Finally, ten minutes later, they came to a cave.

  "This is your mysterious base?" Lin Hong scratched his head. He had no idea that Lin stillsuo's mysterious base was such an ordinary-looking cave.

   "Yeah, my cousin and I often come over to play."

  Lin still nodded, but only listened, suddenly there was a cry of a bear in the cave.

  "Wait a minute, I'll clean it up." Lin Hong was still finished with Lin, so he stepped down from Hu Bai's body and went straight into the cave.


  A moment later, Lin Hong pulled a bear and walked out: "It's safe now."

  Xiong did not die, but was beaten. He looked at Lin Hong dumbfounded at this time, and he couldn't figure out why he lost to such a thing.

   "Go away, I won't kill you."

  Lin Hong threw the hundreds-kilogram brown bear aside with his backhand, and then clapped his hands.

  The brown bear ran away without looking back, but after Lin Hong and the others walked into the cave, they found that this was indeed a good place, because there was a stream of water in the cave that was endless, and water was not a problem here.

   "Why did you let the bear go?" Lin was still being carried into the cave by the fox, and asked Lin Hong puzzled.

   "What's the matter, it's okay to kill less." Lin Hong shrugged indifferently, then found a relatively clean place, thinking about how to arrange it.

   "But... let it go, what do you eat?" Lin remained still, his stomach groaning.

  "Just leave it alone, I'll get you some food later."

  Lin Hong finished answering, turned his back, took out a double mattress from the storage ring and placed it on the floor. This huge mattress was not only big, but also very soft.

   "How did you get it out?" Lin still blinked stupidly.

  "Don't pay attention to these details, this is your place to support you."

  Lin Hong shrugged, then took out the bedding one by one and laid it on the mattress. Finally, Lin still picked up from the back of Fox White and placed it on the already laid bedding.

   "So comfortable." Lin was still very surprised, feeling a little more relieved all over.

   "You can sleep here, I'll go get some food."

  Lin Hong finished, took a look at the time, now it’s only after six o’clock, it’s really dark, but now it’s not these times, the cave is big, he walks to a corner randomly, and then releases the three-legged table.

   "It seems that there is only barrel noodles..."

  Lin Hong flipped through the storage ring, smiled bitterly and took out the bucket noodles and the water heater. As for the water, there is a ready-made one.

  It didn’t take long for the three bowls of noodles to soak.

   "There are only these, let's eat first." Lin Hong carried a bowl of noodles and walked to Lin still.

  Lin was still lying on the quilt with a face of enjoyment, and when he heard Lin Hong’s voice, he lazily opened one eye, sat up slowly, took the noodles, and smelled it lightly.

"smell good!"

  Lin still immediately became energetic, looking at the bowl of noodles in front of him in surprise.

  "Then you can eat more. If it is not enough, I will make you soak." Lin Hong said, and gave Hu Bai a bowl of instant noodles, and then started eating.



  At ten o'clock in the evening, Lin Hong set up a fire on his chest to prevent the brown bear from returning.

   "You are amazing, and the instant noodles are delicious." Lin still lying on the bedding, looking at Lin Hong, said involuntarily and sincerely.

  "The instant noodles are not nutritious, wait until I'll give you a rabbit."

  Lin Hong finished, walked to the three-legged table, there was a pile of residual garbage on the three-legged table, there were dozens of buckets on the surface of the three-legged table, and Lin was alone, so he ate eight buckets.

   "Let's...can we go back to Lin's house?" Lin still said suddenly, a little lonely, but Lin Hong smiled bitterly when he heard the words, who knows the future?

  They were framed this time, they were simply drawn from the bottom of the pan, and they were directly hated by the Lin family.

   "Look hard! You can't let the adulterer** run away!"

   Suddenly, a shout came from outside, and Lin Hong was shocked. He didn't expect that the Lin family disciples would come here at night! He quickly extinguished the fire pile, and then let the fox white become huge to block the entrance of the cave.

   "Such a big fox?" Soon, a surprised voice came from outside the cave.

  Hu Bai's body was huge, and he directly blocked the entire hole. At this time, he was lying on his stomach and sleeping lazily, ignoring the few Lin family disciples at all.

   "It should be a monster that doesn't know where it came from. Don't waste time, go quickly."

  The voice of another disciple of the Lin family came from outside. Soon, as the fire outside the cave disappeared, Lin Hong breathed a sigh of relief, because those disciples of the Lin family had already gone far.

  "This secret base is not hidden." Lin Hong still smiled bitterly at Lin in the house.

"……What should we do now?"

  Lin still asked Xiang Lin Hong, her voice trembling, she was afraid of the dark, but at this time there was no fire in the cave, and the flashlight had already been turned off, and he couldn't see five fingers around. Such an environment made him extremely scared.

   "Go to sleep first, don't be afraid, I'm right by your side." Lin Hong replied to Lin still, then walked inside, found a place to sit against the wall, and took out a blanket from the storage ring to cover her body.

  In fact, the reason why Lin is still afraid of the dark is because he has not received the exercise he deserves.

She used to be a true and upright elder sister, very squeamish, but at that time the previous generation of Patriarch, that is, Lin Hong's second uncle was still alive, but because of the death of the second uncle in recent years, Lin still had to start to become strong. , Which made her look strong now, fragile on the inside, and even afraid of the dark.

   shook his head, Lin Hong closed his eyes and started to fall asleep, with Fox White guarding him, he felt relieved.

   "Are you... sleeping on the ground?" Lin still said No, I was sleeping on the bed too, go to sleep. "

  Lin Hong calmly, his eyes never opened, he only brought such a bedding, there was not much, so he could only sleep on this hard rock.

   No words for a night.

   Early the next morning, Lin Hong woke up and breathed. Seeing that Lin was still not awake, he ordered Fox White to guard the cave, and he went outside and looked around.

   "It's okay if you hit a rabbit?" Lin Hong picked up some stones and thought in his heart.

   walked for a while, by coincidence, he found a rabbit den. From a distance, he popped his head out of the grass, looked at the rabbits near the rabbit den, and couldn't help but smile.



  Throw the stones and hit them all!

  "Great harvest!" Lin Hong walked out of the grass and came to the rabbit den. He picked up all the rabbits he had stoned to death. There were five rabbits in total, enough for them to have a full meal.

   "Unfortunately I didn't find the river."

  It is a pity for Lin Hong, he still intends to fish for Fox White to go back. He can be sure that there is a river nearby, otherwise the cave before, will not live in bears, but as for where the river is, I don’t know.

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