"Eat, I'm coming!"

The giants seem to be limited in what they can say, but they are drooling.

Haechi was scared and the two hurriedly ran away: "Mom!"


Soon, the giant was led away.

Lin Hong drove the flying saucer, stopped outside the cage, and walked out.

"Are you here?"

Dong Ling breathed a sigh of relief when she saw him, wiped away her tears, seeming to be frightened.

"Why are you all caught? It's too bad, right?" The inner demon held his shoulder and punched the cage, but nothing happened.

"You guys go quickly... this cage is unique and very strong."

Dong Ling lowered her head slightly, already desperate.

This so-called cage is actually a basket to the giant, but to everyone, the small gap can be said to be a cage.

Lin Hong shook his head and put his hand on the cage: "Come!"

As soon as the voice fell, the huge cage disappeared without a trace.

"Oh my God, what happened?!"

Shenlong was shocked, such a big cage, said no, no?

"Let's make you smaller, we have to leave here." Lin Hong couldn't help saying.

"it is good!"

Shenlong did.

He turned a little strange: "Where is Haechi? Isn't he with you?"

"That guy led away the giant and will come and join us later."

Lin Hong replied.

"Unexpectedly, that guy would be so righteous." Shenlong couldn't help but mutter softly.

First he rescued himself in spite of the danger, and now he led away the giant! It is really admirable.


the other side.

"Your third uncle's grandfather, don't chase after him!!"

Haechi looked back from time to time and looked behind him. The giant was so stupid that he had to arrest him instead.

The giant licked his lips: "Eat..."


Haechi murmured softly, instantly becoming super small.

"Eat it?" The giant stared at him, although he was a little wondering why he had become smaller, he didn't mean to let him go.

"Grandma's legs! I can't run away!!"

Haechi has already used his extreme speed, but the distance to the giant is still being crazily reduced.

He yelled, "My surname is Lin, I'm **** death!!!"

"Don't worry, am I here?"

Lin Hong drove the flying saucer and rushed in. The door was wide open. Haechi didn't have time to slow down, so he ran into it.

"Walk." Lin Hong chuckled, "You almost crashed the flying saucer."

"What, what disc?"

Haze was a little dizzy and asked blankly.

Lin Hong increased the speed to the fastest: "UFO!"

When the voice fell, the speed of the flying saucer soared, and almost instantly, he threw away the giant.

"Finally are back..."

Haechi glanced at the audience, and then heaved a sigh of relief.

The Elf Queen remained silent along the way, not knowing what she was thinking.

"Let's find the way to the next level." Lin Hong whispered, "I don't know, at which level the Universe Orderer will be waiting for us."

"It always feels like being tricked by that guy..."

The demon's heart is weird, and he always feels something is wrong, but he can't tell.

Lin Hong shook his head: "We have no turning back now. Even if we hit the south wall, we have to break the south wall."

"Good guy, people don't hit the south wall and don't look back. You smashed the south wall."

The inner demon was a little dumbfounded.

The others looked at each other, obviously not knowing the meaning of these words, but did not ask much.

Time was passing by minute by minute, and in a blink of an eye, three days passed, and there was almost no change in the jungle swamp.

Lin Hong is walking with everyone: "I hope I can find something..."

It's been three days, and I have used a flying saucer to walk around this area, but there seems to be nothing else except the giant, let alone speak up.

"Look at what I found?"

Haze suddenly ran to the side, where there were a few carrots.

Lin Hong rubbed his chin, walked over to remove one, cleaned up the dirt with water, and handed it to the rabbit on his shoulder.


The rabbit started to eat contentedly.

Lin Hong smiled: "It seems that he likes it very much."

"Is this guy really an elf you have ever seen?"

The elf queen spoke. It was the first time in these few days that she had spoken, and she had been thinking about something before.

"Of course." Lin Hong nodded lightly, "After becoming a rabbit, he has changed a bit and has a grumpy temper."

These days, rabbits are the first to encounter monsters.

"Is that so..."

The Elf Queen murmured softly.

Women understand women, Dong Ling hesitates a little: "Did you find something?"

"Well, this rabbit feels strange to me, but I know every elf very well, so it shouldn't be the case."

The elf queen nodded, and then said.

"Why is this? Could it be..." The inner demon frowned and looked at the rabbit.

"No, it has kissed me several times."

Lin Hong rubbed his chin.

The elf queen was silent for a while and asked: "Do you know what the elf's name is?"

"I don't know, but I do know what she looks like."

Lin Hong shrugged, took out the pen and paper, and quickly drew a portrait.

"Isn't this Amy? She is not a rabbit!" The Elf Queen shook her head.

"Then, who are you?"

Lin Hong looked at the rabbit on his shoulder blankly, but the rabbit was still gnawing on the carrot.

The heart demon groaned a little: "I suspect that the tests you did on it just happened to match, so you took it as Amy."

"how so……"

Lin Hong had a headache, rubbed his head with a wry smile.

"Come." Dong Ling hugged the rabbit gently.


After the rabbit was eating carrots, he kissed her, and after moving his nose, he jumped back to Lin Hong.

The heart demon suddenly realized: "I see, it is not a pro, it is just using the sense of smell to determine who a person is!"

Lin Hong rubbed his painful eyebrows~www.readwn.com~ It seems that this rabbit is a creature on this level, not Amy.

At this moment, the earth suddenly began to tremble, whether it was trees, swamps, or grass, all began to move.

The heart demon frowned: "What's the matter?!"

"Get on the flying saucer."

Lin Hong gave an order, released the flying saucer, and led them in.

When the flying saucer rises, the place where they just stood has become a swamp.

"Look below!" Dong Ling looked out the window.

I saw everything was moving, it looked weird.

"This ghost place..."

The demon secretly smacked his tongue.

He turned to a whim: "Could it be that the terrain is moved here every once in a while, and in a certain time, there is a way to the next level?"

"It's not impossible... but in this way, we may never find it, or waste a lot of time."

Lin Hong smiled bitterly, feeling helpless.

"But... I can only look for it, right?" Dong Ling said after hesitating a little.

"Well, that's true."

Lin Hong nodded gently.

Afterwards, he drove a flying saucer to search everywhere, but his expression changed rapidly.

The demon was puzzled: "Why are you surprised recently?"

"Cheng Jing, that guy is catching up."

Lin Hong whispered softly, now, the expressions of everyone present have changed a bit.

"Fortunately, I found out in time." Lin Hong turned the flying saucer around, avoiding Cheng Jing, and let the system detect it at any time to prevent encounters, otherwise it would be bad.

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