
The clear bells echoed all around.

The Destroyer King let out a painful roar: "You bastards!"

"my hand……"

Fu Jiaojiao was at a loss, and found that her hands seemed to melt.

"Don't worry, go ahead!" Lin Hong raised his hand and took out a pile of undead coins to extract the energy inside.

"it is good."

Fu Jiaojiao chose to believe him.

The bells rang.

The pain struck vaguely.

Fu Jiaojiao has tears in her eyes, and her hands are almost out of shape. Will they melt away completely?

As she thought about it, a burst of energy was suddenly penetrated into her body.

It is the energy that Lin Hong extracted from the undead coin.

The wound soon healed.

Lin Hong breathed a sigh of relief: "It really works."

Suddenly, the Demon King began to spin on the spot, and then turned into flying smoke.

"This is... dead?"

Lin Hong couldn't be sure.

"No, no." Fu Jiaojiao suddenly shook her head.

"Don't you want to kill me, you are not worthy!"

The voice of King Destroyer came.

Lin Hong secretly said badly: "Can you still hurt him?"

"No, these fly ashes are not affected by the bell at all. To put it bluntly, he has been blurred."

The demon said.

"It's really troublesome..." Lin Hong frowned slightly.

Instead, he glanced around, thinking about a way in his heart, but it was not enough to keep going like this.

"Husband, I have a good way."

Fu Jiaojiao said suddenly.

Lin Hong looked over: "What?"


Fu Jiaojiao took out a very small gourd.

"This is?" Lin Hong was puzzled.

"My father gave it to me, he said it was amazing, but I don't know how to use it, maybe just throw it in."

Fu Jiaojiao said.

Lin Hong couldn't laugh or cry: "This thing is for usage, just throw it in, but it will become someone else's thing."

"Huh? Is that true?"

Fu Jiaojiao seemed a little shocked.

Lin Hong was too lazy to complain, walked over and took the little gourd in his hand: "It's so delicate..."

The use is to open the gourd.

Then, you can **** the enemy in, the effect is like Monkey King's gourd in the King of Gold and Silver Horn, but there is no need to say any name.

"Husband, use this to get rid of him!"

Fu Jiaojiao was solemn.

"No..." Lin Hong handed the small gourd back, "This thing has a better use. You can't use it here. Take it back first."


Fu Jiaojiao held the little gourd in her hand and lowered her head slightly.

She wants to help!

Lin Hong shook his head: "Be obedient, this is a life-saving thing. If you use it now, what can you use to protect your life?"


Fu Jiaojiao nodded lightly, indicating that she understood.

"You two, we can actually talk about it, there is no need to fight like this, do you think?" The voice suddenly came.

It was the Destroyer King. He realized that something was not quite right, so he planned to admit his counsel first.

Anyway, it’s a long time...

"You didn't say that when you just did it to us."

Lin Hong buttoned his ears, not caring about it.

The Great King of Destruction heard this: "It's not me, it's my ignorant younger brother, he lied to me!"

At this moment, confidentiality is more important than anything else.

"Oh~ Really?"

Lin Hong rubbed his chin.

"Of course!" Miserable King nodded vigorously.

"Look, a passing master."

Lin Hong said suddenly.

For a moment, the World Exterminator who had turned into Feiyan saw this and looked around.

I saw it.

A man dressed in black came over.

He was wearing a mask, couldn't see the expression on his face, and he held a dagger in his hand.

The Destroyer King's eyes narrowed slightly: "You are..."

"Hey, please also put away the Donghuang Bell, and try not to use this thing in the central area."

The man in black is also the mysterious man, and said lightly at this time.

"Then this monster..." Lin Hong pretended to hesitate.

"pass it to me."

The man in black replied.

Lin Hong nodded, then put away the Donghuang Bell and left with Fu Jiaojiao.

The Destroyer King laughed: "Hahaha, I am finally free!"

He reverted to a weird form, his face full of triumph.

"You may have forgotten something."

The man in black walked slowly over.

"No, you don't really think that you can kill me?" There was a mockery in the eyebrows of World Exterminator.

He was the existence of Lord Yan when he was alive, and he hasn't put anyone in his eyes yet.

"After so many years, you are still so arrogant."

The man in black said.

The Destroyer King heard this: "Who are you?!"

"I am nothing but the dust of history, we are all losers."

The man in black came to him and slowly stretched out his hand.

"You..." Great King Destroyer was about to resist, but he was already pinched by his throat, "It's... it's you?!"

He seemed to react to something, his brow filled with disbelief.

"Yes, it's me, you should know that I'm back?"

The man in black nodded lightly.

The World Destroyer was unable to struggle and turned back to a state of nothingness: "If you have the ability, you will kill me!"


The man in black slowly opened his mouth.

Long Yinsheng remembered that the dust that the World Exterminator had turned into gradually dissipated.

"Enough to hurt your vitality." The man in black said lightly.

The World-Exterminator in the state of emptiness is very difficult to kill, it seems that it can't be injured, but it is actually broken down into small particles like smoke.

Just disperse the particles in an instant.

It will take time for the Destroyer King to regroup.

"Miss, I will guarantee your safety."

The man in black said, chasing in the direction of Ye Xuan and others.

"That person looked amazing just now, and it gave me a very familiar feeling, but I can't tell who it is." Fu Jiaojiao sitting in the car was a little confused and was thinking.

"It must be the bodyguard sent by your father."

Lin Hong shrugged and said.

Fu Jiaojiao heard the words: "How could it be possible: He didn't even know that I had left the City of the Dead!"

"Do not believe?"

Lin Hong glanced over.

"Don't believe it!" Fu Jiaojiao curled her lips, looking very stubborn.


Lin Hong suddenly punched her in the face.

In an instant, a stone flew up and stopped the attack.

Fu Jiaojiao was stunned: "What happened just now? You...you want to hit me?"

While she was talking, she began to cry, looking extremely aggrieved.

"Don't cry, can't I make a mistake? Just test it, you see."

Lin Hong rubbed her head and pointed at the man in black standing not far away.


Once Fu Jiaojiao's life is in danger, he will show up.

"Dare to test me?" The man in black was expressionless.

"Senior, it's no wonder, I just want to know what her father said to him, so that I can make the next step."

Lin Hong smiled and arched his hands.

The man in black heard the words: "Are you planning to continue to test me?"

He is not stupid, he can see what is going on, this is obviously to test whether he is the owner of the city.

"Senior didn't tell me, I guessed it. Besides the old man from the city lord, who else would send someone to protect us?"

Lin Hong smiled lightly.

"Smart..." The man in black turned and left.

He knew that his identity had been exposed for a long time, but he didn't get very angry, so he just let the flow go.

"Husband~www.readwn.com~ I feel his temper is not very good."

Fu Jiaojiao couldn't help but understand.

Lin Hong shook his head: "No, it's just acting like this on purpose. Being able to be sent by your father to do the protection work shows that you have a good temperament and your character will not be bad, so don't worry.


Fu Jiaojiao is ignorant to take the lead.

She turned to say, "Is this really a master sent by my father? I have never seen him before."

"Don't you believe me yet?"

Lin Hong asked with a chuckle.

"Believe." Fu Jiaojiao nodded without even thinking about it.

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