Obtaining information from this planet, Lin Hong turned and walked into the flying saucer.

A disciple asked, "Brother, where is this place?"

They looked at the strange alien race outside, swallowing and spitting from time to time, feeling strange.

"This is another planet... another world."

Lin Hong said, seeing that they didn't understand, so he changed his view.

"Can we go and see?" a disciple asked.

"I want, too……"

Xianghan rides on the dragon pig.

Lin Hong shrugged: "Come back in two hours."

For a while, people stepped off the flying saucer one after another, and only Shu Yao and Xue Qianhan remained in place.

"We should be in this position."

Lin Hong took out the interstellar map and found the location of himself and others. Fortunately, it was not too far from the immortal world.

He turned to look at Shuyao: "Still angry with me?"


Shu Yao stepped off the spaceship without looking back.

"Master, I don't want it." Xue Qianhan was ashamed.

"No, you did a good job instead."

Lin Hong shook his head slightly.

Xue Qianhan looked puzzled and didn't know why, but didn't say much.

Time passed, and an hour blinked.

Lin Hong suddenly stepped off the spaceship: "I knew that these guys would get into trouble."

He disappeared in place in a flash.

"Why do I have to marry you?"

Xianghan rode on the dragon pig, angry at the alien who stopped him.

"Because I fell in love with you." The alien said immediately.

On this planet, as long as one party is interested in it, you can get married.

"Go away, or don't blame my bow and arrow for not having eyes."

Xianghan took out the longbow.

When the alien saw it: "You actually use that primitive weapon?"

"Marry him!"

"This is our rule here!"

"Since it's here, we must follow our rules!"


Many aliens gathered around.

Xianghan bit her lower lip and was about to cry anxiously.

Lin Hong appeared beside her instantly: "Don't be afraid, I am here."

"It's not easy for anyone to come today. I will definitely take her home."

Before the alien said, he walked and stretched out his hand to take Xianghan away.

"Huh--" Lin Hong didn't say much nonsense, and threw a sword.

A precise hit, blood spattered, and screams came from the surrounding area.

"Me, my hand!"

The alien knelt on the ground, and the hand that had just been stretched out was cut off by Qi Gen.

In addition, those watching the theater around have already ran away and dare not stay, for fear that the next one will be me.

Xianghan drew his bow and arrows, hesitated a little, did not shoot out: "Spare you this time..."

She followed Lin Hong to leave, and then she let out a long sigh of relief.

"Unexpectedly, Senior Sister Xianghan would have such a pitiful side."

Lin Hong rubbed his chin.

"You are pitiful!" Xianghan left directly.

Another hour passed, and the spacecraft left the planet.

"The next step is to return to the immortal world. Don't worry, everyone, you will be able to go back soon."

Lin Hong held an interstellar map and calculated how long it would take to go back, about five days.

Shu Yao didn't know what he was thinking: "When you go back, send us back to Yuehua Immortal Palace."

"It's been a long time since I saw that old guy..."

Xianghan frowned.

The old guy she was talking about was the old man sealed in the forbidden area of ​​the Houshan Yuehua Immortal Palace.

"When the place is reached, I will send you back directly to Yuehua Immortal Palace." Lin Hong said.

"how about you?"

Xianghan couldn't help asking.

Lin Hong looked at Xue Qianhan and took out the life stone: "Continue to look for my master."

"Brother, there are still us, we will continue to help you find!"

A disciple slapped his chest.

"Thank you... No need, just leave this to me." Lin Hong shook his head gently.

As long as you know that your master is okay, although the fairy world is big, it doesn't take much time to check it out.

I don't believe I can't find him!

"Brother, we are really useless, but we will definitely try our best."

Some disciples thought it was useless to abandon themselves and others.

Lin Hong laughed dumbly: "Don't think too much, you just don't need you for the time being."

"Brother, when you need us, you will definitely be there on call!"

The disciples said this one after another.

Lin Hong nodded, then closed his eyes and thought.

He recalled that Ma Xitian asked them to scold him and survived, he really didn't know how these people would choose.

After all, the human heart is too difficult to guess, and the system cannot guess at will.

"Junior sister, are you really not angry with him?" Xianghan asked on the other side.

"No more."

Shu Yao shook his head lightly, as if he had made some major decision.

Xue Qianhan stood aside: "It's great, I'm going to tell Master!"

"do not……"

Shu Yao stopped her.

"Why? By the way, how about a way to let Sister Shuyao and Master sleep in the same bed?" Xue Qianhan turned.

Since she was angry because of this, use this trick to appease.

"Why...what more are you talking about!"

Shu Yao's face turned red in an instant, and everyone was staring at him at a loss, and there was nowhere to hide when he wanted to find a place.

Lin Hong let them make trouble, as if he hadn't seen it.

He closed his eyes, rested quietly, and two days passed in a blink of an eye.

The disciples were bored in every way, and they all played poker.

"Shunzi..." Xue Qianhan was fighting the landlord with Shuyao and Xianghan, enjoying herself.


Lin Hong suddenly opened his eyes.

The inner demon responded: "Yes, I don't know where it leads to. It is very likely that it is a new wormhole that has only recently appeared."

"If you go in, you can go back. It's better to try."

Lin Hong whispered and controlled the flying saucer to fly over there.

"Master, why did we turn suddenly?" Xue Qianhan couldn't help asking.

"Play your cards, leave the rest to me."

Lin Hong sighed. These days are all boring, so it is more fun when teasing Shuyao.

Long Zhu came over and rubbed him against him.

Lin Hong saw this: "What are you doing?"


Dragon Pig gave a soft cry, then opened his mouth, meaning that he wanted nothing but desire.

Lin Hong took some food casually and poured it into his mouth.

Soon, Dragon Pig lay down contented and rolled over to reveal his belly.

"This guy, kiss whoever has food."

Xianghan was a little unhappy.

"Attention all, it may be a little dangerous for a while." Lin Hongmeng said.



For a moment, the disciples drew out their weapons, and even Dragon Pig stood up.

The flying saucer slowly entered the wormhole.

Soon, the surrounding scenes changed, and everyone came to a new galaxy.

Xue Qianhan couldn't help but said: "So beautiful!"

Everyone looked out the window, staring blankly, the beautiful space scenery made people lose their heads.

"It's okay, it shortened the day's distance."

Lin Hong whispered ~www.readwn.com~ and looked at the interstellar map.

Suddenly, the spacecraft shook violently, and there was a sound of ‘bang bang’.

"what happened?"

"It's going to explode, right?"


The disciples were shocked.

Lin Hong frowned: "It's not that bad."

"The damage to the seven devices of the flying saucer was caused by you traveling through the wormhole many times and advancing at full speed for a long time."

The heart demon borrows the system to detect the back end.

"What do you do now? Can you survive back to the immortal world?" Lin Hong frowned.

This time I don’t have Xiaomei by my side, if it’s broken on the road, it’s really broken!


The inner demon answered simply and neatly.

Lin Hong frowned tighter: "How long will it last?"


The demon began to count down, the flying saucer suddenly stopped, and smoke began to appear everywhere.

I pick up trash can be a treasure https://

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