

   Fu Jiaojiao nodded ignorantly, and quickly arrived at the place.

   She was surprised: "Didn't we have been to this cave before?"

   "Well, the place that changed the life of Gu Zhu."

   Lin Hong smiled and nodded. After speaking, he landed the flying saucer and took them in.

   "Hey..." The God of Destiny sighed for a long time. Facing the formation that was still under repair, he didn't notice that there were already a few more people in the house.

   "How are you doing?"

   Lin Hong hugged his shoulders and walked over, smiling.

   The God of Fate was taken aback when he saw him, but he didn't have much expression, but his pupils trembled slightly.

   Lin Hong chuckled, "I'm so scared that I can't say anything?"

   "Why did you bring the two of them here."

   The **** of destiny asked with a flat expression. After speaking, he continued to repair the formation.

   Lin Hong rubbed his nose: "They are not outsiders."

   "Did you find the Meng Po tears you were looking for?"

   The **** of destiny asked instead.

   "Not yet, but I don't think there is any need for Meng's tears in the future." Lin Hong chuckled.

   "What are you kidding?"

   The God of Destiny frowned and was very dissatisfied. In this plan, Meng Po's tears were absolutely indispensable.

   Lin Hong shrugged: "No kidding, I got the power of Lord Yan, you should know what it means."

"how can that be?"

   The face of the **** of destiny finally showed a little bit of surprise.

   "Nothing is impossible, by the way, I now have some in my body and I can use it at any time." Lin Hong hugged his shoulders.

   "In this case, many tedious steps can be omitted."

   The **** of destiny was surprised and delighted, speeding up the speed of repairing the formation.

   Lin Hong rubbed his nose: "How long will it take you to repair the formation?"

   "Up to three weeks."

   The God of Destiny said solemnly after indulging in a moment.

   "That's good." Lin Hong wore a rumorous smile on his face, and after speaking, he sat on the bed at will.

   "I have a habit of cleanliness..."

   The God of Destiny stopped the action of repairing the formation and frowned slightly.

   Lin Hong shrugged: "That's really sorry, I will get you a new one later."

   "No, if you are idle, it's better to go for a walk."

   The **** of destiny issued an order to chase off the guests.

   "Well then." Lin Hong rubbed his nose and took the second girl away.

   "Husband...Are you going to be resurrected?"

   Fu Jiaojiao walked behind, lowering her head, as if she was aggrieved.

   Lin Hong nodded: ‘I have to go back, there are still many things in the living world that I haven’t had time to do. ’

   "Anyone will have regrets, but why, you don't want to stay with me here?"

   Fu Jiaojiao exhaled long, with tears in her eyes, she seemed very sad.

   "Jiaojiao, you have to know..."

   "I know everything!"

   Lin Hong wanted to say something, but Fu Jiaojiao interrupted directly.

   Her eyes flushed: "Husband, I will not stop you, I will take good care of the child, thinking of you, looking forward to you, blessing you..."

   "What's so good about the world of living people?"

   The dead woman said slowly at this time, seeming to be a little confused.

   "It's nothing good, but I can't do it, I have to go too." Lin Hong's attitude is very firm.

After   , the three of them did not say anything more tacitly, and flew away after getting on the flying saucer.

   "There is a baby."

   The heart demon said suddenly.

   Lin Hong was taken aback. After stopping the flying saucer, he was a little curious: "What baby?"

   "What I said must be a good baby. From the perspective of fluctuations, it should be a superb artifact."

   The heart demon said solemnly after hesitating a little.

   "Extreme artifact?" Lin Hong was a little curious, and landed the flying saucer, "Let's go and see..."

   Following the guidance of the inner demon, the three of them soon arrived outside a village, which was sparsely populated, as if they had just experienced looting.

   "Old man, where are the people in the village?"

   Fu Jiaojiao walked into the village curiously and asked the old man on the side.

   "Die, all died in the hands of the resentful spirit." The old man was very haggard, shook his head and said.

   "The resentful spirit..."

   Fu Jiaojiao glanced around and listened carefully, and found a lot of wailing and crying sounds.

   Lin Hong shook his head: "Let's go."

   He took the two daughters into the village and rushed to the place where the treasure was, but suddenly stopped and showed amazement.

   "Is that the treasure you said?"

   Lin Hong looked at the brain-like creature, and couldn't help swallowing and spitting.

   I saw the thing floating in the air, like a combination of human brain and spine, with a pair of naked eyes staring at myself and others.

   The heart demon was stunned: "Should be a monster that protects treasures?"

   "There is such a possibility......"

   Lin Hong whispered softly, and slowly pulled out the shadow sword from his waist, preparing to try the depth first.

   "Be careful, husband." Fu Jiaojiao couldn't help but say.

   "Well, go back and be safe."

   Lin Hong nodded lightly, then rushed over and cut off the Shadow Sword in his hand.


   The sword light flickered.

   The monster instantly disappeared in place, floating near the second girl and the others.

   Lin Hong secretly said bad: "You guys go!"

   "Husband, it's okay, we are not easy to mess with!"

   Fu Jiaojiao bit her lower lip and stared at the monster. She had already taken out a long sword, and a drop of sweat slipped on her forehead.

   The dead woman was obviously calmer, holding a dagger motionless.


   The monster suddenly made a harsh sound.

   Lin Hong frowned, rushed over quickly, and cut off the Shadow Sword in his hand again.

   This time, the monster didn't evade. After being cut, it really looked like it had cut a person's brain and bones.

  The Shadow Sword is very sharp.

   cut the monster in half with just one sword.

   "Dead?" Fu Jiaojiao wiped the sweat from her forehead, "This monster looks so disgusting."


   After the monster fell on the ground, the two halves of the body jumped a few times, and then it was calm forever.

  Lin Hongsong exclaimed, "It should be dead this time."

   "No, look at it!"

   The daughter of death suddenly noticed something, and pointed not far away. There was a monster exactly the same as the monster just now, staring at them from behind a big rock, and the back of the staring person was hairy.

   "More?" Fu Jiaojiao was surprised, then glanced around, "Where did these monsters come from?"

  "I may know~www.readwn.com~ Lin Hong swallowed and spit, and looked at a corpse not far away.

   Logically speaking, the undead will not leave their bodies unless they are preserved by special methods.

   But the corpse hadn't used any preservation method, but it still existed. No matter this, something seemed to be squirming in the key body.

   Soon, the disgusting scene made them very uncomfortable.

   A monster came out of the corpse’s mouth and floated in the air, exactly like the monster that was killed just now!

  Fu Jiaojiao covered her mouth: "Oh my God, this is how the monster came."

   "They must all be killed."

   Lin Hong whispered softly, otherwise, if one such monster goes out, it may cause fatal damage to the entire world.

   Soon, he started to kill, released the murderous aura in his body, and controlled it. In the end, he killed more than 3,000 such monsters. This village became safe and he never saw that monster anymore.

   "It's strange, where did this monster come from in the first place? A grieving spirit?"

   Lin Hong rubbed his eyebrows and couldn't understand what was going on.

   "I think it's mostly because the resentful spirit killed all the people in this village, so that the monster can quickly use the corpse to multiply." The heart demon said after a little thought.


   Lin Hong chuckled and nodded. In any case, the best news is that it is safe now.

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