I Can Become a Treasure by Picking Up Garbage

Chapter 1304: The devil retreats

The first thousand three hundred and four chapters of the main body of the devil's defeat

"Go to hell!"

The city lord came close and slapped the demon's forehead with a palm.


The sound of the explosion made people's hearts tremble, the ground cracked, debris and fly ash splashed, and people backed away again and again without being affected.

Lin Hong looked at the scene in front of him: "It's amazing..."

With such a powerful destructive power, the devil has not defended it in time, I am afraid it will be wiped out directly, right?

But let things happen that everyone present did not expect.

When the fly ashes dispersed.

The demon stood there, holding an undead and gnawing with his mouth.


The city lord himself was also shocked, the secret road is worthy of being a person who has smashed a city, it is not as simple as it seems.

"What should we do now?"

"Let's run quickly!"


People talked a lot.

In this way, a large number of residents began to run away.

But where can I escape?

As long as you leave the Undead City, it is dangerous everywhere, and there is no safe place.

Look back here.

Although there is a monster like the devil, there is only this one danger.

So everyone just goes back to each house and keeps it.

Even Lin Hong was taken into the house by the master, and the wedding was temporarily postponed.

"As expected of the undead in the city, it is delicious."

Suddenly, the demon regained his sanity, he was no longer crazy, and he was not hungry anymore.

"I haven't seen you for so many years, you are walking deeper and deeper on the wrong road, unforgivable." The city lord gently shook his head.

"But in fact you have seen it too, I am stronger!"

The devil smiled disdainfully.

The city lord did not speak, but took out a sword, a sword with a gloomy surface and golden light all over it.

The demon was taken aback: "This is... the legendary sword of evil spirits?"

"Actually, I have been waiting for this day for a long time, so take it to death!"

After the city lord finished speaking, he directly swung down the sword in his hand, the ashes on the sword dissipated, turning to golden light.

If this is a hit.

I'm afraid that no matter how strong it is, it will at least be hit hard.

The demon tried to avoid it, but was still scratched by his arm, and the whole arm was chopped off.

He licked his lips and said, "Interesting, but you can only use this sword once, right?"

As he said, the city lord shook his hand, and the sword was thrown away by him.

"Why not keep attacking with that sword?"

Lin Hong attacked this.

"Remember that there was a gray and dark protective layer on the evil sword? The city lord is also an undead. If there is no such protective layer, if you take it for a long time, you will die." The heart demon replied.

"So that's it..."

Lin Hong nodded slightly, indicating that he understood.

The war is still going on, fewer and fewer people are watching, and most of them are packing up their things.

If the city owner wins, it's better to say.

If you lose, the consequences will be disastrous and you can only run away!

Lin Hong was watching the show, and the master beside him suddenly said, "Can you promise me one thing?"


Lin Hong was speechless.

You are so to me, but you still want me to promise you one thing? What about the skin?

"Don't run, our eight masters are going to help the city lord and solve the trouble you have caused." said the master.

"What is the trouble I caused?"

Lin Hong frowned. If it hadn't been for Fu Jiaojiao, he would only hide when he saw the demon, and would not cause conflict, let alone destroy the covers with treasures.

The master heard the words: "Please, don't run."

He repeated it and rushed out directly.

At the same time, other masters hiding in other places also rushed out, and the eight masters gathered to surround the demon.

"Come on, you are not his opponents."

The city lord had already suffered some injuries, and when he saw them, he waved his hands again and again.

"Raise soldiers for a thousand days, use them for a while, City Lord, let us fight with you!"

"Yes, City Lord!"


None of the eight masters flinched at this moment.

Lin Hong rubbed his nose: "For them, it's a battle of survival..."

I don't know what's going on in the fairy world now, if there is anything wrong with everyone.

When he thought of this, he desperately wanted to go back and find a way to resurrect.


Fu Jiaojiao's voice suddenly fell into her ears.

Lin Hong looked in surprise and saw that a girl in a red outfit and a red hijab came out of the house.

She looked at the battlefield: "Father, let your daughter help you!"

"Silly girl, why are you out of the room? Today is your big day!"

The city owner was obviously a little unhappy.

He believed that no matter how strong the devil was, he would be driven out.

"Father..." Fu Jiaojiao wanted to come and help.


The city lord shouted and attacked the demon, with the eight masters assisting and interfering around them.

The demon sneered: "You don't really think that you can beat me by nine to one?"

Although he was missing an arm, he was still at ease.

"So, what about the formation?"

Santo asked rhetorically.

I saw that the formation appeared, covering the entire city of the dead.

"This... are you crazy?!" The demon's face changed rapidly.

This formation is a large destruction formation, very powerful, it is easy to kill yourself, but it is very easy to lose control and destroy the entire city of the dead.

"Of course I'm not crazy, don't you hurry up?!"

The city lord snorted coldly, staring at him.

The demon turned and left: "You are ruthless!"

In this way, the devil left.

"The wedding will be held tomorrow."

The lord shook his hand, and then left without looking back.

"He was injured. It seems that fighting the demon is not easy for him." The heart demon couldn't help but say.

With the system, you can get news that many people don't know.

"Is the injury serious?"

Lin Hong couldn't help asking.

The inner demon replied: "The damage mainly comes from the evil sword, which hurts one thousand and eight hundred. The backlash effect is serious, and you may not be able to hold things for a few days."

"So that's it..."

Lin Hong nodded lightly, then rubbed his chin in thought.

In this case, it seems that it is a good opportunity to escape, and the demon is also seriously injured. Then, in this huge undead world, can't you just wander around?

I want to find the God of Destiny soon...

"You really didn't run." The voice came from behind.

It's the master, he is back, with relief on his face.


Lin Hong's mouth twitched.

He realized that just now was the best time to escape, but because he was fascinated by watching the battle, he forgot about it.

The master said: "The wedding was changed to be held tomorrow. Today, we have to appease the people~www.readwn.com~ and repair the ruined house."

After the arrival of the demon, many houses were reduced to ruins.

"Well, good, no problem." Lin Hong nodded, and then left.

"Don't worry, it's all here, let's go see the young lady first."

The expert said after hesitating a little.

Lin Hong heard: "Is this bad?"

According to the custom here, you can't see each other before the worship hall.

"What's wrong, in a nutshell, it's all set!"

The master dragged him towards the house.

When he reached the door, he raised his hand and knocked: "Miss, can we go in?"

"Have you brought wine?"

Fu Jiaojiao's voice came from inside.

"You are not healthy right now, so you can't drink alcohol for now." Lin Hong couldn't help but said.

"come in……"

When Fu Jiaojiao heard his voice, she was silent for three seconds before she said her voice. She didn't know if she was a little nervous because she was about to get married.

Lin Hong resisted a little, but was almost pushed into the house by the master.

Fu Jiaojiao was lying on the bed: "My husband, how is my body?"

She wears a red hijab and a red outfit. Although she can't see her face, she can feel that she is a peerless beauty.

"Quickly answer our lady!"

Seeing Lin Hong's delay in speaking, the master was a little unhappy.

"It's so beautiful." Lin Hong looked away, suddenly his heart beating hard.

How is this going?

Could it be...I'm also a little nervous?

"Miss, I will withdraw first, and you will call me again if you have something to do."

The master suddenly left the room. After going out, he didn't forget to turn his hand to close the door, and then he picked up his shoulders to act as a guard.

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