The first thousand and thirty-eighth chapter of the monster

"Thanks for the compliment..."

Lin Hong's mouth twitched, and it has been a long time since he saw such a shameless person.

City Lord Off said: "It's getting dark, remember, don't leave the city, wait until dawn, or you will die."

Insert an app: Perfectly reproduce the old version of the book-chasing artifact that can be replaced with the source app-Mimi Reading.

He had a serious face, obviously not telling lies.

Lin Hong nodded to show that he understood.

Afterwards, City Lord Ofe left, and Fu Jiaojiao paid much attention to what he had said before.

Is someone really following behind?

Who will it be? What is the purpose?


The mysterious person hiding in the dark secretly said that it was bad.

To the effect, it shouldn't be discovered by the city lord here.

Suddenly, a voice came from behind: "Your Excellency, as a strong man, why did you come to my one-third of acre?"

It is the Lord of Ove.

"excuse me."

After the mysterious man finished speaking, he slowly disappeared in place.

Seeing this, City Lord Ofe said, "Sure enough to let him run away, he really has some ability."

There are only people in the world who can run away under their own eyes, with ten fingers that can count them. Who would be that just now?


Lin Hong only opened one room with Fu Jiaojiao.

No way, there is only one room left, and I have to live together.

Fu Jiaojiao was very excited because of this: "God-given opportunity!"

"Can you stop saying this in front of me?"

Lin Hong is a bit speechless, is this too blatant?

"Husband, you will be from the slave house tonight." Fu Jiaojiao's eyes filled with charm.

"You sleep on the bed and I hit the floor. It's such a happy decision."

Lin Hong shrugged, took the key and went outside the rented room after speaking.

He opened the door and suddenly found a note on the ground: "This is..."

"Death letter?"

Fu Jiaojiao suddenly turned pale.

"What?" Lin Hong was puzzled.

"The legend says that anyone who receives a letter inexplicably will die."

Fu Jiaojiao couldn't help swallowing and spitting.

She hurriedly said: "Don't open that letter, otherwise it will be too late."


Lin Hong happened to have opened the letter.

"Husband!" Fu Jiaojiao stomped anxiously.

"It's okay, the soldiers will come to cover the water and earth, nothing will happen."

Lin Hong chuckled and rubbed her head, and then he took a fancy to the content of the letter.

There are only two words above:


The color of the words is bright red, giving people a feeling of chills in the bottom of their hearts.

Fu Jiaojiao sighed, "Sure enough... it's a death letter."

"Should the person who opened the letter die?"

Lin Hong was a little surprised.

"Yes, there is no exception." Fu Jiaojiao answered.

"I may be the only exception."

Lin Hong chuckled lightly, and then tore the letter into pieces with both hands behind him, and walked into the room.

The house is small, only tens of square meters.

But the sparrow is small and complete.

There are even two beds.

Fu Jiaojiao bit her lower lip: "The Fury of Fire!"

A powerful flame swept out, directly burning one of the beds to ashes.

"Hey, are you too much?"

Lin Hong was dissatisfied.

"Anyway, you must sleep with me today!" Fu Jiaojiao snorted softly.

"There is no need to burn someone's bed, right?"

Lin Hong felt a little headache.

Fu Jiaojiao heard the words: "It's okay. Give them some compensation when you leave."

One night passed quietly.

Lin Hong hit the floor, and Fu Jiaojiao wanted to attack at night, but failed.

the next day.

When the sky was bright, there was the sound of fighting.

It turned out that some monsters came into the city.

This surprised Lin Hong who woke up: "The monster actually attacked the city?"

Unlike small towns or villages, monsters can only walk around the city when they see it.

"You can understand that these monsters are very strong, so they dare to attack the city."

The demon said.

Lin Hong nodded ignorantly, looked out the window, and saw with his own eyes a few soldiers being eaten into their stomachs by monsters.

There was a sudden chill behind him.

Lin Hong looked back and found that Fu Jiaojiao's hair was messy, staring at herself: "I'm angry."


Lin Hong raised his eyebrows.

"Quickly coax me, otherwise...bite you." Fu Jiaojiao pouted.

"It's late, let's go downstairs for breakfast."

Lin Hong ignored him, and after finishing his clothes, he left the room directly.

Fu Jiao stomped her feet squeamishly: "One day, I will make you want to stop this lady!!"

As she said, she hurried to catch up, still still angry.

The first floor of the inn is a restaurant.

Lin Hong ordered some food casually, then sat in a chair and waited.

"You are too much!"

Fu Jiaojiao came over and sat in the opposite position.

"What's the matter?" Lin Hong's expression was indifferent.

"I want sweet love, but you are always... unmoved."

Fu Jiaojiao bit her lower lip, her unhappiness vented out at this moment.

Lin Hong heard: "We are just a couple who have gone through the formalities, you don't need to be so serious."

"But I really like you this stinky man!"

Fu Jiaojiao's eyes were red.

"This..." Lin Hong couldn't laugh or cry.

"True love! Although it is because of the wine that I completely like you."

The demon said so.

It turned out that at the very beginning, Fu Jiaojiao had a mess every day, and it was not until Lin Hong gave her a bottle of wine that everything began to change.

Because of trembling.

Fu Jiaojiao always missed Lin Hong. After thinking about it, she fell in love with the flow.

Lin Hong was speechless: "It turned out to be like this."

"Husband, anyway, give me a kiss, that's it!"

Expectations filled Fu Jiaojiao's eyebrows.

After hesitating again and again, Lin Hong gently kissed her forehead.

Instant time

Fu Jiaojiao cheered for joy, like an innocent girl who got what she wanted.

"Oh, monster, the monster is coming over here!"

"Must have to run..."


The inn suddenly became a pot of porridge.

It turned out that the cholera monster in the city had already arrived near here.

When Fu Jiaojiao saw it, "Monsters will give priority to places with a lot of people, husband, shall we go quickly?"

If you don't leave quickly, you may become a monster's belly delicacy.


Lin Hong nodded gently.

Seeing that he agreed to call him husband, Fu Jiaojiao felt sweet in her heart.

As soon as I left the inn, I saw a huge monster had already attacked.

"Isn't this the one we met before?" Fu Jiaojiao blinked The one in front of me was the huge monster without entities, just a bit smaller than before.

"Could it be that you came here to find us on purpose?"

Lin Hong frowned, having such a guess.

Fu Jiaojiao heard the words: "It's impossible. We didn't provoke him much, so it won't happen."


Lin Hong hugged his shoulders.

At this moment, the monster was staring at him and Fu Jiaojiao, bloodthirsty in his eyes.

"This is how the same thing?"

Fu Jiaojiao was puzzled.

Unexpectedly, this monster was not far away to chase and kill the two of them!

Lin Hong grabbed her wrist: "What are you doing in a daze? Leave it to the master in the city."

Just as he was talking, a figure greeted the monster, who was the Ove whom he had seen yesterday.


The monster roared, the sound was very loud, and even collapsed several houses.

"Looking for death!" Auf's face was ugly, he took out a black and gold hammer, and smashed it down.


The sound was deafening.

With just one blow, the monster was squashed.

Lin Hong stopped and breathed a sigh of relief: "Sure enough, this city lord has two things."

However, the situation changed suddenly, and the squashed monsters turned into countless little monsters, scurrying around.

Not long.

The whole city is occupied by monsters.

That kind of monsters are everywhere, you can't hit them, you can't run them.

Thousands of residents died as a result.


Off yelled.

At this time, Lin Hong and Fu Jiaojiao had already left the city: "If the monster is really coming to us, there is no need to be burdened to this city."

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