"Forgive me, you must forgive me, I am your sister!"

The woman shouted suddenly.

Wei Wan gritted his teeth: "You have harmed Dad, I would rather you not die!"

Soon, the woman was dragged out.

Wei Wan couldn't come back for a long time. He knelt in front of the old man, his brows filled with a thick daze.

"Father... why did you leave?"

Wei Wan couldn't accept this reality.

"Actually, I have a way." Lin Hong borrowed the system and suddenly found out.

"any solution?"

Wei Wanxiang saw the last glimmer of hope and asked quickly.

Lin Hong replied: "I found that there is actually a little consciousness remaining in his body, but not much."

"and then?"

Wei Wan asked quickly, very excited.

"You can use this point of consciousness to wake him up temporarily, but... the time is very short, it may only exist for a few minutes, and then he will really die. It is best to have him reincarnate during this period." Lin Hong lifted his shoulder Said.

"Reincarnation? Yes, there are ready-made reincarnation wells in the city."

Wei Wan said quickly.

Lin Hong nodded: "Let's go, take us over, this old man will soon be unable to hold it."

"it is good!"

Wei Wanying down.

Soon, everyone came to a well, which was filled with mystery.

"If you jump down, you will be reborn?" Off couldn't help asking.

"Yes, it's just that this well is relatively random, and there is no guarantee of what kind of family will be reborn in, but at least it can be guaranteed to be an individual."

Wei Wan nodded vigorously.

Lin Hong took out a lot of undead coins, extracted the energy inside, and then smashed them into the old man's body.

After a while.

Because of the energy stimulation, the old man's eyes gradually glowed: "Where am I...?"

"Father, it's me, daddy, are you okay?"

Wei Wan cried and said.

"Of course it's okay, dad, just had a nightmare." The old man nodded with a smile, and then began to talk.

It turned out that he "dreamed" of being strangled to death by his own daughter, and was immediately wiped out.

"Father, those are all real!"

Wei Wan knelt on the ground.

The old man was taken aback: "Then how could I not die?"

"Is such that……"

Wei Wan talked about the matter.

The old man was silent for a long time before he sighed and looked at the rebirth well in front of him: "In other words, as long as I don't jump down, I will soon be wiped out."


Wei Wan nodded.

He turned to say: "However, my son will count as good time. As long as you come to the undead world again, he will definitely take you home!"

"Haha, no need, everything has an end, let the past go away with the wind."

The old man smiled, and calmly jumped out of the rebirth well.

Suddenly, a purple light flashed.

"It turned out to be purple?" Wei Wan breathed a sigh of relief.

"Purple... does it mean anything?"

Lin Hong asked curiously.

Wei Wan replied: "Although this rebirth well is reborn at random, the color represents the quality of the family."

Among them, the purple is already very advanced, and will be reborn in the families of the nobles.

"That's good."

Lin Hong said with a chuckle.

This is a good thing for everyone.

"Let's go, I have prepared food." Wei Wan exhaled a long breath and said.

"Stable your emotions, you are the lord of the city."

Off had a solemn face.

Wei Wan nodded, knowing that the city lord who is unmoved no matter what happens is the real good city lord.



After eating, Lin Hong confirmed whether he had seen Po Meng in the city and got the exact answer, that is, no.


Fu Jiaoji was coaxing the child, and the door opened at this time.

Lin Hong, who just came back: "How does it feel to raise a child?"

"I don't know... She has been laughing, not crying, is this normal?"

When Fu Jiaojiao saw him, she hurried over, looking very nervous.

"Maybe it's just a good mood?" Lin Hong was not sure either.

Although he was older than Xue Qianhan, he really wouldn't take this little baby.

"Could it be that he brought back a fool?"

Fu Jiaojiao asked instead.

This is what worries her most.

However, seeing the baby suddenly screamed, he seemed very upset.

Lin Hong chuckled: "As for protesting, they are not fools, are they?"


The baby nodded.

"That's good." Fu Jiaojiao breathed a sigh of relief.

"Well, I plan to go out of town. You can stay and see the baby these days."

Lin Hong turned and said, rubbing his nose.

Fu Jiaojiao bit her lower lip: "Husband, where are you going? Why don't you take me?"

"Of course it's because it's safe here, where I'm going, but the city of the dead."

There was solemnity in Lin Hong's eyes.

Since Po Meng's goal is to kill the Lord of the Undead, it is very likely to be in the City of the Undead.

"Ah? It's dangerous right now!" Fu Jiaojiao couldn't help but said.

"I know, but even if it's dangerous, I must go this time."

Lin Hong raised his hand and patted her shoulder.

Fu Jiaojiao lowered her head: "But...husband, can you take me with you so that you can take care of it."

"Hey, listen to me, when I get back, I will get you a good drink."

Lin Hong raised her hand and pinched her cheek, then turned and left.

"Hey..." Fu Jiaojiao sighed.


The baby in his arms suddenly yelled twice, his big eyes were enlightened, and he seemed to be comforting.

On the other side, Lin Hong got in the car after leaving the city. The reason why he didn't choose a flying saucer was because he wanted to inquire about it on the road.

The heart demon said at this time: "The system is no longer performing calculations, and they can detect their real-time situation from a long distance, so you don't need to worry."

Once there is a situation, he can detect it in time.


Lin Hong nodded gently.

He drove the car and asked some clues from passersby the next day.

The passer-by looked at the portrait: "Yes, I have seen this person, she is in the city of the dead."

"thank you very much!"

Lin Hong let out a long sigh. After giving out a lot of Undead Coins, he took out the map. There are only a few hours away from the Undead City.

He stepped on the accelerator and went straight to the other side: "The demon, must not let go of the surrounding wind and grass!"


The demon replied.

Soon, Lin Hong arrived at the City of the Dead, gave himself a casual look, and started searching and inquiring everywhere on the street.

"Hey, who are you?" A soldier walked over.

"Excuse me, have you met this person?"

Lin Hong looked over and took out dozens of undead coins.

The soldier didn't have so many things at once, but replied: "I haven't seen it, you can go and ask elsewhere."

"Thank you."

Lin Hong chuckles, secretly saying that he has money to do things.

Soon ~www.readwn.com~ he asked while walking on the street, someone had seen it, but he couldn't give any effective specific location.

The inner demon said, "I'm sure, she's in the city...wait, be careful!"

Lin Hong stopped and looked forward. A person walked slowly there, who turned out to be the lord of the undead.

"Great Lord of the Undead!"

Some passers-by exclaimed and knelt on the spot, and others did the same.

Lin Hong is naturally impossible to kneel.

He stared at the Lord of the Undead, and the Lord of the Undead seemed to perceive something and looked at him along the line of sight, and the two looked at each other.

"Why don't you kneel?"

The Lord of the Undead said slowly.

For a moment, all the sights converged, causing Lin Hong to swallow and spit involuntarily.

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