I Can Become a Treasure by Picking Up Garbage

Chapter 1471: it's not finished yet

Not long after, Lin Hong came to the street.

He looked at the endless stream of people, and soon he was surrounded by a bunch of girls.

"Brother... your muscles are so strong."

"Would you like something interesting?"


The girls said.

Lin Hong frowned slightly and walked away quickly, only to find these people everywhere, which was annoying.

He looked at one of them: "Do you know where the city lord is?"

"He, isn't he over there?"

The girl walked closer and pointed not far away, where a man was surrounded by girls like a moon held by the stars.

"..." Lin Hong swallowed and spit, and walked over slowly.

"who are you?"

The man looked over and saw that it was the lord of the city and the person in the photo.

Lin Hong's expression remained unchanged: "Come to kill your people."

"You and I have no grievances, why do you want to kill me?"

The man was puzzled, and his neck was wiped as soon as the words fell.

Lin Hongzheng wanted to go back for business, but secretly said that it was bad: "How come it's all this stuff these days."

The girls on the street disappeared, replaced by piles of female bones.

As for this whole city?

It's just broken bricks.

Obviously, it is illusion again, since I saw this city, it was all fake.

Lin Honggang turned around, and the scenery in front of him changed rapidly, becoming extremely black, like a black hole, sucking in all the light.

"No wonder the old man didn't come by himself..."

Lin Hong whispered, feeling very troublesome, then exhaled and twisted his neck.

"Jie Jie Jie." A strange harsh voice came from behind.


Lin Hongzhi felt a cool breeze from behind and turned back quickly, but saw nothing.

He frowned: "Who, come out soon!!"

However, there was still no answer, and everything returned to peace.

"Leave this place first."

The demon couldn't help saying that he thought this place was too weird.

Lin Hong nodded, speeding up his pace, but it was like walking in circles, no matter what, he couldn't get out.

The inner demon pondered a little: "You are trapped."

"Can you find an exit?"

Lin Hong frowned slightly, always feeling hairy behind her back, as if something was following, but she couldn't find it at all.

"I can't find it for the time being, it will take time to break this illusion, or... another way." The heart demon couldn't help but say.

"any solution?"

Lin Hong asked quickly, feeling uncomfortable all over by the current feeling.

The inner demon solemnly said: "Pain, as long as it is painful enough, you can escape from the illusion and return to reality."

"Can it work?"

After Lin Hong hesitated again and again, he took out a silver needle and slowly pierced it into his body.

A painful look gradually appeared on his face: "This thing really hurts..."

"Hold it back, you can definitely do it."

The demons are cheering for him.

Lin Hong was very cruel, and took out a few silver needles and pierced them at the painful acupuncture points.

"Hi..." Lin Hong took a breath, grinning in pain.

My eyes gradually brightened, and what I saw became clear, not as dark as before.


The voice came from the ears.

Lin Hong immediately drew out the Yingying Sword and slashed away there.

However, it was empty and missed.

The voice came from the other side: "Hahaha, you are so capable, dare to come and kill me?"

"Are you the lord of this city?"

Lin Hong rubbed his head and glanced around, seeing what he saw in front of him shuttled back and forth between darkness and reality.

"Yes, because you are a ruthless person, so I personally come out to entertain you today." The city lord nodded, and a dagger appeared in his hand.


Lin Hong let out a long breath, forced himself to calm down, stared at him, and twisted his neck.

The city lord rushed forward: "You know, I haven't been patronized here for many years."


Lin Hong slashed down the Shadow Sword in his hand.

However, once again, his current state is so bad that he can't concentrate at all.

"Hahaha!" The City Lord smiled madly, stabbing a dagger.

"You bastard..."

Lin Hong pursed his mouth. Although it was painful, the silver needles on the acupuncture points on his body made him more painful, and he could not feel it for a long time.

He tried hard to provoke the Shadow Sword in his hand: "Go to hell!"

"Death? It's up to you?"

The city lord said nonchalantly, changing positions from time to time.

Suddenly, he wanted to end this farce, so he stabbed Lin Hong's head with a dagger, then turned and left.

"it's not finished yet……"

The voice came.

The city lord was stunned, then looked back: "I have been pierced in the head, you are not dead?"

"Thank you for this, which made me sober up a lot."

Lin Hong pumped murderous aura all over his body, his head was extremely clear, and at the same time, he had completely escaped from the illusion.

"Not good..." Knowing that, the city owner turned around and wanted to run away.

However, how could Lin Hong agree, show Taxue Wuhen, and chase him quickly.

"Don't forget, there are still two companions in my hands!"

Seeing that the distance between himself and him was gradually shortened, the city lord couldn't help shouting.

Lin Hong didn't change his face and said nothing, but the anger on his face grew a little bit more.

The city lord scolded: "Don't you care about their lives?!"

Lin Hong still did not speak.


The city lord ran, suddenly tripped over a stone and fell to the ground.

"You lost." Lin Hong's expression remained unchanged, staring at him, holding the Yingying Sword in his hand.

"Heh, that old thing must have let you kill me, right?"

The lord sneered, just lying on the ground ~www.readwn.com~ and didn't mean to get up.

Lin Hong pondered a little: "That's a senior master."

"Haha, it's just an old stubborn, so nice to say."

The city lord seemed to have heard some joke and couldn't help laughing.

"What is your relationship with him?" Lin Hong was expressionless, knowing that it would definitely be involved.

"Master and apprentice."

After the city lord finished speaking, he stood up and shook his hand, his brows filled with dissatisfaction.

Lin Hong was surprised: "If that's the case, why did he let me kill you?"

"Huh, that's an old stubborn who doesn't know how to be flexible, with such a good ability in illusion. Of course, you have to apply what you have learned and use it in the right place, don't you think?"

The city lord said while looking elsewhere, preparing to escape.

"So?" Lin Hong snapped his fingers, and the Eastern Emperor Bell fell from the sky and shut them in. "You built this city born of illusion?"

"That's right, I also let you enjoy a little bit of enjoyment, isn't it good?"

The city lord said with an aftertaste.

Lin Hong rubbed his chin: "No wonder that old man insists on killing you."

This is obviously not learning and skillless, using what you have learned to do such nasty things.

"Huh, I ask you, if you could have an illusion that makes everything very real, what would you do?"

"Used to deal with the enemy."

Lin Hong answered very quickly.

The city lord frowned: "I mean, when there are no enemies."

"Then don't chant."

Lin Hong showed a weird face. After speaking, he pressed on every step of the way to end the battle.

"Don't rush to kill me... We actually have a lot of common languages. For example, your two companions have been locked up by me. As long as I die, they will be trapped in the environment forever until death."

The smile of the city lord gradually became evil, which made people shudder.

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