"I didn't say anything..."

Fu Jiaojiao is not prepared to mention this.

Lin Hong suddenly showed pain: "This rope is tied so tightly, can you loosen it for me?"

"this is not OK."

Fu Jiaojiao obviously hesitated for a while, then shook her head.

"It's really uncomfortable." Lin Hong twisted his body.


Concern filled Fu Jiaojiao's eyes.

Lin Hong pretended to think, and then showed a serious face: "As a husband and wife, I don't hide anything, you can let me go."

"Huh? But..."

Fu Jiaojiao lowered her head.

"Do you want our children to have no father? Your father won't let me go." Lin Hong said immediately.

"no, I can not."

Fu Jiaojiao shook her head, but she didn't have much confidence.

After all, the words of the resentful spirit must be eliminated.

Lin Hong smiled bitterly: "As a husband and wife, can't you even help me with this matter?"


Fu Jiaojiao was struggling in her heart.

"It's nothing, let me go quickly." Lin Hong's eyes were full of sincerity, "Otherwise, I will die here, you should know."


Fu Jiaojiao sighed.

She succumbed: "Well, but you have to promise me not to do bad things."


Lin Hong was overjoyed.

Soon, he was untied.

"Husband, you...what kind of look is this?" Fu Jiaojiao suddenly realized that the look in his eyes was a bit wrong.

"Nothing, I'm leaving first, and I'll see you again soon."

After Lin Hong finished speaking, he turned and jumped out of the window.

Fu Jiaojiao stretched out her hand and wanted to stop her, but she didn't say anything in the end and sat quietly by the bed.

She thought of her child: "I don't know how it was with the other me."



Lin Honggang wanted to leave the City of the Dead, but was blasted back by an inexplicable force.

He frowned and looked at his wrist, where there was a faintly shining mark.

The demon couldn't help cursing: "I'll go, won't it?"

This is exactly the mark that Lin Hong had tasted before, which can prevent people from leaving the city.

"what's this?"

Lin Hong buckled the imprint with his hands, but couldn't buckle it down at all.

He became more and more impatient: ‘Grandma’s, how about cutting off this arm directly? ’

"It's useless, you've tried... well, in short, hide first."

The heart demon almost missed his mouth, and quickly changed his mouth.

Lin Hong frowned: "What did you just say, I have tried it? Yes, I should have been here, but why can't I remember it?"

He rubbed his eyebrows, thinking in his heart.

"Hey, don't stand here, the city lord is coming soon!"

The demon couldn't help but said.

If the formation is touched, the city lord will definitely notice it.

"Come on, I'm about to get him gradually." Lin Hong's eyes filled with fierceness.

"You who can't use murderous intent, can't be people's opponent."

The demon couldn't help but said.

However, Lin Hong raised his hand: "I accidentally discovered this power in my body, and it seems to be quite useful."

That is the power of the five elements, which has been condensed in the palm of his hand at this time, and the five energies have gathered to form the five element energy ball, which is powerful.

"This..." The heart demon said dumbly, "This thing can't be used, it will make your power fade."

"Can't use it? Fade? If it fades, it will fade. Anyway, I must kill that old man now."

Lin Hong finished speaking carelessly, turned around and waited quietly. At this time, many soldiers were rushing over.

Soon, he was besieged, however, the soldiers didn't do anything at all, they were all waiting.

The lord finally came.

He swept away his exhaustion, and his strength was completely restored: "Follow me back."

"Go back, who do you think you are, quickly get rid of this mark on the little master, otherwise... I will kill you all!"

Lin Hong's eyes were filled with disdain and threats.

The city lord shook his head, seeming to feel a little difficult.

Behind him followed the additional comparison: "Father... I'm sorry, I don't want it."

Obviously, I did something wrong this time, mainly because I didn't expect that mark.

I don't even know when the city lord made it!

"Old man, don't bully my woman!"

Lin Hong saw Fu Jiaojiao look guilty and thought she was being bullied, and immediately looked cold.

"Don't be disrespectful to the city lord!" a soldier shouted.

"What kind of thing do you dare to yell at me?!"

Lin Hong turned his head to look over, and murderous aura faintly spread out all over his body.

Fu Jiaojiao's eyes were red: "Husband, you can be soft and apologize to Dad."

"Let me apologize to this old man first, there is no door!"

Lin Hong's evil form looks alive and well like a bad boy.

"No murderous intent!" The heart demon roared loudly at this moment.

"No? The big deal is always restricted, I don't care anymore!"

There was a fierce light in Lin Hong's eyes.

The inner demon secretly said that it was bad, and at this moment, a familiar voice came.

It's Ove: "What's the matter?"

He looked at Lin Hong, who was under siege, dumbfounded. He was obviously a family, how could it be like this?

"Where's the porridge dragon..."

The demon is happy, in this case, the crisis may be lifted.

However, the only people who came back were Oufu, Bone Zhu Fanlong and others, and they were missing.

"Quickly ask him where the porridge dragon is." The demons couldn't help but say.

"Hey, where is the porridge dragon?"

Lin Hong turned to ask, asking impatiently.

Off replied: "He and the others are injured and are training in other cities and have not come back for the time being~www.readwn.com~this..."

The inner demon doesn't know what to say anymore.

He continued to ask Lin Hong to ask, "What city is that city?"

"It's Wei Wan's city. By the way, there are already ways to send them back to another world. It's probably only a matter of time before sending them back."

As he spoke, Ove stepped forward, confused.


Lin Hong has changed a little bit differently?

"What are you doing, stand there, don't come over!"

Lin Hong said with a vigilant and fierce face holding a sword.

"What are you doing?" Ove was puzzled. "We are partners, and what's the matter with you? Is it possible to steal people's things?"

"Partner, what is a partner?"

Confused on Lin Hong's face, he shook his head after speaking and stopped thinking about it.

He is holding a sword in his hand: "Warn you not to come near me. I am going to fight to the death with that old man now. No one will come in and join in."

"Are you crazy?"

What did Off think of, facing Lin Hong like this, he was very surprised.

"Quickly think of it, you were obviously there when you entered the evil form." The inner demon said helplessly.

"It really is crazy."

Off was convinced of his own ideas.

This made the inner demon even more helpless, but did not say anything, but chose to be silent, thinking about the solution to this scene in his heart.

Lin Hong didn't change his complexion, and pointed at the city lord with a sword: "Come on, it was you who attacked last time, plus I didn't move real, this time I want you to look good!"

After he finished speaking, murderous aura rose to the sky, covering the entire Undead City in almost an instant.

"Don't do this!"

The demon couldn't help but shouted.

However, Lin Hong did not listen at all.

He went straight to the city lord, with a fierce light in his eyes, and when he got closer, he cut off the evil sword in his hand.

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