"I suspect that the ring can summon monsters from time to time."

   The demon said after hesitating a little.

   Lin Hong thought it was possible: "Moreover, the monsters summoned are all very obedient to me, but the summoned monsters are different in strength."

   was talking, he suddenly smelled a strange smell.

   "Husband... the weak chicken poops."

   Fu Jiaojiao came over, clutching her nose, her face filled with helplessness.

   "No wonder." Lin Hong was speechless for a while, landed the flying saucer and ordered the weak chicken to go out, then released some robots in the small world to clean the flying saucer.


   A strong wind came out.

  Lin Hong looked over and found that the monster was staring at the weak chicken before, and it was about to drain water.

   He rubbed his chin: "What's the matter?"

   "The system detects that he has a very strong desire for weak chickens."

   The heart demon couldn't help but said, and then something unexpected happened.

   The monster suddenly rushed to the side of the weak chicken, and then began to devour it. The weak chicken did not resist at all, so it was eaten up completely.

   Fu Jiaojiao covered her mouth: "Weak chicken!"

   The dead girl frowned slightly, obviously a little uncomfortable.

   "What's the matter, who let you eat it?"

   Lin Hong stared at the monster, and felt bad at the same time while showing his bad face. It would be bad if this guy didn't listen to his orders.


   The monster knelt down, seeming to be repenting, and then his body began to change.

   The body gradually enlarged, and a red light appeared in the place where it split.

   Lin Hong couldn't help whispering: "This guy... evolved after eating weak chickens?"

   "That's it, this ring is really interesting."

   The demon couldn't help but say.

   "What did you find?" Lin Hong asked quickly, somewhat curious.

   "These summoned monsters can swallow each other, but they can only swallow the weak. After they are swallowed successfully, they will become much stronger."

   The heart demon gave an answer, which is by far the most reliable answer.

   Lin Hong nodded: "That's it, it's a good thing in short."

   "Husband, the weak chicken is gone..."

  Fu Jiaoji pouted, obviously not thinking so.

   "Let's get on the spaceship first." Lin Hong was a little embarrassed. Soon everyone got on the flying saucer and continued on the road, but the monster still chased on the ground.

   "It's no way to go on like this."

   Lin Hong muttered silently and closed his eyes.

   Listen carefully, you can hear the sound of ‘boom’ and ‘boom’. This is because the monster has sunk again after it has evolved, and it will make this sound when it steps on the ground.

   "God extinguished, killed!"

   Suddenly, a loud roar came.

   Lin Hong followed the sound and found that a young man was rushing towards the monster, holding a short sword in his hand.

   "That kid?" Fu Jiaojiao was puzzled.


   The monster roared and the child was thrown into the air. No matter how cool the name of the move was, he had to be **** his own.

   Lin Hong frowned: "Stop!"

   For a moment, the monster stopped and retracted the fist that had just been thrown out.

   Lin Hong opened the door of the flying saucer, jumped down, and fell in front of the young man and stretched out his hand: "Come on, I will help you up."

   "No...no, I can stand up by myself."

   The boy pretended to be hard, and stood up hard, dripping sweat on his forehead.

   Lin Hong helplessly, holding his hand and helping him up: "Why are you in such a deserted place?"

   "Desolate mountains and wild ridges? No, there is a village next to it, which is also my home."

  The boy smiled happily.

   He continued: "I have lived here for many years, and my dream is to be a master, big brother, you looked handsome when you jumped out of the air just now, but I will definitely be more handsome than you in the future."

   "I'm amazing, every move can penetrate the world."

   Said the boy, waving his weapon wildly.

   Lin Hong whispered in his heart: "There are also middle-two boys in the undead world?"

   "Um...it seems to be."

   The heart demon is a little helpless, but obviously, this is the truth.

   "Brother, is that the magic weapon for you to ride? Can you take me one?" The boy turned and said, almost kneeling directly on the ground, begging.

   "Why are you leaving?"

   Lin Hong was surprised and puzzled.

   The boy lowered his head: "Actually... Mom and Dad won't let me leave here."

   "You are so young, who can bear to let you leave your parents? They do it for your own good. The outside world is dangerous!"

  Fu Jiaojiao controlled the flying saucer to fall to the ground at this time, and gently shook her head after walking out.

   "Wow, what a beautiful sister!" the boy shouted directly, with a friendly face, "Big sister, you are really beautiful."

   "Hehe...husband, shall we bring him?"

   Fu Jiaojiao scratched her head, her face flushed slightly, a little uncomfortable.

   Lin Hong was speechless: "Don't change your mind just because someone praises you."

   "Big brother, you are so handsome, although you are a little worse than me, but please take me."

   The boy was almost crying, and while talking, he looked behind him, as if he was afraid of something coming.

   "Something is approaching fast." The inner demon said after hesitating a little.


   Lin Hong frowned and followed the boy's sight. There were three adults galloping, two men and one woman.

   The boy lowered his head: "Mom, Dad, Uncle..."

   "Hmph, how many times have you said that you can't leave the village, why don't you be obedient?"

   The woman was obviously his mothers, and she looked angry at this time.

   "Should I go?" The heart demon discovered something very outrageous at this time, "That woman is very strong...The two men are just a bit worse than her."

   "How many seniors' children are these?"

   Lin Hong groaned a little and then bowed his hands, not wanting to get involved too much here.

   The woman looked over and said, "Take care of this child and make you worry about it? This is for you..."

   As she said, she gave out a bag of undead coins with a note faintly interspersed with it.

   says on the note:

   "Don't be nosy."

   "Ah, let's go."

   Lin Hong coughed lightly, and then greeted Fu Jiaojiao and the others to leave. Anyway, he didn't want to stay for a long time.

But I saw the little boy suddenly hugged his thigh and knelt down: "Big brother, please take me away. They abuse me every day and beat me~www.readwn.com~ I can only sleep if they don’t give me food. Outside the house..."

   He said a lot in a row, it can be said that people and gods are angry.

   "Okay, you three adults bullied a child!"

  Fu Jiaojiao was filled with righteous indignation, drew out the long sword, and looked at the two men and the woman, angrily.

   Lin Hong frowned slightly: "Child, you can go to the flying saucer."


   The boy nodded quickly and went into the flying saucer. He was so happy.

   "He is our child!" The woman frowned, "And, you are all lies."

   "Why should we believe you? Huh, let me tell you, no matter which city you are in, it is illegal to treat children badly!"

   Fu Jiaojiao pursed her lips and said very upset.

   The woman frowned, and the uncle was even more hot-tempered: "What kind of things are you guys, nosy!"


   Fu Jiaojiao was indignant, and after looking at Lin Hong and the dead daughter, he rushed over.

   Lin Hong wanted to stop but it was too late.

   In this way, Fu Jiaojiao fought with the man, and gradually retreated, obviously not the opponent.

   But she refused to admit defeat at all: "Damn, I don't believe that you can't beat you, a scum who bullies a child! Husband, help me!"


   Lin Hong sighed and waved helplessly at the same time, the monster standing not far away moved.

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