
Lin Hong had to follow suit. m.hxzw.me

The palace lord looked at the direction of An Fourteen's departure and clenched his fists.

Lin Hong fell to his side and pleaded guilty: "Palace Master, punish me."

The palace lord sighed for a long time, turned and walked back to the fairy palace without saying anything.

"Everyone moves and rebuilds the fairy palace."

Shu Yao said.

Soon, the disciples dispersed one after another.

In the end, only Lin Hong was left on the spot.

"I'm sorry, I'm useless..." Bai Qin choked.

She is also a god, but she feels helpless, which makes her full of guilt.

"You are not to blame."

Lin Hong shook his head, Shi Zhan Taxue Wuhen chased in the direction of An Fourteen's departure.

The inner demon couldn't help being surprised: "Why do you still want to go there?"

"Always see if there is a chance, the three elders can't do anything."

Lin Hong knew how important the Three Elders were to Yuehua Immortal Palace.

A certain cave.

An Fourteen came here with the three elders.

He coughed up a mouthful of blood: "Damn... it's overtime after all."

"How can you explain to the master under Jiuquan when you have become a demon?"

The third elder frowned tightly.

"Don't mention him to me. If it weren't for him, how could I be where I am now?!" An Shiv tied her hands and feet.

"Stop it, there may be a way."

The three elders could not help but gain the truth.

An Shisi shook his head: "Sister, you should know that the enchanted person has no turning back."

"What has happened to you all these years?"

The three elders frowned.

"Trust me, you don't want to know." An Shisi said, and sat down at the entrance of the cave.

"How is the situation inside?"

Lin Hong was sitting on a tree in the forest about a few kilometers away.

The demon replied: "I am guarding the three elders."

"You must find a way to steal it..."

Lin Hong looked at his hand and shook his head slightly.

It would be great if people could be stolen directly, but unfortunately, stealers could not do that level.

Suddenly, he had an idea, ready to come out and adjust the tiger away from the mountain.

"Boom--" Along with loud noises, the mountain not far away collapsed.

"Why did the good mountain fall?"

An XIV in the cave frowned when he saw it.

He got up, hesitated again and again, and sat back cross-legged.

Lin Hong frowned upon hearing this: "It seems to be a bit cruel."

Soon, the mountain where An Fourteen was located shook violently.

"what happened?"

An XIV noticed something was wrong, but couldn't tell why.

"The cave is about to step on!" The Third Elder looked at the gravel falling around and couldn't help but say.


An Fourteen picked her up and ran to another mountain.

Lin Hong saw this: "There is absolutely a way."

My current purpose is very simple, that is to rescue the three elders!

At the same time, in Yuehuaxian Palace.

Geng Niu is moving materials silently.

"It must be him, he has caused disaster."

"How else do you say it is a disaster star?"


From time to time, there were rumbling voices around.

Geng Niu clenched his fists and couldn't pretend not to hear.

He looked over, his eyes were full of anger, and the few disciples who were chewing their tongues hurriedly left when they saw this.

"I obviously did nothing wrong..." Geng Niu sighed lightly.

"Palace Master, it's him."

The alchemy elder came with the palace lord.

Geng Niu handed over: "Good palace lord, good elders."

"Nice kid."

The palace lord nodded slightly, his face somewhat tired.

"Thank you." Geng Niu smiled.

"Palace Master, he is a disaster star, he broke the great cauldron!"

The alchemy elder couldn't help but gain the truth.

For a while, Geng Niu lowered his head, his face felt helpless.

The palace lord put his hands behind his back: "It's just a tripod, it should be broken after so many years."

After he finished speaking, he left directly.

"This this……"

Elder Alchemy was at a loss for a while.

It was almost the same as what Lin Hong said at the time!

He quickly followed and said: "Palace Master, this matter must not be underestimated."

"Thank you……"

Geng Niu looked at the back of the palace lord and said softly.

On the other side, every time An Fourteen came to a cave, the mountain it was on would collapse.

This annoyed him: "What the **** is going on?!"

This is so strange.

But the three elders knew everything well.

Who can control the mountain? No one else but Lin Hong!

"Senior Sister, do you know anything?"

An Fourteen asked fiercely.

"How could I know such a strange thing." The third elder closed his eyes and remained silent.

Ann 14 took her to another mountain, where there is no cave.

"Could it be that someone is making a ghost in the dark?"

Ann Fourteen punched, and a cave appeared in an instant.

He walked in, put down the three elders, and the mountain peak began to shake violently in an instant.

Ann Fourteen scolded: "Who is doing the trick?!"

He turned around and walked out of the cave, and found that the mountain had stopped shaking. He jumped up in a hurry, trying to find the culprit.

"Three elders, I'm here to save you."

Lin Hong relied on the shadow decision to enter the cave.

"What are you doing here, he won't kill me, hurry up." The third elder couldn't help but say.

"Don't resist."

Lin Hong turned a deaf ear and took her into the small world.

Suddenly, An Fourteen in the sky noticed something: "Asshole!!!"

Knowing that he had been transferred away from the mountain, he was very angry, and slammed a punch directly at the mountain with his backhand.


The mountain was razed directly to the ground.

"It's dangerous." Lin Hong, who was in the small world, breathed a sigh of relief, almost receiving a punch.

"Why is there nothing? Why on earth?!"

Ann Fourteen in the fairy world scolded loudly.

He fell to the ground, did not see the third elder, and lost his senses: "I killed her?"

Ann Shichi swallowed heavily and spat.

"This fool."

Lin Hong in the small world knew what was happening outside and couldn't help muttering.

"Where are we?" The three elders on the side asked puzzledly.

"In an absolutely safe place, don't worry, and go back to Yuehua Immortal Palace later."

Lin Hong chuckled, then exhaled a sullen breath.

This Ann Fourteen is definitely a trouble and must be eliminated, otherwise the Yuehua Immortal Palace will never have peace.

He looked at the three elders: "Excuse me, what is the hatred between you?"

"Fourteenth, he is Master's fourteenth disciple, and he is also a closed disciple. He has the same identity as the master brother, the current palace lord."

The three elders began to speak.

He continued: "He and the big brother are too strong~www.readwn.com~ At that time, we were far behind, and the palace owner should be selected from them."

"Isn't chosen as the palace lord, is he unhappy?"

Lin Hong tried to ask.

"Probably, at that time, he was struggling, day and night, and won the big brother in the decisive battle, but he did not become the palace lord, and left under angrily." The third elder was a little emotional.

It's nothing more than feeling that Master is partial, and I didn't expect to end up in this situation.

"I don't know the rest, including how he got into it."

The three elders turned and shook his head.

Enchanting is simple to say, but it requires great obsession.

Lin Hong thought for a while: "In fact, it's plain, isn't it that he is careful?"

Because of the position of the palace lord, so many things have been caused, and even the devil has been lost.

The third elder was stunned and nodded.

Indeed, he was too careful, otherwise it wouldn't be the case.

"let's go."

Lin Hong found that An Fourteen had already left, so he took her out of the small world and went straight to the Yuehua Immortal Palace.

I pick up trash can be a treasure https://

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