"Hello everyone……"

When the woman in white saw Fu Jiaojiao and everyone, she was obviously a little shy.

She was a little at a loss: "The previous thing, sorry."

"It's ok."

Ove smiled directly and said.

"Why is it okay? Does an apology have to be a bit expressive?" Fu Jiaojiao hugged her shoulders.

"This one……"

The woman in white was stunned and didn't prepare anything to come over.

Lin Hong winked frequently, and Fu Jiaojiao gave up and stopped making trouble.

Off coughed slightly: "In any case, we will be friends in the future."

"Really, don't you dislike me?"

The woman in white blinked.

"Why do you dislike such a beautiful and beautiful girl like you?" Ofe lifted his shoulders.

"Speaking of which, why am I called a key?"

Gu Zhu suddenly said at this moment.

The woman in white looked over: "Because you and the key are fused, this is something I didn't expect."

"Can you be more careful?"

Lin Hong couldn't help asking, this is very important to himself and others.

"I think it should be the key left by the **** of destiny, and you are dead, and you accidentally merge with the key and become one."

The woman in white looked at Gu Zhu and said.

"In other words, I died first, and then merged with the key?" Gu Zhu couldn't help asking.

With that said, the key saved himself instead, at least not being lost.


The woman in white nodded.

Gu Zhu hesitated a little: "Then do you know, which door can I open with this key?"

"Didn't I tell you before? I can open the door that you sensed."

The white-clothed woman opened her mouth and blinked.

"I mean, what is this door for? What's behind?" Gu Zhu asked quickly.

"This... Actually I don't know, I only know that it was left by the God of Destiny."

The woman in white replied timidly, although she was strong, she was always shy when she talked to people.

Everyone looked at each other.

I was thinking about learning something from her, but I didn't think about it.

But it doesn't matter, as long as you take her, no matter how great the danger is, it's not a problem.

Lin Hong smiled lightly at this moment and said: "We plan to go and find out behind that door."

"me too!"

The woman in white seemed a little surprised.

"That...what a coincidence, how about we go together?" Lin Hong couldn't laugh or cry.

It's really innocent, of course I know that you are going too, but it is this innocence that can bring less trouble to myself and others.

"it is good!"

The woman in white responded directly.

Fu Jiaojiao suddenly asked, "Sister, how old are you this year?"

"I can't remember..."

After thinking a little bit, the woman in white shook her head, her face frustrated.

"It must be much older than me." Fu Jiaojiao said this intentionally or unintentionally.

"But in the undead world, age is not a problem at all, it depends on body shape."

Gu Zhu said something at this time.

Fu Jiaojiao glared over: "What does it matter to you?"

Gu Zhu was boring to ask himself, so he closed his mouth quickly and stopped speaking.

"So fierce..."

The woman in white covered her mouth and said quietly.

These words clearly fell in everyone's ears.

"What do you mean?" Fu Jiaojiao clenched her fists and bit her lower lip.

"I don't mean anything..."

The white-clothed woman backed away involuntarily and hid behind Lin Hong.

Upon seeing this, Ove: "I said, Miss, don't bully a little girl."

"When did I bully her?"

Fu Jiaojiao couldn't understand.

"Okay, it's all quiet, let's continue on the road." Lin Hong rubbed his eyebrows.

In fact, there is nothing wrong with Fu Jiaojiao, but the white-clothed woman is so pitiful, she looks very weak and easy to be favored by others.

After all, look at the face even here.

The crowd soon arrived near the door.

This door is invisible to everyone, only Gu Zhu can sense it and open it.

"It makes me feel very bad here."

Gu Zhu said suddenly.

"After opening the door, you won't have any trouble, will you?" Ove asked tentatively, looking at the woman in white.

"No, where will there be a key that can only be used once?"

The woman in white shook her head, knowing that she was actually asking herself.

Everyone breathed a sigh of relief.

Gu Zhu clenched his fists and summoned the courage to take a step forward: "I'm going to open the door."

"Be careful, if there is something wrong, return immediately, you know?"

Lin Hong's eyebrows are filled with symptoms.

"Hmm..." Gu Zhu nodded, and then walked forward.

Time seemed to stand still at this moment, and everyone looked at him silently.

at last.

Bone Zhu's face showed fear, which was almost the same as last time.

"The door is finally about to open."

The woman in white said so for no reason.

Soon, with Gu Zhu's scream, the door opened.

A huge door suddenly appeared in front of everyone.

"Are you okay?" Off quickly stepped forward and lifted the fainted Bone Zhu up, "Something's wrong, he... was seriously injured."

If he is not healed in time, he will die!

"Didn't you say it's okay?"

Lin Hong looked at the white-clothed woman beside him in confusion.

Suddenly, a breath of death filled everyone's hearts.

The white-clothed woman nodded: "It's okay, I did a good job just now, right?"

"What do you mean?"

Fu Jiaojiao was a little hard to understand.

"If you don't understand, then forget it, I'm too lazy to explain, and let me go." After the white-clothed woman finished speaking, she walked to the door.


Off stopped him directly.

Unexpectedly, the woman in white waved her hand: "Only you are worthy of stopping me?"

The powerful energy escaped.


Ofe spouted a mouthful of blood and flew out, shocked between his eyebrows.

Her own strength can't even match her?

"It's a little capable, but I didn't kill it directly." The white-clothed woman seemed to be a different person at this time.

He is indifferent and doesn't take his life in his eyes.

It's as if you were actually acting just now.


Ove gritted his teeth.

The white-clothed woman chuckled and said, "I won't kill you, so be grateful to Dade."

She was in a very good mood at this time and gradually walked into the door.

After that, the door disappeared, as if it had never appeared before.

"Damn it, this **** girl actually fooled us all!"

Off clenched his fists, and since the city was destroyed, he has never been so angry.

"Who has undead coins on you?" Lin Hong rubbed his brows.

Because of the flying saucer, he didn't have much inventory on his body, and he didn't even have enough to see a doctor for Gu Zhu.

"I have it here, just use it."

Off took out a storage bag.

After Lin Hong took it and opened it, he found that the undead coins inside had been piled into mountains, countless.

It can only be said that it is worthy of being a city owner once.

Lin Hong pondered a little: "Enough, then leave it to me."

"It's because I didn't firm up my choice, Master, you don't have to blame yourself."

Gu Zhu lay in Ove's arms, tiredness filled his eyebrows.

If you keep refusing to open this door, maybe everything will be different.

"I don't blame myself, it's just a minor illness, don't make it seem like you're dying."

After Lin Hong finished speaking, he directly converted tens of millions of Undead Coins into the purest energy and injected it into his body.

The wound gradually recovered.

Gu Zhu sighed, "Master, you saved my life again."

Although he was played around in circles from beginning to end, at least his life was saved.

"What are you waiting for, let's go to the next location."

Lin Hong took out the map, and most of the five locations given to him by the heart demon had already been crossed. .

"No need to go, I don't think the last place will be there." The heart demon's voice suddenly came.

"Why are you so sure all of a sudden?"

Lin Hong was a little stunned~www.readwn.com~ The heart demon's voice came again: "Did you not find something wrong?"

"Speak straight."

Lin Hong was a little impatient.

"Every time I only find things or people related to the God of Destiny, but I can't find her, you say it is strange." The heart demon couldn't help but say.

"Does this mean anything?"

Lin Hong was puzzled for a while.

The inner demon replied: "Maybe as the Demon Army said, if the God of Destiny wanted to be found by you, you would never find her."

These words made Lin Hong silent. Could it be that what he has done in the past few days is meaningless?

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