Check in at the inn, one night passed.

   Just when Lin Hong woke up, he was ready to set off again, not wanting to stay in the city for a long time.

   came, because it was wanted.

  Secondly, I don't want to get tired to this city.

   "Husband?" Fu Jiaojiao rubbed her eyes, now it is equivalent to 4 or 5 o'clock in the living world.

"ready to go."

   Lin Hong said with a chuckle.

   Fu Jiaojiao nodded and got up to prepare.

   Six o'clock exactly.

   Lin Hong and others were about to leave the city, but they were stopped by soldiers.

   Fu Jiaojiao was unhappy: "Why don't you let us out?"

   "I was attacked by a lot of giant monsters last night, and if I go out now, I might encounter them. I have to wait for dawn."

   The soldier said, apologizing.

   "It's true... it was messy last night."  Of, rubbing his chin, said.

   "How long do we need to wait?"

   Fu Jiaojiao couldn't help asking the soldier.

   The soldier replied: "It takes at least two hours to ensure safety. Please wait."

   "It's only two hours, no harm is done."

   Lin Hong hugged his shoulders, but soon his complexion changed slightly.

   A prisoner carried by soldiers, looking for something.

   That is the God of the Universe, and the target of the search, no surprise, will be myself.

   There is a sense of sight of a search dog.

   Before he could think too much, Lin Hong led everyone away, frowning slightly: "How could this be..."

   I don't know what agreement the God of the Universe has reached with the people here, and he would even agree to use this method to find himself.

   "My husband, what's wrong?"

   Fu Jiaojiao looked dazed and didn't understand what happened.

   "It's nothing." Lin Hong smiled reluctantly, and then said, "We have been walking around the city for two hours,"


   Fu Jiaojiao nodded, and speaking of it, it has been a long time since shopping.

time flies.

   Everyone went shopping in the street, feeling very boring.

   is really nothing, the only terrible food, so Fu Jiaojiao's sense of expectation dropped to the bottom.

   Lin Hong said: "This is only half an hour..."

   He has been leading the crowd around randomly, the main purpose is to avoid the **** of the universe and save himself from revealing his identity.

"so boring."

   Fu Jiaojiao couldn't help but said.

   I thought it would be interesting, but this is the result?

   "Enter the house to hide." Lin Hong suddenly pointed to the shop aside.

   After everyone entered, on a very high house far away, the God of Destiny stood there, scanning around, looking for something.

   "My husband, what happened, why don't you want to say?"

   In the shop, Fu Jiaojiao had already noticed something.

   Lin Hong smiled bitterly and said in a low voice: "There is a person who can see through my identity, although I don't know why, but in order to avoid trouble, just hide a little bit."

   Mainly because the lord of this city is unfathomable.

   He didn't want to make trouble in this city, and it was unnecessary.

   "So that's it..."

   Fu Jiaojiao nodded, didn't think there was anything, just hide it anyway.

   "A few guests want to buy something?" The voice came from behind, somewhat familiar.


   Lin Hong turned around and saw the woman in white who was staring at him.

  Bone Zhu was shocked: "Daughter of death? Why are you here?"

   "I don't like that name."

   The white-clothed woman looked over, her nails on her hands soaring.

   originally came here to avoid trouble.

   did not think about it, and hit the gun, which caused Lin Hong a headache and was forced to summon the Donghuangzhong to meet the enemy.

   A few seconds later.

   A strong murderous spirit permeated out, enveloping the whole house.

   "Unexpectedly..." Lin Hong felt his heart tremble.

   The woman in white just glared at herself, the feeling of death was so real that he couldn't help exerting all her strength.

   "It's interesting."

   The white-clothed woman's eyebrows are filled with playfulness.

   Lin Hong knew that she had never used her real strength, including now.

   Fu Jiaojiao couldn't help but said, "My husband, I can't breathe!"

   "Go out, hurry up..."

   Lin Hong swallowed and spit, holding a shadow sword, looking at the woman in white from a distance, with a heavy heart.

   This time, it's not easy to handle.

   I don't know if the Eastern Emperor Bell can deal with this level of existence.

   There was no way, Fu Jiaojiao and others had to leave the room. So far, only two of them were left in the room.

   "There are thousands of ways to die in the world, which one do you like?" The white-clothed woman said for no reason.

   "Dead? I usually prefer to let the enemy die."

   Lin Hong suddenly rushed over, preparing to preemptively.

   The white-clothed woman stared at him and said, "You can't beat me."



A few minutes later.

   The murderous spirit inside and outside the house disappeared.

   Fu Jiaojiao and others outside looked at each other and rushed in, only to find that there was no one inside.

   A lot of people and soldiers had gathered nearby, and there was a lot of discussion at this time.

   The **** of the universe was also brought here, but it was a pity that he would return without success.

   "Husband, husband?!" Fu Jiaojiao shouted in the room, panicking a little.

   "The dead girl is gone..."

   Ofe searched around but found nothing, which made him a little at a loss.

   And Lin Hong at this time.

   was in a coma and was taken away from the city by the dead daughter.

   I don't know how long it took before he woke up and found that he was being **** with a rope.

   The demon said: "Congratulations, you have successfully been raised in captivity."

   "What's the joke, where is this? What the **** is going on?"

   Lin Hong glanced around. He was in a small place less than square meters, surrounded by rocks, and occasionally he could see one or two small holes.

   "It's a prison for the daughter of death," the inner demon said after hesitating a little.

   "I was caught? She didn't kill me?"

   Lin Hong was a little surprised. In short, it is a good thing not to be killed.

   The heart demon replied: "Maybe more cruel than killing you, he put you in captivity."

"Woke up?"

   The voice of the woman in white suddenly came from a small hole.

   "Where did you keep me locked up!" Lin Hong said angrily.

   "Don't get excited, from now on, you need to release your murderous aura regularly every day, otherwise you will die with pain."

   The voice came again.

   Lin Hong frowned and tried to use the system as much as possible, only to find that he seemed to be locked in the middle of a big mountain.

   The Chengying Sword and the East Emperor Bell that were worn by    have disappeared, and it is estimated that they have been taken away.

   After hesitating a little, he took out a okay long sword and stabbed it on the wall, but left no scratches.

   "Rumble—" The earth began to tremble violently.

   "This is... an earthquake?"

   Lin Hong has some doubts.

   Soon, the trembling stopped, and the voice of the white-clothed woman came: "Release your murderous aura."

   "What tricks are you playing?"

   Lin Hong frowned, naturally not so simple to follow suit.

   But in the next second, painful enough to suffocate death spread all over the body, deep into the bone marrow.

   "It will be more painful to be disobedient." The voice of the woman in white was flat.

   "Unexpectedly, I would have such a day."

   Lin Hong gritted his teeth, knowing that he can only rely on himself, no one knows that he is locked here, and even if other people come over, it will not help.

   The heart demon said: "Hurry up and release your murderous intent. If this goes on, you will be hurt alive!"


   Lin Hong responded, and then slowly released a murderous intent.

   "Comfortable~" The voice of the woman in white suddenly came.

   "Are you sucking the murderous aura I released?"

   Lin Hong frowned slightly, using his murderous aura to realize this somewhat wrong.

   did not get any answer.

   Until half an hour later, the woman in white asked him to stop: "I like murderousness, so you are a treasure to me."

   I want to advertise, I’m currently using the Book-Chasing app, which caches books for reading, and reads aloud offline!

   can provide unlimited murderous treasures!

   "That's really an honor..."

   When Lin Hong said the last two words, he gritted his teeth.

   "I will come here once a day to recover your murderous aura. If I am not satisfied, there is only one dead end~" The white-clothed woman left after speaking, and a faint laughter came.

   "Is there a way to escape?"

   Lin Hong sat down against the wall and said with a wry smile.

   The heart demon replied: "The nearby wall was strengthened by the dead girl who didn't know what method to use. The general method can't be broken at all. The system is undergoing various simulations, and the answer should be given in two days."


   Lin Hong whispered.

   System simulation, thousands of methods can be simulated per second, similar to exhaustive method.

   In the end, he will tell himself the feasible way to escape.

   Lin Hong began to restore the murderous intent in his body: "The heart demon, why are there still people who like to eat murderous intent in this world?"

   It's really strange, his murderous aura will only bring pain to other people.

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