I Can Become a Treasure by Picking Up Garbage

Chapter 1350: The daughter of death

"Actually... I'm completely dead."

The bones and eyebrows were filled with helplessness.

Fu Jiaojiao was puzzled: "What nonsense are you talking about? It's clearly in front of us."

Besides, you and others are undead, how could you die?


Gu Zhu sighed long and began to talk.

After learning the whole story and details, Fu Jiaojiao lowered her head, seeming to be thinking about something.

"That woman in white also came with you?" Lin Hong summed up the key points from his words.

"Yes, but I don't know where she is now."

Gu Zhu nodded.

Lin Hong hesitated a little, and then asked: "Do you know how strong that guy is?"

"I don't know, I only know that it is very strong. In addition, I have gained some powerful abilities, but I still can't beat her."

Gu Zhu sighed for a long time.

"Have you played against her?" Lin Hong asked tentatively.

"How dare she, her speed is too fast, so fast that I don't have the confidence to fight her at all."

Gu Zhu picked up his shoulders.

Lin Hong sighed: "From now on, you will stay here and follow us, you know?"

"But...what about the woman in white?"

Gu Zhu hesitated, lowered his head slightly, and there was fear in his eyebrows.

He knew that if he left, there would be very serious consequences.

Lin Hong frowned: "What are you doing in charge of others."

"She said that if I left her for more than three hours, I would blew myself up."

Gu Zhu said.

"It's all fake." Lin Hong raised his hand and patted his shoulder.

"Huh? How did you know?"

Gu Zhu obviously didn't believe it, confusion filled his eyebrows.

Lin Hong chuckled: "Don't worry about how I know, in short, she is lying to you, understand?"


Gu Zhu hesitated.

What if I really lose my life?

He gritted his teeth and said solemnly: "Master, you have given me this life again, so I listen to you!"

"That's right, don't forget, you are just a dog of your master~"

Fu Jiaojiao was playful.

"Yes." Gu Zhu nodded.

"That's right, you have been your own since the moment you saw my true appearance."

Lin Hong was speechless for a while, and then continued on his way.

He turned to ask: "Have you heard anything about the God of Destiny from the woman in white?"

"How dare I avoid it, let alone ask her any questions."

Gu Zhu lowered his head slightly, seemingly embarrassed.

"It's nothing, afraid, it's just human nature." Lin Hong said with a soft smile.

"It's also... I'll ask if I get the chance."

Bone Zhu responded.



"Oh roar~"

On the other side, the white-clothed woman raised her hands up and bounced around.

She has fair skin, suddenly noticed something, and looked back: "Come out."

"Cough cough cough, isn't this the horrified death girl?"

Another clone of Zhu Wenkang came out from behind a stone not far away.

When the woman in white heard the words, her long eyelashes trembled slightly: "I don't like that name, don't call me by that name."

"What's wrong? Absolute death...the daughter of death."

Zhu Wenkang smiled.

"I said, I don't like that name." The white-clothed woman looked at it coldly.

She was very short and looked like a schoolboy, and the look in her eyes at the moment was icy cold.

"I...I came to you when something happened."

Zhu Wenkang said quickly.

He knew that if he had played with fire, the clone would be killed if he continued.

The woman in white heard the words: "Why should I care about your little monster?"

"Related, your new man, I think, is because he has the key? Or, he has become the key himself."

Zhu Wenkang sorted out his emotions, and then said seriously.

"How did you know?" The white-clothed woman stretched her hands out, her fingers were white and her fingernails were soaring.

"Don't worry about it, anyway, I just know that now the key has been sneaked away, I suggest you hurry up and chase it."

After Zhu Wenkang finished speaking, he wanted to bugger.

Unexpectedly, the woman in white directly grabbed him in her hand: "I don't like being used as a gunman. What is your purpose?"

"I have no purpose, I just want to have a good relationship with the fairy."

Zhu Wenkang hurriedly said that the deputy city lord for so many years has not been in vain, and he speaks eloquently.

The woman in white smiled faintly: "Well, I will believe you this time."


Zhu Wenkang breathed a sigh of relief.

"But, you made me unhappy before, one yard is one yard, you have to die." The white-clothed woman used her hand slightly after she finished speaking.

The screams came out, and Zhu Wenkang's clone was crushed to pieces.

"My hands are dirty. If I knew that the outside change was so big, I should catch a tour guide in advance."

The woman in white sighed.

She turned to look away: "I don't know if that guy has found anything, that... the door that needs a key to open."

"Wait, did that guy just say that the'key' was taken away?!"

The woman in white reacted and hurriedly searched for it.


Gu Zhu, who was on the way with Lin Hong and others, suddenly spewed blood.

"What's the matter?" Ofe walked over quickly.

"It's the woman, she is warning me not to get too far away from her."

Gu Zhu's face was pale, and if this continued, I was afraid that it would be fatal.

Lin Hong pondered for a while and asked in his heart: "Are you sure it's okay to take him away?"

"Don't worry, the system is still certain. The pain this time is just a small trick left in his body by the white-clothed woman, and it's harmless."

The demon couldn't help but said.

Lin Hong nodded, and Lu chuckles behind him: "Can you still stand up?"

"Yes... it seems better."

Gu Zhu barely stood up, his face pale, like a piece of white paper.

"Don't worry, this is just a small means to stay in your body to scare you." Lin Hong raised his hand and patted his shoulder.

"Is that right……"

Bone Zhu nodded ignorantly.

Everyone then continued on their way.

Very far away, the white-clothed woman who was searching for bones clenched her fists tightly: "What's the matter, why can't I get in touch?"

Come here on this trip.

Mainly I was looking for the ‘door’, but I didn’t think that the door had not been found, but the key was lost.

"Damn it, when I find him, I must teach him a lesson."

A fierce light flashed between the woman's eyebrows in white.

"Aye...Master, I have a very bad premonition." The Gu Zhu who was on the way couldn't help but said.

"What's the matter? Don't scare yourself."

Lin Hong couldn't help but said.

Gu Zhu sighed: "Hmm..."

"Do you know something?"

Lin Hong suddenly looked at Zhu Wenkang and the demon following behind him. To say that there was nothing more suspicious than the two of them.

"It has nothing to do with us!" Zhu Wenkang said immediately.

"is it?"

Lin Hong hugged his shoulders, mockery filled his eyebrows.

Was discovered?

At this time, Zhu Wenkang's heart was very puzzled, and he was kicking uneasy.

Lin Hong chuckled: "I know everything...Do you really plan to continue acting?"


Zhu Wenkang gritted his teeth and ran away with the devil.

"East Emperor Bell!" Lin Hong whispered softly.

A bell appeared out of thin air, covering them inside.

"I was wrong, let me out quickly, let me out quickly."

Zhu Wenkang roared inside, and it was uncomfortable to be enveloped by the evil artifact like the Eastern Emperor Bell.

Lin Hong chuckled: "Then it depends on your performance."

"What happened?"

The demon was stunned, and didn't understand what was going on from beginning to end.

Upon seeing this, Lin Hong muttered in his heart: "Is this guy wronged?"

In fact, he just felt that Zhu Wenkang's performance was something wrong, so he tried it out.

But I didn't want to really test it out...

"It looks like it is. Interrogate Zhu Wenkang first."

The demons couldn't help but say ~www.readwn.com~ Lin Hong nodded, walked over slowly, and then put away the Eastern Emperor Bell.

"I was wrong, I shouldn't tell the daughter of death what happened here." Zhu Wenkang said quickly.

"Daughter of death? Who is that?"

Lin Hong frowned, somewhat puzzled.

Zhu Wenkang heard this: "No, you don't even know who the dead daughter is?"

While Lin Hong was surprised, he suddenly found that Fu Jiaojiao and the others were solemn and horrified, as if they had heard something absolutely terrifying.

"Who can explain to me and listen to it?"

Lin Hong asked tentatively.

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