I Can Become a Treasure by Picking Up Garbage

Chapter 1348: The rebirth of the bones

Lin Hong was speechless for a while.

Gradually, the flying saucer came to the edge of the central area.

This surprised Lin Hong: "Is it possible that the God of Destiny will be here?"

"You mentioned before, the most dangerous place may be the safest, and there is one place, which is exactly that."

The demon said.

"You mean...but how is it possible?" Lin Hong involuntarily took out the token used when he came to the central area.

This thing can be used for both entry and exit, if not, then entry and exit will not be possible.

"Nothing is impossible. The really off-traveled place in the central area is the way to come here."

The demon couldn't help but say.

Even, no one has set foot on it for many years.

And even if you set foot on that road, you won't stay or look for it, so it's the best place to hide.

"Let's go, let's go out and look for it."

Lin Hong said with a chuckle.

Fu Jiaojiao was puzzled: "My husband, why, don't you continue to be in the central area?"

"Moreover, the central area can only be entered, not exited. It is a felony to go out hastily."

Ove spoke, a heavy brow filled his eyebrows.

The team of only three people remained calm along the way, and it was hard to speak.

"Listen to me, that's right." Lin Hong walked forward.

Fu Jiaojiao and Off naturally followed closely, with a glimmer of hope in their hearts.

If you can really get out from here, it would be a good thing, at least you won't be wanted.



Lin Hong took the token and came to the part connecting the outside world and the central area.

It is no different from other places. There is bare land everywhere, giving people a sense of despair.

"Where should I start?"

Ove asked with his waist in his waist, scanning his eyes.

Lin Hong said: "Leave it apart and go in one direction."

Soon, the three of them walked in one direction and started to move forward.

"I hope I can find it."

Lin Hong whispered softly, and told him not to leave too far, so that he had time to support.

"This area is definitely the most secretive. If the God of Destiny has a brain, he will choose this place." The heart demon said at this time.

"hope so……"

Lin Hong shrugged and muttered softly.

After all, this is just the speculation of the inner demon.

Suddenly, he stopped and was a little surprised to find that there was a shoe on the ground.

The demon couldn't help but said, "Quickly pass."

"Women's shoes?"

Lin Hong walked over quickly, picked up the shoe, frowning slightly.

"Using the system to detect." The heart demon said.

"It seems that there is something in this place."

Lin Hong whispered softly.

Soon, the inner demon said: "This is a lady's shoe, which seems to have been abandoned for about five hundred years, because it has a special material that does not decay."

"Can you detect who it is?"

Lin Hong couldn't help asking.

"It's too long, the clues that can be detected above are not enough to lock the owner of the shoe." The heart demon answered directly.

"Is that so..."

Lin Hong murmured softly, frowning involuntarily.

He turned and shook his hand: "If there are shoes, there is hope. Maybe people will really be here."

Go on, stretch your nerves, and carefully look for traces.

Mo about half an hour later.

Lin Hong and others returned the same way and merged.

"Did you find anything? I found such a shoe."

Lin Hong took out the shoes he found before.

"I didn't get anything." Fu Jiaojiao shook her head gently.

"I found this."

Off took a worn-out dagger from his arms.

Because of the age, this dagger has been rusty and is about to rot completely.

Lin Hong raised his hand to take the dagger, and muttered in his heart: "Use the system to detect."

"It was detected that this dagger is the same owner as the shoe just now."

"It was detected as an inadvertent loss."


"In other words, someone passed by here and accidentally lost his shoes and a dagger?"

Lin Hong shook his head and smiled.

He said: "This is too ridiculous, are you sure?"

"Anyway, it's all entries from the system, believe it or not."

The demon answered casually.

Lin Hong rubbed his eyebrows: "The shoes are five hundred years ago. During this period, no one should enter or leave the central area, at least no one would enter."

"In other words... it's probably the **** of fate."

The demons answered, this seems to be the most likely.

"Everyone, I think we found it, she must be here." Lin Hong exhaled long.

"Really? Great!"

Fu Jiaojiao was full of joy, covering her chest with her hands, her eyes flushed.

Seeing her like this, Lin Hong was a little surprised: "What's the matter?"

"No... just a little happy."

Fu Jiaojiao smiled sincerely.

"Since it has been determined that they are here, then, let's start looking for them?" Ofe glanced around.

"Well, this time we act together, don't separate."

Lin Hong nodded.

Although it is safe enough here, it is difficult to guarantee whether the God of Destiny will be hostile to himself and others.

To be honest, he hadn't thought about what to say after seeing the **** of destiny.

The three began to walk.

Lin Hong walked ahead: "Hello, are you the God of Destiny? If you can, I would like to see you."

No answer was received.

Lin Hong was not discouraged, and continued to repeat this sentence.

After half an hour.

Lin Hong continued to repeat, but still did not answer, which made everyone a little impatient.

"Are you not going to see me?" Lin Hong had a headache.

In the previous few places, some people could barely be found, which was good, there was nothing else but quiet.

Just as he thought so, his expression gradually changed.

"Did you find anything?"

Off couldn't help asking.

Lin Hong exhaled for a long time, then twisted his neck and said: "Come out, I know you two are there."

There is no reply.


Lin Hong took out a stone and threw it at a distant stone.

"Pop!" The stone shattered directly.

The demon hiding behind and Zhu Wenkang were taken aback, trying to escape, but it was too late.

"What are you doing hiding here, trying to figure it out?"

Lin Hong stopped them with a smile on his face.

The demon hurriedly said: "How is it possible? We are just hanging out here."

"It's great, idle eggs hurt, wandering in a place like nothing?"

Lin Hong raised his hand to pinch him, and slowly lifted it from the ground, with the corners of his mouth twitching upwards, as if he was being ill-intentioned.

"You... don't go too far! We're here to help you find the God of Destiny!" Zhu Wenkang is anxious.

"Yeah, yeah, didn't you say that the grievances were wiped out? There is no need to fight and kill."

The demon said quickly.

Lin Hong rubbed his chin: "It seems that this is the case."

"The little monster who took you to find the cave before is actually me, look."

The devil gritted his teeth and turned into the monster at that time.

"I know." Lin Hong hugged his shoulders.

At that time, he knew it with the system for the first time, but he didn't say it.

"Ah? How did you... know?"

Seeing his calm face, the demon knew that he was not telling lies, and he was puzzled for a while.

Lin Hong spread his hands: "Don't worry about it, shouldn't you tell me now, how do you plan to take me to find the God of Destiny?"

"I used to have friendship with the God of Destiny. You should know this. Therefore, I took you to the cave and you saw the contents. This is all I know."

The demon exhaled, and then spoke.

"There is a key in it." The demon continued immediately.


Lin Hong was a little confused and looked at Fu Jiaojiao and others.

Ove couldn't help but said, "Everything has been taken away by the bones, now..."

No matter what, including the key, it is no longer there.

"Is that key important?"

Lin Hong couldn't help asking.

The demon heard this: "It is not important, but dangerous. It will kill everyone who has been in contact with him."

"Such a dangerous thing~www.readwn.com~ why didn't you say it earlier? It's clear that you want to kill us..."

Off looked at it coldly, his voice cold.

"No, no, we didn't have time to say, you just ran away, we just caught up recently." The demon said quickly.

It doesn't sound like a problem, after all the flying saucers are so fast that they can hardly catch up.

At this moment.

In the forest of death.

A man is a walker, wearing a black shirt with a skull painted on his shoulders.

He raised his head, it was the bones that should have been dead: "I...Where is this? Why does it feel so cold?"

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