"We actually... killed the demon?"

Fu Jiaojiao was surprised.

Lin Hong heard this: "It's a pity that I didn't kill it and let him run away."

"That's already pretty good, and my body isn't that uncomfortable anymore."

Fu Jiaojiao was relaxed and exhaled.

"Her illness hasn't continued to worsen for the time being, but everything has returned to its original point. Maybe it was not the best choice to run away at the time." The heart demon was a little helpless.

It's a pity that life has not come back, only to face it.

"Speaking of which, we still have a savior."

Lin Hong rubbed his chin.

He said, because Thunder and the demon were injured, the covers were broken.


"This is God's eye opening!"


People fled.

At this point, the whereabouts of the demon is unknown, and the site has been destroyed.

As the culprit, Lin Hong was looking at the **** of healing who was released: "Please..."

"Do you know what happens when you put a living person in the undead world?"

The God of Healing doesn't know what to complain about anymore.

"What happened?" Lin Hong didn't know much about this.

"First of all, I will be chased by all the unconscious undead here, endlessly dying. If I can't deal with it, the old masters will come out. Under their siege, I may not survive for five seconds."

The face of the healing **** was filled with helplessness.

Lin Hong scratched his head: "Sorry, I didn't think about it so much... you should show her the disease first."

"Born by the sun?"

Although the God of Healing was reluctant, he still showed it.

"It's the day of the end." Fu Jiaojiao nodded.

"What's weird, isn't it still the sun? It's just that the dead can't resist the sun's sun, so there is the saying of the day of the end."

The **** of healing was speechless for a while.

After that, she began to diagnose and treat Fu Jiaojiao, and after about ten minutes, there was no progress.

The heart demon suddenly said: "The dead are coming up."

I saw that there were unconscious souls rushing here in all directions.

"Help me hold them."

The God of Healing spoke suddenly.

Lin Hong nodded, holding the Shadow Sword in his hand, beheading all the unconscious undead who came over.

Another half an hour passed.

Lin Hong has no idea how many he killed: "Isn't it over yet?"


The God of Healing spoke, took out a lot of potions, handed them to Fu Jiaojiao, and instructed how to use them.

"Thank you very much!" Fu Jiaojiao said solemnly.

"Hurry up and take me back to that world, or I won't be able to leave once those old guys come."

The God of Healing suddenly changed his complexion, as if he had noticed something.

Lin Hong walked over and took her into the small world. Suddenly, a figure appeared in front of them: "Strange..."

It was a woman who heard the voice, but for some reason, she couldn't see her face clearly.

"You two, have you ever seen a living person here?"

That person looked to Lin Hong.

"Isn't this the undead world? How could there be living people?" Fu Jiaojiao pretended to be dumbfounded.

"did not see it……"

Lin Hong shook his head directly.

At this time, the inner demon said: "System analysis, it should be this person who used some kind of treasure to cause this kind of unclear effect."

"What a good baby..."

Lin Hong whispered.

Soon, the mysterious man left, leaving no trace.

Lin Hong couldn't help asking: "Do you know who that person is?"

"I don't know, I have never seen it before, but she gave me a very strong threatening aura."

Fu Jiaojiao said, giving out part of the medicine on hand.

"What are you doing for me?" Lin Hong was a little surprised.

"Of course I asked you to cook medicine for me!"

Fu Jiaojiao hugged her shoulders. Seeing him so naive, she seemed a little angry.

Lin Hong nodded: "So this medicine has to be boiled."

He took out the corresponding equipment and began to cook the medicine on the spot. After a while, the medicine was ready.


Fu Jiaojiao drank a bowl of hot medicine, and her face became more rosy.

"As expected of her, I would not listen to the demon if I knew it." Lin Hong shook his head lightly.

"But, the girl just told me that if her condition hadn't stabilized, she couldn't help it."

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Fu Jiaojiao was right.

Lin Hong heard the words: "It seems that the demon is definitely not as simple as the surface."

He is definitely not a doctor who knows how to heal, but he has done things that the **** of healing can't do.

this means……

Someone taught it!

"Let's go, let's go back to the City of the Dead first, and let other things go first, okay?"

When Fu Jiaojiao said about it, she lowered her head, as if she was a little embarrassed.

"Okay." Lin Hong rubbed her head and agreed.

"Don't worry, I will say when I go back, I am going to elope, and my father will not blame you."

Fu Jiaojiao's face was red.

Lin Hong smiled bitterly: "Let me be responsible for this kind of thing, you don't have to hold the blame for me."

"Back in the black? No, it's obviously that I have to drag you out, otherwise these things won't happen at all."

Fu Jiaojiao felt helpless.

The two rushed to the City of the Dead while talking.

Soon, he arrived at the place, and the city lord was very excited when he learned that they were coming back.

This is the first time my daughter has left herself for so long!

"Welcome miss home!"

"Welcome Miss!"


Most of the people in the city lord's mansion came out to greet.

Lin Hong rubbed his nose without wearing any mask, walking side by side with Fu Jiaojiao, always feeling a little embarrassed.

Upon seeing this, the city lord said: "My son-in-law, you are doing very well."

All of a sudden, the audience was in an uproar.

"Miss actually has a girlfriend?!"

"Oh my god, that kid is the heir to the city of the dead!"


"You are polite..." Lin Hong exhaled a long breath~www.readwn.com~ I'll talk about these things after all.

"Daughter, your face doesn't look good."

The city owner endured his heartache, and appeared very calm on the surface.

These days, he is struggling every day, knowing that his daughter is suffering.

Fu Jiaojiao smiled hard: "Father, don't worry, it doesn't hurt at all, but it's easy to get sleepy."

"Go home, let's go home first."

The city lord was vaguely not like the tall city lord, but just a little old man looking forward to his children coming home.


Lin Hong and others came to the city lord's mansion.

Fu Jiaojiao was arranged to go to rest.

And Lin Hong was deliberately stayed, and went to the meeting place with the city lord.

"What's the matter with the city lord looking for me?"

Lin Hong arched his hands.

"It can be seen that my daughter likes you very much. I know the specific details." The city lord groaned a little later.

"You're being polite... But in fact, Fu Jiaojiao and I are just friends."

Lin Hong put his hands on both sides, neither humble nor overbearing.

For a moment, the lord's brows frowned: "Now I can't take you anymore, I know you are my son-in-law all the time!"

"It's not that you just talked for a while..."

Lin Hong rubbed his eyebrows.

If he didn't call himself that when he first entered the city, maybe everything would be completely different.

"That's not important. The wedding scene is ready. When my daughter recovers, you will get married." The city lord shook his hand.

"This... Isn't it too difficult for others?"

Lin Hong felt a little helpless.

The city lord heard the words: "Will you be wronged by marrying my daughter?!"

"There is absolutely no way, it's just... we are actually not suitable."

Lin Hong was ashamed, always feeling that both of their father and daughter were a little nervous.

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