I Can Become a Treasure by Picking Up Garbage

Chapter 101: Teach you the trick

The latest website: "Don't, don't come over, I can warn you!" Upon seeing this, Sun Shanliang directly regarded Xiaomei as a gold medal for avoiding death and dragged it out of the gate.

He was really miserable by the wizard. He thought he would be able to live a prosperous and prosperous life, but he didn't expect that even whether he could survive now would be a problem!

"Quickly let go of Xiaomei."

Lin Hong stared at Sun Shanliang, with disgust in his heart, he had already taken a step back, but this Sun Shanliang was playing a big banner, it was too much to know what was right or wrong!

Sun Shanliang smiled sarcastically on his face: "If I let her go, I won't know how to die!"

He is not stupid, if he really lets go of Xiaomei, then he will be slaughtered.

But in fact, he was just using the heart of a villain to save the abdomen of a gentleman.


Xiao Feng suddenly fired his gun in the sky, and then pointed his gun at Sun Shanliang: "Hurry up and let go of her, otherwise I want you to die!"

The gunshots were loud and spread all around. Sun Shanliang trembled in fright and was at a loss when he heard the gunshots.

"Otherwise, who do you want to die!?"

But suddenly, a loud explosion came from outside.

Many bodyguards in suits and leather shoes came with a man in his 50s and 60s. This man was smoking a cigar, wearing sunglasses, and stubble on his chin.

Lin Hong looked over and frowned, "Who are you again?"

Looking at this person's posture, the background is not small, but I don't know who is helping.

The man smoked his cigar and spit out a few smoke rings: "Who am I? You murderer of my son, don't even know who I am?"

"Kill your son? I have never killed anyone!"

Lin Hong frowned, this man with blank teeth, suddenly slandered himself as a murderer.

Seeing this, the man sneered: "A few days ago, in the county seat, a five-star restaurant, my son's name is...Li Yan!"

He said this, but his face did not reveal too much sadness or anger, as if his son's death was nothing to him.

"That was done by the assassination club, and it has nothing to do with me."

Lin Hong immediately remembered what had happened, shook his head and said.

At that time, it was his first meeting with Greed Wolf, and Li Yan's death was an accident seriously.

Hearing this, the man threw the cigar in his hand into his mouth to chew, and then spit it out into the hand of the bodyguard on the side: "Assassination club? As a shareholder of the assassination club, they will kill my son?"

As he said, he couldn't help laughing, but his smile quickly faded.

The man stared at Lin Hong with a deep gaze: "It's not enough for you to kill one of my sons, so do you want to kill the second one?"

"the second?"

Lin Hong looked at Sun Shanliang, what the man said could only be him.

As for Sun Shanliang, he stared at the old woman beside the man, stunned: "Mom...what the **** is going on?"

"Yes, Mom... did something wrong back then."

The old woman said this, and sighed.

Sun Shanliang couldn't come back for a long time. Xiao Feng's eyes were quick and his hands were quick. Seeing Sun Shanliang was stunned, he quickly stepped forward and grabbed the blade of the folding knife with his hand, grabbed Xiaomei and kicked Sun Shanliang: "Sister, are you okay?"

Although the palm of his hand was tingling, he was more concerned about Xiaomei's condition.

Xiao Mei coughed again and again, she couldn't speak, her face turned blue.

"Take this pill and hide behind me."

Lin Hong put his hand in his arms, took out two recovery pills from the storage ring, and handed them to Xiao Feng.

Although he did it recklessly, he seemed like a man.

Xiao Feng nodded, took the recovery pill, and then hugged Xiaomei and hid behind Lin Hong: "Bad friend, hand it over to you!!"

He has seen Lin Hong's strength, but it can kick people up.

"Don't be so nervous, I don't mean to do it with you."

After turning a glance at Lin Hong and the others, the man walked straight to Sun Shanliang's side, lifted him up on the ground, and swept his clothes with his hand.

Sun Shanliang looked at his mother in confusion, then at the man: "Are you...really my father?"

"Of course, it's a fake replacement."

The man took a cigar out of his pocket and chewed it in his mouth.

Sun Shanliang first covered his head, then ecstatic: "Then I will become a rich young master!?"

In his opinion, this is simply a lottery, and it is a big lottery.

Lin Hong frowned. Now, the entire gate is blocked by these bodyguards inside and outside. If he really fights, he is not afraid, but Xiao Feng and Xiaomei and the others are not a concern.

"Father, these two are going to kill your son!"

Sun Shanliang pointed at Lin Hong and the others, and then ran behind the man.

Xiao Feng frowned, cursing in his mouth: "This bastard!"

He hasn't seen such a cheap breed that recognizes his father so easily. I am afraid that what he cares at all is not whether this person is his own father, but whether he recognizes whether this father has money!

"Oh, poor ghost...Father, you have to be the master of your son."

Sun Shanliang sneered at Xiao Feng, then looked at the man with expectation.

The man laughed without saying a word, and slowly stretched out his hand to pat Sun Shanliang's face: "Be my son, be obedient, otherwise, I don't mind changing to another one."

The foreign debts left by him outside can not be counted by dozens of fingers. When his son dies, it is just commonplace to change one.

When Sun Shanliang saw this, he didn't dare to hide, but he was puzzled: "Don't let it go? These two men bullied your son. This is just slapping you in the face."

"So, are you ordering me?"

The man stared at Sun Shanliang's eyes suddenly and chuckled at the corners of his mouth.

"No... dare not!" Sun Shanliang shook his head quickly.

"That's good, your name is Lin Hong, right? Assassination of the whitelisted members of the club, very good, I hope that in the future, you and I have nothing to do with each other."

The man looked at Lin Hong, finished speaking, turned around and led his subordinates to leave. As for Sun Shanliang and his mother, they followed the man closely.

Not long after, only Lin Hong and others remained in the entire yard, staring at each other.

"Huh... finally it's safe." Xiao Feng exhaled a long breath, and instantly turned into that slouchy appearance again.

"Xiaomei, how are you feeling now?"

Lin Hong looked at Xiao Mei in Xiao Feng's arms, Xiao Mei's expression had already eased a little: "Brother Lin Hong, I'm sorry, I worried you..."

"Stupid boy, it's right for you to worry about him. If anything happens, just pit him to death~www.readwn.com~ By the way, our agency is almost out of money. Remember the trick I taught you before. ?"

Xiao Feng said these things to Xiaomei without backing Lin Hong at all.

Lin Hong laughed dumbly and hugged the snow fox: "What does it mean to pit me to death?"

Is there such a way to teach children?

Xiao Feng ignored Lin Hong, but Xiao Mei rubbed her cheek and looked at Lin Hong: "Brother Lin Hong..."

She said pitifully, her eyes trembled slightly, her hands were made of cat's claws, and she was looking cute towards Lin Hong.

"I... fuck."

Lin Hong spit out these two words silently.

Xiaomei's age is exactly the age of being cute and cute. Coupled with her cute appearance, it's a foul to sell cute!

In the end, Lin Hong shrugged helplessly: "Okay, I admit defeat, let's talk, how much does it cost?"

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