"Fu Jiaojiao, what is the Five Elements Beast?"

Lin Hong couldn't help asking.

Fu Jiaojiao replied: "It is a common beast around here. The meat can be eaten, but...the taste is not very good."

"Anything else?"

Lin Hong continued to ask.

"Of course there are, and there are many five-element beasts outside, which can be captured at will." Fu Jiaojiao nodded.

"Then...please everyone try to get the meat of the Five Elements Beast, it will help me a lot."

Lin Hong's eyebrows were filled with seriousness.

Fu Jiaojiao heard the words: "Okay!"

Others also agreed, saying that there was no problem.

After that, Lin Hong continued to find a way, and they went out to hunt the five-element beast.

Time passed by one minute and one second, and in a blink of an eye, three days passed.

There is still no way.

Fortunately, it wasn't nothing, the power of the five elements can be fully displayed, and it is much stronger than before.

"With the power of the five elements and the body of killing, what are you afraid of?"

Lin Hong said with a chuckle.

The heart demon heard: "If you can be resurrected, maybe you will be a blessing in disguise."

"It's true... my soul is extremely powerful now, and even my tricks have been strengthened."

Lin Hong nodded gently.

However, the key question now is how to resurrect.

Everything seems to have returned to the origin.

Lin Hong smiled bitterly and said, "Continue to think of a solution."

"Husband, I found a huge five-element beast!"

Fu Jiaojiao ran back from outside at this time.

"Huh?" Lin Hong looked over in surprise.

"It's big, but we may not be able to beat it."

Fu Jiaojiao was embarrassed, and that was why she came back to find Lin Hong.

Lin Hong smiled and said, "Just try the power of the five elements."

After he finished speaking, he got up, walked out of the cave, and followed Fu Jiaojiao all the way.

"That is the Five Elements Beast?"

Lin Hong saw a monster that resembled a cat and dog, with a fierce appearance, and most of them had scars.

"Well, it's fierce." Fu Jiaojiao nodded.

"That's the huge five-element beast you said, right?"

After Lin Hong pondered a little and looked into the distance, a huge five-element beast came into view.

Fu Jiaojiao nodded: "Yes, Ove and the others are secretly following, waiting for you to pass."

"Thanks for your hard work these days, let me take the lead."

After Lin Hong smiled and finished speaking, he went straight to the five-element beast, gathering the energy of the five-element in his hand.

"Husband?" Fu Jiaojiao wanted to stop, but it was too late.

I thought that everyone would go together and be safer, but he didn't expect that he would go so stubbornly!

"Why did you go directly? Big guy, let's keep up!"

Auf, who was hidden in the distance, saw this scene with a dazed expression, and quickly said to the others.

The dead girl disappeared instantly and came to Lin Hong's side: "It is very dangerous for you to do this."

"This... just wants you to suffer less injuries."

Lin Hong said with a bitter smile.

Suddenly, the dead girl seemed to think of something and nodded slightly.

Approaching the huge five-element beast, Lin Hong smashed the five-element energy ball in his hand forcefully. Suddenly, the powerful explosion made the entire mountain range sway, and everyone in Ov was shocked.

So strong...

The dead girl is about to be affected by the explosion, and there is no time to defend.

Lin Hong stopped and hugged her, turned his back to the explosion, and rushed out with a quick stride.

The explosion subsided gradually.

"Husband, are you okay?" Fu Jiaojiao and the others hurried over.

"It's okay..."

Lin Hong put down the dead daughter in her arms and patted the dust on her body.

He looked at the huge five-element beast, which had been blown to death, leaving only the cooked corpse emitting smoke.

Fu Jiaojiao couldn't help but said, "This will be enough for a long time."

"Let's go."

Lin Hong went straight to the corpse of the giant five-element beast and took it into the small world, feeling very good.

He really got stronger.

"Now, you and death...Which one is better at her?" Ove pointed at the dead girl and almost missed it.

"I'm not as good as him."

The woman of death replied lightly, then turned and left.

Upon seeing it, Ove: "Is angry? I didn't say that word on purpose just now!"

"I am not angry."

The woman of death just said so, and then gradually moved away.

"Sure enough, you're angry?" Off sighed, secretly saying that his mouth is really useless.

"I will persuade her..."

Fu Jiaojiao thoughtfully, turned around and left.

Lin Hong was surprised: "Has the relationship between the two of them always been so good?"

Everyone shook their heads and returned to the cave. This time, because of the huge Five Elements Beast, there was no shortage of food.

"No, it's not good!"

Fu Jiaojiao ran back suddenly, was injured, and lost half of her abdomen.

"What's the matter?" Lin Hong walked over quickly and took out the Undead Coins to heal her injuries.

"Husband, leave me alone, the daughter of death... she was taken away!"

Fu Jiaojiao said quickly, pointing to the way she came.

Lin Hong frowned and rushed over there: "You are waiting here, I'll go and take a look first."


The inner demon sighed long at this moment.

"Why didn't you notify me the first time?" Lin Hong was surprised, he shouldn't make such a low-level mistake.

"The system is calculating the resurrection method, and it can no longer be used to stare at others."

The inner demon replied so helplessly.

Lin Hong pursed his lips and asked, "Can the current situation of the dead girl be detected?"

"I'm still alive. As for the others, I can't do anything for the time being."

The demon gave the answer.

Lin Hong's heart was extremely heavy, and the speed of his feet accelerated, and soon he stopped and found the dead girl lying on the ground with serious injuries.

In addition, there is also a young monk who reveals evil spirits all over his body.

He pondered a little: "Are you the child of the monk before?"

"How long has it been before you don't know the poor monk?"

The monk said.

"You're not dead?" Lin Hong was surprised, he had already been shaken into residue by the Donghuang Bell.

"I am good, how can I be killed by the holy thing?"

The monk asked back, revealing evil spirits all over his body.

Although he is obviously evil, he is cultivating the right way, which is strange and self-contradictory.

Lin Hong pondered a little: "Such a scene, have we experienced it before?"

Last time, it was Fu Jiaojiao, but this time it was the daughter of death.

"Hahaha, Amitabha, benefactor, the result this time...will not be the same."

The monk smiled grimly.

"What do you want this time?" Lin Hong asked directly.

"I want you to die, otherwise, she will die."

After the monk finished speaking, he pointed to the dead woman lying on the ground in front of him, unable to move.

For a moment, silence filled the air.

Lin Hong could even hear his heartbeat,

The woman of death said: "Thank you for your care all the time, you don't need to...do it for me anymore~www.readwn.com~Stop talking nonsense!"

The monk's face became cold, and he smashed the staff down and directly broke his arm.

The woman of death is in pain.

Upon seeing this, Lin Hong involuntarily released the Slaughter Body.

"Why, fight with the little monk?" The monk's eyebrows were filled with mockery, "If you weren't playing tricks, you were definitely not my opponent last time."

"Speaking of insidious tricks, what are you doing right now?"

Lin Hong pointed at him, this is no different from an absolute scheming.

The monk was silent for a moment: "Huh, it's useless to say more, suicide quickly, otherwise it will make you regret it forever!"


The death daughter muttered, and from a distance, Fu Jiaojiao and others rushed over.

High-speed text, hand hitting me and picking up trash can be a treasure chapter list

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