"This...the outside is saying that the city lord has passed away!"

The servant thought about it again and again, and then sighed and said helplessly.

"What?" Fu Jiaojiao's eyes widened, her face in disbelief, "false, it must be false, my father is so powerful, and even the last lord of the undead, how could he die? He has killed Lord Yan. People!"

"The minion doesn't know, and thinks this is false news."

The servant knelt on the ground, trembling.

Fu Jiaojiao looked at Lin Hong: "Husband, tell me quickly, this is false news, isn't it? This is false news!"


Lin Hong stretched out his hand to hug her, everything was silent.

Fu Jiaojiao seemed to understand something, sobbing in her arms, time passed by.

Lin Hong waved his hand, and the two servants left. He said, "Hey, no matter what, I still have me to accompany you."

"Liar... big liar, you are obviously about to be resurrected."

Fu Jiaojiao bit her lower lip, suddenly pushed him away, then turned and ran away.

"Jiaojiao!" Lin Hong stretched out his hand, but there was no time to stop it.

He didn't chase, because he wanted to give Fu Jiaojiao a time to calm down. The death of her father would definitely hurt her a lot.

"Boy, what happened, why are you crying to Jiaojiao?"

The voice suddenly came from behind.

Lin Hong turned his head: "Dad... You already know about the city lord, right?"


Lin Changsheng nodded softly after hesitating a little.

Naturally, he knew and knew it was true. After all, if the old man hadn't died, he must have come out to clarify.

Lin Hong smiled bitterly: "Fu Jiaojiao is crying because of this."

"This girl, why don't you hide it?"

Lin Changsheng said with a hatred of iron and steel, and pointed his finger at his forehead.

"Father, I did everything, but I can't hide it." Lin Hong sighed long.

But don't forget, the whole world knows about this, and it's unrealistic to keep Fu Jiaojiao alone.

"Hurry up and comfort them."

Lin Changsheng's face is not very good-looking.

He continued: "I know, you want to be resurrected, but now in this situation, I hope you can make a choice that satisfies us."

"What do you mean...?"

Lin Hong frowned slightly, thinking of something, a little dumb.

"What else can it be? It's not allowed to be resurrected to a living family. From now on, Fu Jiaojiao is the only one left behind. Do you want to leave her alone?!" Lin Changsheng spoke righteously, raising his leg to mention He dropped his **** and motioned to comfort Fu Jiaojiao quickly.

"I want to give her some time to calm down.

Lin Hong smiled bitterly, a little helpless.

Lin Changsheng frowned: "Dare to talk back?!"

"I'll just go... Don't be angry, besides, don't go out if you're okay recently."

Lin Hong rubbed his sore eyebrows, turned and left after speaking, not planning to join him anymore.

Lin Changsheng nodded in satisfaction, his face full of helplessness.

He turned around and looked to the sky: "Brother, just leave it to me, the two children? Can you rest assured..."

"Finally, let the young couple make trouble by themselves, I can't help at all."

Lin Changsheng's eyebrows were filled with helplessness. After speaking, he smiled bitterly and left.


Lin Hong came to the backyard and found that Fu Jiaojiao was sitting on a rock, a little lost.

He quickly walked over: "Hey, if you want to cry, just cry in my arms."

"Your injury is not healed yet."

Fu Jiaojiao didn't cry anymore, but looked at the distance, motionless.

"It doesn't matter, these are nothing to your husband and me." Lin Hong chuckled lightly and patted his chest.

"Fool...Actually, I am not as sad as you think."

Fu Jiaojiao shook her head with a wry smile on her face. At this moment, she seemed to have grown a lot.

Lin Hong was puzzled.

Fu Jiaojiao seemed to understand his doubts: "In the world of undead, death is normal. Whether it is others or yourself, it may not survive the next day, so...has already been prepared."

"Is it true even when my father died?"

Lin Hong felt weird and didn't think the undead world was so cruel and ruthless.

Fu Jiaojiao nodded: "Yes, this is the custom of the undead world."

"Then if I die one day, will you... be sad?"

Lin Hong pondered for a while and tried to ask, with a Ruowu smile on her face. It would be easier to know that she was not so sad.

"Yes." Fu Jiaojiao did not say anything to death, but chuckled, "From now on, the relationship between you and me has come to an end."

"what do you mean?"

Lin Hong frowned slightly.

Fu Jiaojiao stood up: "Isn't it obvious? The male and female game between me and you has come to an end."

"You want to break up? Jiaojiao, do you think I might agree?"

Lin Hong frowned, even if he had already done that kind of thing, how could he break up.

"Yes." Fu Jiaojiao said, looking at him, "From now on, we will each go our own way. I will be the lord of this city, and you... go back wherever you come from. "

"Do you treat our relationship as just a game?"

Lin Hong didn't expect that she would say such unfeeling words.

Fu Jiaojiao nodded: "Yes, from the beginning, I treated it as a game. What? Are you serious? That's really ridiculous."

As she spoke, a faint smile appeared on her face, as if she was disdainful.


Lin Hong didn't say anything, and turned to leave.

"Fool." Fu Jiaojiao saw him leave. After a long time, tears rolled from her eyes and her heart ached.

"Although they say that, they definitely don't think so. They just want to break up with you and don't want to drag you down!"

The demons were talking like this.

Lin Hong has already gone far, and nodded when he heard the words: "Of course I know."

"Then you still..."

The heart demon was puzzled. Since he knew it, why did he leave so quickly without saying anything?

"Because I know, I don't want her to continue to worry about it." Lin Hong smiled bitterly on his face.

"In that case~www.readwn.com~ it would be better for me to solve the problem first, and then talk to her."

As Lin Hong said, he let out a long breath, feeling heavy.

The inner demon pondered a little: "What is the trouble you are talking about?"

"Then need to say, of course it is to kill Po Meng and avenge my father-in-law."

As Lin Hong said, he had already walked out of the city, raising his hand to summon a flying saucer.

"Are you crazy?!" The heart demon couldn't understand. "That's the one who killed the city lord. With your strength, it's not enough!"

"Of course I know, but what is going on, I have killed more people than I am."

Lin Hong's face was filled with solemnity, and after speaking, he flew away in a flying saucer.

He turned to look at the ring he was wearing: "Big guy, you go straight to wait for me near the Palace of the Dead, try not to conflict."


Vaguely, there was wind in the ring.

Lin Hong found that he could use this ring to communicate directly with the summoned object.

"Actually, maybe you can rely on this ring to deal with Po Meng." The heart demon said after hesitating a little.

"Hope, if something absolutely terrible can be summoned, maybe it will work."

Lin Hong smiled bitterly, however, there was almost no chance of success.

The heart demon said: "It's not without it. In fact, I suggest you go there after a while. At that time, Po Meng can't bear the brilliance of the power of the Lord Yan in the body. You will lose without a fight, and you will win by then."

"I'm not interested in defeating the enemy like that."

Lin Hong refused.

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