I Can Become a Treasure by Picking Up Garbage

Chapter 1306: Dare to hurt my husband?

"Sexy, how can you carry such astringent things with you?"

Fu Jiaojiao blushed, so shy that her voice changed.

Lin Hong saw this: "At such a young age, wouldn't it be such a big reaction?"

"Quickly turn it off!!"

Fu Jiaojiao bit her lower lip.

‘Okay, don’t be angry, I’m just to deal with people outside. "Lin Hong turned off the tape recorder.

"You bad guy..."

As Fu Jiaojiao said, she used to take the tape recorder as her own and put it in the cabinet.

This made Lin Hong a little surprised: "What are you?"

"According to the rules, you are a taxpayer, and everything needs to be left to me for safekeeping."

When Fu Jiaojiao said this, she curled her lips, she seemed to be a little excited.

"All right..." Lin Hong shrugged, just a tape recorder, it's irrelevant.

"Hurry up and hand over the rest of your body."

Fu Jiaojiao turned to hug his arm, looking very cute.

Lin Hong heard: "I have nothing on me except that tape recorder."

"Don't lie, you must have something to store in you, hand it over quickly."

Fu Jiaojiao pouted.

She knew that Lin Hong must have such things, otherwise it would be impossible to change things frequently.

"Really not, don't believe you search." Lin Hong opened his hands.

"Then I'm not welcome..."

Fu Jiaojiao took out the gloves she didn't know where she got from and put on them.

Soon, she checked Lin Hong up and down: "Really nothing..."

"Trust me now? If you want to go back and get married, maybe it's still too late."

Lin Hong's face flushed slightly.

"You are already my man, still want so much?" Fu Jiaojiao shook her head and patted her chest, "I will be responsible for you."

"Even without drinks?"

Lin Hong raised his eyebrows.

Fu Jiaojiao heard the words: "Although it's a bit of a fly in the ointment, I thought about not using alcohol to anaesthetize myself and live a good life with you. This is also just right."

"So that's it..."

Lin Hong whispered, speaking of it, the reason she had to do this was to experience life.

The next day, early morning.

Because of the request, Lin Hong and Fu Jiaojiao came to the gate of the city lord's house.

"They're here." The accompanying master went over and knocked on the door.

"Go in."

The voice of the city lord came.

Lin Hong and Fu Jiaojiao looked at each other. They pushed the door and walked in. They soon saw the city lord who had just gotten up.

"How did the two of you last night?"

The lord put his hands behind his back.

Fu Jiaojiao blushed: "Very good..."

Presumably, the false voice that Lin Hong put out on the radio had already been known to his father.

This feels so ashamed!

"I bought a doll for the two of you, and I will keep it in the future."

Santo turned and said.

In the undead world, children can grow up slowly and become families.

"Hey...but I don't want to take care of my children yet." Fu Jiaojiao pouted, "Usually just married, shouldn't it be a honeymoon or something?"

"It's because I owe it."

Upon hearing this, the city lord decided to send the child away and give them enough time for their honeymoon.

Lin Hong winked at Fu Jiaojiao.

Haven't said the main thing yet!

Fu Jiaojiao suddenly said, "By the way, father, have you ever heard of the God of Destiny?"

"Of course I have heard of it. He is a terrifying existence. When he came to the undead world, he preserved his strength when he was alive."

When the city lord said this, he couldn't help being amazed.

"So amazing?" Fu Jiaojiao was a little shocked.

Generally speaking, no matter who is dead, they will have no strength when they come to the undead world.

But unexpectedly...

This person transcends the rules, which shows how powerful he is.

"Yes, at that time, the entire undead world was **** and bloody, speaking of it, it was only tens of thousands of years ago."

The city lord was a little bit emotional when he said this.

Fu Jiaojiao heard this: "But why don't I remember at all?"

"At that time, you ate Meng Po Dan every day. It was weird to remember. You suddenly asked the God of Destiny why?"

Santos shook his head helplessly.

Looking back on those days back then, it's really hopeless.

"It's nothing, father, let's go first." Fu Jiaojiao said hastily, and then took Lin Hong away.

"I didn't expect it to be like this..."

Walking on the road, Lin Hong rubbed his chin in thought.

Sure enough, as expected.

The **** of destiny is also in the undead world, and he is alive very well, but he did not expect that his strength is so defying.

Looking at the expression of the city lord just now, I am afraid that a shadow has already been created in his heart.

Fu Jiaojiao thought for a moment: "Lin Hong, let's start dating. This seems to be the first time."


Lin Hong nodded gently.

"There are a lot of people staring at you in secret, all four of the eight masters are there." The heart demon suddenly said.


Lin Hong was a little surprised, glanced around, and quickly found the positions of the four masters.

Not at all secret...

In other words, you are following yourself uprightly, mainly by monitoring, and let yourself be honest.

Lin Hong looked at the vendors on both sides of the road: "Speaking of which, how long has the Dead City existed?"

"For countless years, the city lord has replaced countless people."

Fu Jiaojiao obviously knew the answer to this question and answered directly.

"Is this..." Lin Hong exhaled, "What do you plan to do next?"

"I want to have an absolute male-female relationship with you, then raise a baby, run away, and build our paradise..."

"It's a bit strange, but it sounds pretty good."

"Also! Then the baby was killed, and we were so distraught that we became peerless masters, avenged our children, and became a legend..."


"It's not over yet..."


Fu Jiaojiao said a lot of weird ideas.

Lin Hong is a bit big, what's this all about? !

After a long time, Fu Jiaojiao stopped: "How is it, my brain hole? ’


An arrow flew over suddenly.

Lin Hong frowned and realized that the target of the attack was Fu Jiaojiao, and immediately stepped forward and stopped the arrow.


The arrow directly penetrated Lin Hong's body.

"Aren't you stupid, why do you want to block it for me?!" Fu Jiaojiao's pupils shrank slightly, "Obviously you can't hurt me..."

She had noticed the arrow a long time ago, but was not in a hurry to respond.

"I forgot."

Lin Hong couldn't laugh or cry.

Fu Jiaojiao's eyes were filled with anger: "You dare to hurt my husband without knowing how to live or die!"

She instantly disappeared in place.

"After system analysis, she is really angry." The heart demon said at this time.

"Really angry...because of me?"

Lin Hong pursed his mouth, this feeling is weird.


Fu Jiaojiao came back with an assassin: "Husband, I have to ask, this guy wants to rebel and grab the seat of the city lord."

"I was wrong, I was wrong, don't kill me..."

The assassin was in tears at this time.

Unexpectedly, this girl is terribly outrageous.

"Don't kill you?" A cold light flashed in Fu Jiaojiao's eyes, "It's nothing more than you shoot at me, you dare to hurt my husband, and you can't be forgiven."

Soon, Lin Hong saw a cruel scene.

Fu Jiaojiao shredded the assassin's body abruptly.

Swallow and spit.

Lin Hong looked away: "Let's go shopping."

"Ah, sorry, did you scare your husband? I seldom be so cruel..."

Fu Jiaojiao was startled at first, then shook her head quickly.

"It doesn't matter, I became cruel, much more cruel than that." Lin Hong chuckled.

"Bag~www.readwn.com~ Fu Jiaojiao doesn't believe it at all.

Lin Hong smiled without saying a word, one thing he never said.

That is……

In the entire Undead City, nearly 60% of the people came to the Undead Realm after being killed by him!

after that.

The two wandered in the street.

Lin Hong bought some gadgets and gave Fu Jiaojiao as a present, which made Fu Jiaojiao very surprised and very happy.

"Ha ha……"

What everyone didn't know was that the demon was studying his revenge plan outside the city.

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