Text Chapter 1407 Homecoming

"You don't really want to send Fu Jiaojiao away, do you?"

Off came over and whispered in Lin Hong's ear.

This is not a trivial matter.

Lin Hong rubbed his nose: "Otherwise?"

"Confused, confused!"

Off couldn't help but say.

"Don't worry, when you get to the place, you will understand." Lin Hong said with a light smile.

There is still a long way to go, there is no need for them to take risks with them.

Except for Fu Jiaojiao.

He also plans to let everyone settle in the City of the Dead.

And I left, looking for the hope of returning to the living world.


Off said nothing.

Time passed, and after three days, I finally arrived at the City of the Dead.

This familiar place is nostalgic.

After listening to the flying saucer, Fu Jiaojiao went on: "I don't want to see you again."

Three full days.

Her mood has not changed at all, let alone comforted and apologized.


Lin Hong nodded.

"You?!" Fu Jiaojiao was irritated by his indifferent attitude, and quickly walked over, "Do you want to bother me? Want to be nice with other women?!"

After she finished speaking, she looked at the dead girl who came with her behind the team.

Lin Hong was a little baffled by this magical brain circuit.

Fu Jiaojiao said, "I knew it!"

She then cried and ran away.

Lin Hong sighed and couldn't help chasing after him. After this chase, he reached the city lord's mansion.

"Miss, the young lady is back!"

"Who is the person following her..."


The soldiers talked a lot.

But soon, they regarded the people behind them as bullies, and they rushed with their weapons.

Fu Jiaojiao easily entered the City Lord's Mansion.

But Lin Hong was turned away.

He looked at the soldier in front of him and spread his hands: "Don't you know me?"

"Who are you, why should we know you."



The soldiers showed disdain.

But soon, they showed respect and respect, because a person came over.

It turned out to be Lin Changsheng, who hadn't seen him for a long time.

He saw that Lin Hong ignored himself: "Why, I'm still angry with my father? The guy named Water God has already been killed by me."

"The God of Water deserves to die."

After Lin Hong finished speaking, he disappeared in the same place in an instant. He had already used Ta Xue Wuhen and entered the city lord's mansion.

"This kid... his resolute and resolute attitude is a bit of me." Lin Changsheng said, and then walked into the city lord's mansion.

Naturally, no one will stop him from coming.

"Let's go in."

Auf and others followed closely and came here.

However, the soldiers didn't show any face, and they had to report before making plans.

In the city lord's mansion.

After the city lord learned that his woman had returned, he was very excited and walked out on crutches: "Daughter, daughter..."

"Father, why did you put a cane on it?"

The moment Fu Jiaojiao saw him, tears filled her eyes, and countless grievances rose from her heart.

The city lord sighed: "People are getting old..."

"My Lord, it's been a long time since I saw you."

Lin Hong came soon after, secretly saying that this old man could really act.

Not long ago, he was seen flattening a mountain with his hands, but now, he pretended to be old.

"Humph!" Fu Jiaojiao snorted when seeing him, pursing her lips, seemingly very upset.

"What's wrong?"

The city lord couldn't help asking, no matter how stupid he was, he could see that something was wrong.

Fu Jiaojiao replied: "Father, he is looking for women outside, and he has searched a lot."

"Where do I have it."

While Lin Hong was helpless, he was even more speechless.

In this situation, why does he seem to have become a negative person? The script shouldn't be like this.

Unexpectedly, the city owner is generous: "Man, it's normal to have a few more women, but you can only blame you for not learning your mother's heart-controlling sutra well."

"Father, why are you talking to him?"

Fu Jiaojiao bit her lower lip, feeling extremely unhappy.

"First, let me talk about where you have been in these days, so that I can have a long experience." The city lord said with a smile.

"Father, I'm sorry... the guard you sent us died."

Fu Jiaojiao showed guilt on her face.

The city lord heard this and recalled for a moment: "That guy has been with me for many years, it doesn't matter, it's just a guard."

"That's the dragon, the city lord doesn't care so much?"

Lin Hong asked with a smile.

It can be seen that the city lord is definitely not so simple on the surface.

"Just kidding, how could it be a dragon?" The city lord smiled indifferently.

"What happened to my son?"

Lin Changsheng walked from outside and flicked his sleeves.

The city lord looked at him: "You happened to be here, and the young couple are having conflicts."

"Son, you must treat them well."

As Lin Changsheng said, he walked closer and put a hand on his waist.

"Yeah..." Lin Hong knew that this was suggesting something to himself, but not to be outdone, raised his backhand to pinch his waist.

On the surface, the two are hooking shoulders, but in reality, they are hurting each other.

"This is the case beforehand. You will live apart for a few days first, and then you will gradually think of each other's goodness."

The City Lord spoke.

Suddenly, Fu Jiaojiao's thoughts flashed together, and scenes from the past appeared in her mind.

She bit her lower lip and looked at Lin Hong: "I only give you one last chance, right now."


Lin Hong looked surprised.

"What are you doing in a daze? Hurry up," Lin Changsheng urged.

"Well, wait, my stomach hurts a bit."

Lin Hong said suddenly, then turned and left and came to a place with no one.

After hesitating a little, he cast shadow decision.

Soon, a person exactly like himself appeared in front of him.

Lin Hong said: "Go, leave it to you."


The shadow turned and left and returned to the vicinity of the city lord and others, behaving just like him~www.readwn.com~ The heart demon couldn’t help saying, “There is only one shadow, and it can inherit your body’s strength to help fight. Are you willing?"

"There is nothing to be reluctant to bear."

After Lin Hong finished speaking, he chuckled and wanted to leave, but the situation suddenly happened.

I saw it.

Shadow ran back quickly.

Lin Hong looked dumbfounded: "What's the matter?"

"Okay, you dare to lie to me with fakes, you are too much!"

Fu Jiaojiao chased her, her eyes flushed.

It turned out that the shadow was recognized, which made her extremely sad.

"This... listen to me." Lin Hong twitched his mouth, never expecting to fail, let alone failing so quickly.

"Obviously, my son is relatively simple, and he is embarrassed to say he likes it, so he used this method."

Lin Changsheng came over at this time.

Fu Jiaojiao glared over: "Uncle Lin, it's all like this, are you still talking to your son?"

"Family and talent are all going well, you go back to your room to rest, and you won't have that much trouble when you come out."

Lin Changsheng said helplessly, giving the easiest way.

However, this made everyone present speechless for a while, and just in time, Ove and others broke in.

Fu Jiaojiao pointed to the dead daughter: "It's her, she keeps saying that He's husband is pregnant with her child."

She just said it on purpose.

"Huh? What kid?"

The dead girl pretended to be puzzled, rubbing her lower abdomen, and doubts filled her eyebrows.

"Is it you?" The city lord obviously knew her and made a hissing gesture.


The dead woman wanted to say something, but when she saw it, she swallowed it back.

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