I Can Become a Treasure by Picking Up Garbage

Chapter 1498: I want to practice sword!

   "That's it...Do you know any way to deal with her?"

Lin Hong rubbed his painful eyebrows.

Unexpectedly, the trouble was left by Lord Yan to himself and others.

The boy's father shook his head: "There is no way, that is the immortality bestowed by Lord Yan, no one can break it, but every time the resurrected person dies, the pain on his body doubles."


Lin Hong was a little surprised.

"That's right, Yan Wangye also imposed a painful curse on her, which is equivalent to the pain of being Ling Chi." The young father nodded.


Lin Hong took a breath, shuddering just thinking about it.

He whispered: "No wonder that sorcerer is so irritable."

"I seem to know what that clone represents to her."

The heart demon suddenly said at this moment, seeming to have discovered something.

"What does it represent?" Lin Hong was puzzled.

"Rebirth... The sorcerer has a way to transfer all the bad things in himself to the twins."

There was solemnity in the inner demon's voice.

He continued: "If the clone is successfully developed, the sorcerer can transfer the pain from his body."

"So, it's no wonder you hate me so much."

Lin Hong whispered.

"It doesn't matter, there are many beasts around here that can be used as our food." The boy's father forcibly cheered himself up.

"Can't stay here forever?"

Fu Jiaojiao bit her lower lip, very upset.

Lin Hong pondered a little: "We can't afford to offend, we can hide..."

After he finished speaking, he released the flying saucer and motioned everyone to enter.

"What is this?"

"do not know……"


The teenager waited for a crowd to walk in and was very surprised.

Lin Hong watched the timing, walked in, put away the Eastern Emperor Bell, and then controlled the flying saucer to fly away.



"Want to escape?"

Somewhere in the mountains, the sorcerer sat cross-legged here, suddenly opened his eyes, with a terrifying grin on his face.

She was already going crazy: "I must kill you."


Lin Hong sneezed here, frowned slightly, and a bad premonition rose in his heart.

"Husband, we must be fine, right?" Fu Jiaojiao lowered her head slightly, obviously a little worried.

"Don't worry, don't forget my strength, that sorcerer will sooner or later be planted in my hands."

Lin Hong raised his hand and rubbed her head. After speaking, he concentrated on manipulating the flying saucer, but something bad happened.

I saw that the boy's father pulled out the sword from his waist and directly stabbed the boy's mother to death.

Blood splattered.

Lin Hong had no time to react, and the boy's mother had already separated the body.

He frowned and called out the Eastern Emperor Bell, but the boy's father suddenly rushed and blocked the Eastern Emperor Bell from landing.

"Damn it, that sorcerer knows what's going on." Lin Hong gritted his teeth, no matter what he did, the boy's father would prevent the whereabouts of Donghuang Bell.


The boy's uncle was also crazy.

He laughed wildly: "I want you to die, I want you to die!!!"

The voice was stern, and it reached people's ears, which made people feel a kind of fear from the heart.

"You are not your uncle... who are you?"

The teenager backed away again and again, already scared by this scene. It was hard to imagine that his mother died like this, and his uncle and father were crazy.

Lin Hong was still thinking of a way, and suddenly a voice came from outside the flying saucer: "I said, I won't let any of you go."

"You **** sorcerer."

Lin Hong looked gloomy, glanced around, came to the window, and released strong sunlight to the outside.

In an instant, the flying saucer was like the sun, illuminating everything around it, and the undead thought it was the day of the end, and they hurriedly hid.

"It hurts." The sorcerer was shone by the sun. Although he said that, he didn't mean to leave at all. "However, compared with the pain in my body, what is it?"

"screw you!"

Lin Hong kicked the boy's father here, and then enveloped everyone with the Donghuang Bell.

The boy's father suddenly spewed out a lot of insects, and then collapsed to the ground. There was only a skeleton left in his body, and only skin was left on the outside.

The stench attacked everyone's nerves.

Among them, the only one who survived was the boy's uncle, the man.

He stared blankly at these: "What the hell...what happened?"

"It's like this."

Lin Hong exhaled and told the general process of the matter.

"Unexpectedly, this kind of thing will happen at all, we are still in the middle of it." The man's face was filled with decadence, and it seemed that it was right to be old.

"I'm sorry... it's all because of me."

Lin Hong pursed his mouth, the sorcerer came to him and the others, but it hurt them.

The man shook his head: "No, don't blame you, it's our honor to die to protect you."

With determination filled his eyes, he pulled out the saber around his waist and asked if the gold powder was still there.


The woman of death came over, holding some gold powder in her hand.

"Don't be fooling around." Lin Hong glared over, vaguely guessing what the man wanted to do.

"My messenger, my child is pleased to you,"

The man suddenly took the gold powder, wiped it on his body, forcibly opened the door of the flying saucer, and rushed out.

He rushed to the sorcerer: "I want your life!"

"Oh: just by you? It's just to die."

The sorcerer was sitting on the flying saucer recovering from his injuries. When he saw him, his expression remained unchanged. With a wave of his hand, powerful energy swept out.

The man couldn't resist at all, he leaned back, and finally fell off the flying saucer, his life and death uncertain.

"Uncle!!" the boy shouted.

Now, he is considered free, but he would rather not have this freedom than lose these three family members.

"Sorrow and change."

Lin Hong rubbed his painful eyebrows, and vaguely guessed what the sorcerer wanted to do.

This, obviously, wanted to let herself and others die in despair, but she kept on guarding until she was old.

The teenager couldn't cry: "Big brother, can I make up for anything? I will never sneak away again, and I will never make trouble again."

"They are still alive in your heart~www.readwn.com~Don't let them down."

After Lin Hong pondered a little, he raised his hand and patted him on the shoulder, without saying anything else.

"Yeah!" The young man nodded vigorously, but he was still crying, and he never stopped.


Fu Jiaojiao was soft-hearted, and she was now wiping tears.

Lin Hong smiled bitterly: "Didn't you have seen farewell many times? There is no need to cry."

This time, it was mainly because I didn't think about everything, so this happened, so I must pay attention to it in the future.

The crowd drove on a flying saucer.

The sorcerer was still sitting on the flying saucer, motionless like a statue.

"Husband, where are we going? How about... how about going to find my father?"

Fu Jiaojiao pondered for a while and said that it was simply too difficult to deal with the sorcerer by herself and others.

"I think so too." Lin Hong smiled lightly, and was heading to the Undead City, estimated to be there in a few hours.

"Big brother, I want to practice sword."

The boy suddenly came over, his face filled with solemnity.

Lin Hong pondered a little: "Before this, I need something in your body."

"As long as my elder brother can teach me kung fu, anything will do!"

The youthful eyebrows were filled with solemnity.

Lin Hong chuckled, nodded, and then began to slowly absorb the power of Lord Yan in his body and take it as his own.

Everyone on the scene watched this scene, and the sorcerer sitting on the flying saucer felt this power, suddenly furious, and hit the flying saucer under him with his fist.

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