembled, the mountains disappeared, and a terrifying wave spread. I don't know how many Firebirds that lived in the mountains and were absorbing fire energy to practice, collapsed and exploded without resistance, and died inexplicably. The wave was still spreading, and in an instant, it also affected the group of Firebirds who were originally discussing. "Not good, go quickly." The Firebird leader was the first to feel something was wrong. However, the light fell and the power spread, and there was no time to resist. He did not hesitate to fly up first and flew into the air in the blink of an eye. Most of the sixteenth-level Firebirds were hit by the terrifying power and flew backwards. For a time, smoke and dust rolled, and the area within hundreds of miles was in ruins. The Firebirds suffered heavy casualties. "Who is it? Who attacked our tribe!"

When the Firebird leader saw this scene, his eyes turned red, and he trembled with anger, roaring and questioning.

"It was me!"

A voice sounded, and then continued: "But you are wrong, this is not a sneak attack, this is a fair attack, I am so far away, and I shot this arrow, you can't stop it, and you have the nerve to call yourself one of the ten evil?"

Hearing the voice, the Firebird leader looked over and saw a huge figure as high as 180 feet tall, crossing the mountain, approaching in a few steps, and then looking down at him from a high position.

This is Cui Dongshan who is performing the great magical power of the law of heaven and earth.

At this moment.

The Firebird leader, who is dozens of feet in size, feels insignificant under his huge body.

"Who are you? Why? Why did you attack our tribe?" The Firebird leader was stunned for a moment, and asked more angrily.

Cui Dongshan grinned: "Why? Do you still remember the Long Zhanye who was besieged by you?"

"Long Zhanye?"

The Firebird Clan leader was stunned for a moment.

Then his eyes fixed: "The creature who claims to be a human? What is your relationship with him?"

Cui Dongshan said: "He is our teacher."

The Firebird Clan leader's eyes widened immediately, and he was shocked: "So, that human race really has a secret method of becoming stronger?"

"Until now, you are still thinking about the practice of Master Long? Tsk tsk, then I will let you feel the blood and qi power from the human race."

"The blood and qi secret technique, the Great Sun Fire Wheel Slash."

The next moment, a voice sounded above the sky.

Then the ancient golden eagle fell from the sky and arrived in front of the Firebird Clan leader in the blink of an eye. Then, in its claws, two red light wheels that were tens of meters in size rotated at high speed and cut the Firebird Clan leader's body.

The Firebird leader's attention was completely on Cui Dongshan at this time. He never thought that there was another person of the same level hiding beside him and also attacking him.

For a moment, he was hit by the light wheel, and the red light floating on the surface of his body was actually blocked.

But the ancient golden eagle's move was inspired by the human race's cutting machine. The faster the light wheel rotates, the stronger the power.

Therefore, madness appeared in the eyes of the ancient golden eagle. Two rounds of red blood light increased the speed. In an instant, the firebird was hit from the sky to the ground, and then crashed into the ground.

The Firebird leader was shocked and angry, and roared: "Another sneak attack! Do you dare to fight me openly?"

The ancient golden eagle: "Stupid, when you four fierce tribes united to besiege the Dragon Master, why didn't you say that you were shameless?"

The Firebird leader's heart sank.

I'm not afraid of a strong opponent, I'm afraid that the opponent is also shameless.

Then there is no possibility of fooling.

But at this moment, he was completely passive, his whole body was covered by two large sun wheels, and the powerful force held him tightly, leaving him no room for resistance.

The Firebird Clan leader suddenly said: "My clan is the inheritance of the Suzaku bloodline. If you dare to kill me, the Suzaku clan will not let you go."

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