I Can Become a Treasure by Picking Up Garbage

Chapter 1380: What an old acquaintance

Compared with its former glory, Yujia is very empty at this time.

   Lin Hong originally wanted to get paid and left, but this matter has to be discussed with the Yu Family Patriarch.

   This gave him a headache.

   Yudie is very enthusiastic: "Benefactor, the food will be ready immediately, and they are all freshly bought."


   Lin Hong nodded gently.

   Dinner table.

   "When will your father come back, I want to get the reward I deserve, and then leave."

   Lin Hong asked while eating.

   Yudie replied: "This...actually, there is no one in Yu's house now, so I have to wait for my father to get the undead coin back."

  In fact, it is to destroy those families who have committed crimes, so as to reap undead coins.

   "That's it."

   Lin Hong smiled bitterly, and when it was time for dinner, it was already afternoon.

   He walked back and forth in the hall, waiting for the return of the Yu Family Patriarch, expecting in his heart that the breath of death would not appear again.




   The head of the Yu family returned and immediately gave a large sum of money after learning about it.

   "Thank you, if that's the case, then I will leave." Lin Hong couldn't help but said.

   "Why be so anxious, benefactor, this day... it's going to be dark soon."

   The Jade Family Patriarch couldn't help but say.

   When it is dark, there will be many terrible monsters, and it is safe only in the city.

   Lin Hong hesitated for a moment: "Well, then I will stay overnight."

   Now that I have money, I can start repairing flying saucers.

   As long as the flying saucer is repaired, it is impossible to catch up with the dead girl no matter how she chases it.

  The estimated repair time is ten hours.

   As long as the dead girl does not come over during this period, it is his own victory.

   Time goes by every minute and every second.

   At night, Lin Hong was in his room, unable to fall asleep at all, feeling the breath of death with all his heart.

   As soon as he notices it, he will leave immediately, so as not to get involved in the Yu family.

   "You don't actually need to be so careful, have you forgotten me?"

   The Demon couldn't help but ask.

   Lin Hong shook his head: "If the dead girl suddenly comes out, how can I play?"

   I must remain sober and vigilant in order to react to the dead woman in the most timely manner.


   The heart demon didn't continue to persuade him, because knowing that would be useless.

   There was such a breathtaking past overnight.

   The dead daughter did not appear.

   "Strange, where did she go." Lin Hong had a weird face, so logically, he should have caught up with him.

   "Isn't it okay if you haven't come?"

   the heart demon asked back.

   Lin Hong chuckled: "Yes, just go ahead, so I won't say goodbye to the people here."

   After he finished speaking, he got up and went to open the door, only to find Yudie standing outside the door.

"Is there anything you need?"

   Lin Hong has a weird look on his face.

   "Here is a letter for you." Yudie gave a letter, obviously just coming.


  Lin Hong opened the letter, and there was only one line in it:

   "I'm in trouble, come here soon."

   I am a little strange, but I can see that it was written by the **** of fate.

   The letter from the central area was sent here.

   Lin Hong frowned: "What should I do now? I haven't found Fu Jiaojiao yet."

   "Isn't it okay if you haven't found it? Just take this opportunity to part ways, so you can't help yourself."

   The heart demon said, but he thought it was a good thing.

   "That's right..." Lin Hong nodded.

   That's it, he decided to go to the central area first.

   "Are you leaving?"

   Yudie obviously reacted to something.

   Lin Hong nodded: "I have been in your house long enough, so I won't bother you."

   "Thank you very much for everything you have done to Yujia."

   Yudie knelt down on the spot, expressing solemnity.

   "If there is a chance, maybe we will meet again." After Lin Hong finished speaking, he directly displayed Taxue Wuhen and left.

   "Go away..."

   Yudie sighed, seeming reluctantly.

   The coachman walked out from the dark: "Miss, don't be sad, there is no permanent banquet in the world."

   "I just think it's a pity."

   Yudie sighed and then turned and left, a red light flashing in his eyes.

   How good would it be if such a master could use it for himself?

   "Miss, I have killed the owner of the house." The coachman said suddenly.

   "Um...nice job,"

   Yudie grinned, her mouth turned out to be bright red.

   She turned out to be not a human being, but a monster, a powerful monster.



   "What, that guy is a monster?"

   Lin Hong was on his way, and he was a little unbelievable when he heard the demons say this.

   The heart demon responded: "Trust me, you can't go wrong with 100%, this was only discovered before leaving."

   Lin Hong recalled Yudie's cute appearance, and it was difficult to understand for a while.

   "Believe that, many monsters will swallow the target, and then replace it, and even inherit all the memories."

   Please help me, you can steal book tickets like stealing food. Come steal the book tickets of your friends and vote for me.

   The heart demon couldn't help but explain.

   Lin Hong exhaled: "All right, can the dead girl be detected nearby?"

   "Not for the time being, it should not be nearby. I suggest you go to the central area quickly and find the God of Destiny."

   The heart demon said.

   In this case, at least there is a strong shelter.

  I want to come, even the daughter of death, dare not presumptuous in front of the **** of destiny.

   Lin Hong nodded.

the other side.

   Fu Jiaojiao was walking on the road blankly.

   Off said to his side: "Don't worry, he is a lucky person, so there will be nothing wrong with him."

"is it?"

   Fu Jiaojiao answered casually, absent-mindedly.

   "It's coming soon, it's absolutely safe there." The demon said at this moment.


   Fu Jiaojiao has no interest.

   She was like this, making everyone sigh, a little helpless.

   Ofe hesitated for a while and said, "Lin Hong should not have died, but was taken away."

"take away?"

   Fu Jiaojiao suddenly rekindled hope in her heart.

   "With his greatness, he will definitely be able to escape from prison, so don't worry about it." Ove nodded, then solemnly said.

   "But, he fell into the hands of the dead woman."

   Fu Jiaojiao smiled bitterly, trying to escape from that kind of existence, how easy is it to say?

   Ofe hesitated a little: "Hey..."

   He didn't know what to say, he just hoped that Lin Hong would really be lucky.

   "Aye...have a lot of people whispering to me in secret recently?"

   Lin Hong on the other side rubbed his nose.

   The flying saucer has been repaired, and now no matter what, it is impossible for the dead girl to catch up with herself.

   He released the flying saucer, walked in, everything was the same as before, no change.

   starts slowly.

   Lin Hong held the pass token and rode on the flying saucer, but within half an hour, he had already arrived outside the central area.

   "The monster that gave you the token has encountered trouble, do you want to go over and see it? It seems interesting." The heart demon suddenly said, "There is your old acquaintance there."


   Lin Hong was a little curious, and rushed to the past.

   Soon, I came to the familiar Jedi, collected the take-off disc, and landed on the ground.

   "Damn beast..."

   The **** of the universe is fighting a giant monster like a toad, gritting his teeth.

   Lin Hong chuckled and walked over: "Need help?"

"why you?!"

   The **** of the universe noticed him, his eyes widened, and his secret path was bad.

   Now if it is crossed by a bar.

   There is only a dead end!

   "Why are you here~www.readwn.com~ Didn't you go to the central area?" When the monster suddenly stopped attacking, he uttered something.

   "Do you know each other?"

   The God of the Universe was shocked and retreated again and again.

   Lin Hong nodded: "That's right... Brother Gu, don't be unharmed."


   The monster felt speechless for the name Brother Gu, but didn't say much. Who made this guy ever help him?

  As a sane monster.

   They know how to tell the good news, and even this is better than most people.

   "Our previous grievances have been wiped out, how? Anyway, everyone else has been killed by you, I originally wanted to find you to make peace." The God of the Universe said.

   "I see you, I want to go back to the central area, but there is no pass token. You came here by accident?"

   Lin Hong stared at him with interest.

   The **** of the universe quickly said: "How come?"

   He was already sweating, and what he said was obviously a lie.

   "It's boring, I'll send you on the road."

   Lin Hong didn't have a good face for this guy who could see through his disguise, so he drew out the Shadow Sword and walked over slowly.

   "No...maybe we can have a good talk." The God of the Universe frowned and backed away again and again.

   "There is nothing to talk about, only you die and you live."

   Lin Hong's attitude is very firm.

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