I Can Become a Treasure by Picking Up Garbage

Chapter 148: First sight of a monster

  The huge strength of Fox White is first, don’t it, it’s not difficult for any post-peak to break this wall.

   "Wow, master, I'm so amazing!"

  Hu Bai did not expect to be so relaxed and happy, at this time they had already separated a lot from Lin Yubul.

"I can let you go today, I swear not to be human!" Lin Yubu roared, raised the three-pointed two-edged sword in his hand high, and then condensed the vitality in his body, visible to the naked eye, these three-pointed two-edged swords The bladed knife began to emit a dazzling light, and the whole body of the knife radiated cold fiercely.

  In the broken wall, many disciples saw this scene and couldn't help being shocked: "Listen to Elder Yubu, back then, relying on this trick, 100 meters away to get the first level!"

   "Killing people in the air, isn't that only possible at the realm of masters?"

   Just when many disciples were puzzled, Lin Yubu had already gradually slashed down the three-pointed two-edged sword in his hand. He slashed very slowly, which seemed to be extremely difficult.

   "It's such a coincidence, you also come out and bend?"

  Suddenly, just as Lin Yubu was about to chop off the three-pointed two-edged knife in his hand, a figure suddenly appeared in front of him.

   "Patriarch, get out of the way!" Lin Yubu hurriedly yelled, only to see that the person who appeared suddenly was their Patriarch, Lin Changsheng!

   "Get out? Why do you want to get out? What are you doing with your weapon... Then why the wall is broken, did you do it?"

  Lin Changsheng swept his sleeves, calmly, as if he hadn't noticed the danger in front of him. Seeing his leisurely appearance, he really seemed to be bending.

   "Puff--" Lin Yubu arrived in front of Lin Changsheng. In order to prevent the Patriarch of the mountain, he had to interrupt the exercises. As a result, he was backlashed and spouted a mouthful of blood.

   "Bu, I have to have you, as an elder, how can I break the wall casually? And vomiting blood is very uncivilized!"

  Lin Changsheng avoided Lin Yubu's **** heart, and then pointed at the wall that was hit by the fox white before, if anything happened.

"Patriarch, that's not my job!" Lin Yubu was so angry that he couldn't catch his breath. His technique was vain, which was to forcibly condense his elemental strength into shape, and then perform remote slaying. Generally speaking, he succeeded in slashing. After going out, there will be a certain amount of backlash, but it is not big, but now because of this incident, he has been seriously injured!

  Ghost knows how this Patriarch suddenly came here to take a bend!

   "You didn't do it? Who did it? Is it possible that those disciples did it?"

  Lin Changsheng pointed to several disciples near the wall in the distance. They are now kilometers away from the Lin family. Although they are far away, with their strength, this distance can still be seen clearly.

   "I, I...puff——"

  Lin Yubu furiously attacked his heart, spouting a mouthful of blood again, and then fainted, unconscious.

  "Come here, move Elder Yubu back to have a good rest." Lin Changsheng shouted to the Lin family disciple in the distance.

   "You can take a good rest and sleep with him for half a month."

  Lin Changsheng finished facing Lin Yubu who had fainted, took out a jade bottle from his arms, squatted down, and fed him the liquid in the jade bottle.



  Lin's border, here is Gobi, barren, and flying sand everywhere.

  Lin Hong hugged Lin Jing, riding on Fox White’s back and couldn't help sighing: "Hey...what should I do now, it seems that I can't go back."

  Elopement, but it's a big hat, it doesn't matter if the hat is big, but people believe that according to the rules of Beiminglin's family, being caught is a death.

   "When she wakes up, what should I explain?"

  Lin Hong looked at Lin's still sleeping face, even more helpless.

   "Wow, master, where are we going?" Hu Bai walked aimlessly and asked Xiang Lin Hong.

   "Wait... Fox White, which direction are we heading?"

   Suddenly, Lin Hong was taken aback, and then asked Xiang Hubai. After some thought, Hubai said, "It's Bei, it's been half an hour."

  Half an hour, that is one hour.

   "It's over. I'm out of the country. This is a vacuum area only seen with neighboring countries. Quickly, go back."

  Lin Hong covered his forehead, these troubles really happened one after another.

  "Good master!" Fox White responded first, and then found something, "There is someone in front of you!"

  Only a few hundred meters in front of them, someone was walking slowly. He was wrapped in cloth, his head was lowered, and his face could not be seen clearly.

   "Brother, please, please help me."

  This person came over, it was a very nice female voice.

  "Why are you here in this barren mountain?" Lin Hong asked her puzzledly.

  "The woman is sixteen years old..."

   "I'm asking, why are you here."


  "Don't you understand human words?"

   "Please take me away, eldest brother, oh oh oh..."

  The woman suddenly knelt on the ground and started crying. Lin Hong frowned and took out a shotgun from the storage space.

   "Hubai, run, this is not a person!" Lin Hong watched the "woman" vigilantly, and then let Hubai start to run.


  Hu Bai turned around and ran.

   "Big Brother——" The woman behind her voice was extremely stern.

  Lin Hong couldn't help but look back, but he saw what kind of woman this woman was, but a human-shaped monster!

  This monster has slender limbs. It turned out to be green all over, with only a few messy teeth in its mouth. At this time, it was on all fours, running towards Lin Hong and the others.

   "Big Brother——"

  The monster's voice changed suddenly, which was extremely strange.

   "I'm not your elder brother, don't mess with the sword" Lin Hong shook his head, and then looked ahead.

  Although this monster knows human words, but does not understand what it means, it is like a parrot.

  When Lin Hong and the others ran far away, they couldn't see the monster's shadow.

   "That is the monster that crawled out of hell?" Lin Hong muttered to himself, and then smiled bitterly. I didn't expect that the first time I saw such a monster, UU reading www.uukanshu.com would be lost.

  "Wow, master, what is hell?" Hu Bai asked puzzledly.

  "It's...in the biography, where some people will go when they die." Lin Hong replied, and then looked at the girl in his arms.

  At this moment, Lin in his arms still suddenly trembled.

   "Where am I...?"

  Lin still opened his eyes and spoke blankly. Seeing that he was in other arms, he couldn't help but blush, but he still had no strength to break free.

  "Take a good rest first, and wait for me to tell you slowly." Lin Hong pretended to be calm, and then his face became straight, "Simply, we eloped."


  Lin still heard this, tears almost left no case.

   "Just kidding, it was actually framed. After you passed out..."

  Lin Hong began to explain to Lin still carefully, but within a few minutes, Lin still understood the current situation.

   "No, I have to go back, my whip is still in Lin's house." Lin still shook his head suddenly, wanting to get up.

   "That whip is so important to you?"

  Lin Hong shook his head, where was the whip in the Lin family, but he threw it into the storage ring.

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