I Can Become a Treasure by Picking Up Garbage

Chapter 1339: Return to the team

"I also know that I'm afraid, what you looked like just now."

Lin Hong kicked open the gate of the courtyard and walked in slowly.

He glanced around: "Let's go up together."

Many soldiers have gathered here, obviously to guard themselves.

"Husband, leave these guys to me."

Fu Jiaojiao can't wait behind her.

"And me!" Gu Zhu said quickly, but he didn't want to be a useless person.

"You guys are posting to me on the Internet and killing a few of them."

The mayor's wife bit her lower lip.

Regardless of whether you are good or not, this is your own territory, which will surely make you come back and forth!

The killing began.

Lin Hong walked in the yard of the mayor's house and the soldiers came to kill one by one.

Gradually, the mayor's wife realized something was wrong: "I... will die? What are you waiting for, stop him!"

After she finished speaking, she could only find the umbrella, ready to escape at any time.

The masters outside the mayor's house are watching the show and have no intention of intervening at all.

"How to do……"

The mayor's wife thought in her heart.

Finally, she made up her mind and turned around to run away.

But it will be artificial.

The sound of footsteps came from the stairs.

The mayor's wife knew that that was Lin Hong's footsteps.

he came!

Sure enough, Lin Hong slowly walked up the stairs: "I gave you a chance, but it seems that you don't cherish it."

"Who wants the opportunity you give, you murderer!"

The mayor’s wife had a bad face and straightened her back.

"Really?" Lin Hong walked over slowly, a flash of light flashed in his eyes.

"What are you going to do, don't come over, otherwise I will call!"

The mayor’s wife bit her lower lip, and a bad feeling arose spontaneously.

Lin Hong chuckled: "What are you doing? You'll know in a while."

Soon, a piece of news swept across the town, that is, the mysterious master killed the mayor’s wife and left without a trace.

"That's the mayor's woman."

"Now, the mayor is going crazy. Which one of them do you think is great?"


People talked a lot.

Outside the city, Fu Jiaojiao was puzzled: "Since that mayor is very powerful, why should we kill his women?"

"Because this still belongs to my principle."

Lin Hong drove the car, carrying her with bones.

"Oh..." Fu Jiaojiao nodded ignorantly.

"Master, where are we going now?"

Gu Zhu asked at this time, full of confidence in the owner, and felt that even if the mayor came, he would not be able to make any waves.

Lin Hong pondered a little: "Go to the God of Destiny."


Gu Zhu was taken aback, his face filled with panic involuntarily.

The God of Destiny is a truly terrifying figure.

Why did the master go to find her? Really intriguing...

at the same time.

In a desolate place far away, a handsome man is surveying here, looking for something.

"It's not good, it's not good, sir, your beloved wife..." A person ran over from a distance.


The man rolled his eyes and looked over.

He was the strongest master of the previous generation, and he couldn't help but frown slightly at this time.

The man knelt on the spot: "Your beloved wife was killed."


The man's eyes widened, his eyebrows filled with disbelief, who would dare to kill his own person?

"Not only your beloved wife, but your brother-in-law was also brutally murdered." The kneeling man continued.

"Who did it, the master in my town nowadays is capable of such a thing."

The blue veins on the man's forehead were exposed.

The person kneeling on the ground took out two portraits, Fu Jiaojiao and Lin Hong.

"Go and report for me that there is something at home and I can't complete the task." The man left after speaking.




"Aye..." Lin Hong sneezed as he was driving.

"Are you sick? Need a good rest."

Fu Jiaojiao looked over with bright eyes.

Lin Hong was speechless: "How much do you wish I was sick."

"If you sneeze for no reason, it's only because you are sick."

Fu Jiaojiao pursed her mouth, and she said it was justified.

"It's not that easy. I guess it was an old thief who told me behind his back. It is probably the mayor." Lin Hong chuckled.

To be honest, the mayor is still a little afraid of him, but that's it.

With his own strength, as well as the many treasures on his body, he can completely resist it, but he wants to hide as much as possible.

Hole cards are only used when they are needed to be the most efficient.

In Gu Zhu's mouth, he learned that the God of Destiny was in the Palace of the Undead.

"The person I met before is also from the Palace of the Dead."

Lin Hong whispered.

The person who can't see his face still makes him feel dangerous.

"Look ahead." Fu Jiaojiao said suddenly.

"There are monsters in the center area too?"

Lin Hong frowned and found that it was a huge monster that was red all over and looked like a cow.

Gu Zhu was taken aback: "Isn't this common sense?"

Because of this, I didn't say this during the previous conversation.

"But why do I rarely see monsters along the way?"

Lin Hong will inevitably be surprised.

"The central area is isolated from the outside, and most of the monsters inside have been killed, but there will still be monsters sleeping underground or suddenly appearing. This is inevitable." Gu Zhu briefly explained.

"So that's it..."

Suddenly, Lin Hong was about to go around the monster.

But unfortunately, the monster also noticed them and didn't intend to let them go just like that.

"Moo--" The monster rushed straight.

"Oh, this monster is very dangerous!"

Gu Zhu looked at the monster's huge body and couldn't help but say.

Lin Hong was drifting while driving: "If you don't tell me, I know, is there any way to get rid of him?"

Although the driving speed was already very fast, it was nothing compared to the huge red bull monster.

"These bull-type monsters are dead-headed, and whoever meets them will chase them endlessly."

Gu Zhu has no choice.

He gritted his teeth instead: "Would you like me to lead the monster away?"

"We won't leave any companions behind, so don't think about these useless ones."

Lin Hong patted him on the shoulder and stepped on the accelerator after speaking, but it still didn't work well.

The monster gradually caught up.

At the moment of the moment, I saw a hammer suddenly thrown over and hit the bull's head.

"The hammer?" Doubts flowed in Fu Jiaojiao's eyes.

"It's Ove, he's back."

Lin Hong nodded, knowing what he was thinking.

A man jumped up from far and near, raised his hand and called the hammer back: "Long time no see."

"Didn't you go to build a city, why are you back again?"

Fu Jiaojiao's eyebrows were filled with puzzlement.

"This matter, wait until the monster is resolved." Off sighed, looking a little helpless.

"Just beat him away."

Lin Hong couldn't help but understand.

Off responded, and then went straight to the monster, beating him violently.


The monster cow ran away.

Off fell next to the car: "It's been a long time. Any new people have joined?"

"Hello, master! I'm a bone zhu, the master has newly collected."

Gu Zhu looked stunned, not knowing who the person in front of him was and what kind of identity he was.

"Master?" Off had a weird look.

"This is a long story. Get in the car soon. It's too late to explain."

Lin Hong couldn't help but said.

Ove nodded and jumped into the car: Let's go! "

"You still want to sit on the ceiling so much."

Lin Hong couldn't laugh or cry.

"In this way, if you encounter danger, you can fight back quickly. In addition, the scenery is much better and there is a breeze." Off crossed his legs.

"Speaking of which, why didn't you go to build a city?"

Lin Hong was a little puzzled.

Auf sighed: "I just knew that this place cannot be built at will. Even villages and towns need special approval from the Palace of the Dead.

"Of course, every piece of land in the central area is very precious."

The Gu Zhu sitting in the back of the car took it for granted.

"What's the matter with your kid?" Off couldn't help asking.

"As you can see ~www.readwn.com~ is my new collection. I know many things in the central area."

Lin Hong drove the car.

Ove nodded, he was very smart, and soon understood what was going on.

This is clearly a guide in disguise.

Lin Hong pondered a little: "I provoke a person."

"It's okay, as long as it's not a particularly strong person, it's nothing."

Ove exhaled a long breath.

In the outside area, not to mention the invincible in the world, you can also enter the top ten in the world.

But some of them are not enough in this central area.

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