One hundred and seventy-three swords!

  The palm was broken, Lin Daofeng's hand was broken, and Lin Hong finally came out.

   "Quickly, kill them, kill them!!" Lin Daofeng angrily scolded the disciples of his own.

too frightening.

  This person is so terrible, he doesn’t care about his life at all!

   But even so, he didn't plan to admit defeat, he was going to make Lin Hong regret it for life! When those disciples heard the order, they were ready to do it.

   "It's late!" Lin Hong sneered, and with a movement, the Donghuang Bell on the white ears of the fox flew up and became bigger.



The divine tool blessed by the force of Yuanli is the real divine weapon. Although Lin Hong has no Yuanli, he can barely activate the power of the Donghuang Bell with his extremely high force value. Only a burst of bells can be heard. , The surrounding disciples all looked blank, losing light in their pupils.

  [Current host force value:]

   "Kill!" Lin Hong raised his hand to Lin Daofeng, and the disciples suddenly drew their swords and rushed over.

  "Are you crazy, I am your master——-"

Lin Daofeng broke both palms and it was a toothless tiger. In addition, he had run out of vitality. Facing these disciples, he could not resist at all. After a short while, his body had seven more penetrating lengths. The sword, the blood is low, the rain is pouring, and the master of the generation died in his own hands.

  "Don't be afraid, I am here." Lin Hong's eyes were red, but he did not know when, he had fallen to the ground, lethargic.


  Lin still ran with tears and ran to Lin Hong's side.

   "He fainted." Lin Yun hugged Fox White and walked over, his eyes were a little confused, his hand muscles were cut off, and he could no longer pick up the sword.

"What exactly is going on?"

Lin Daihong was worried about not being able to find Lin Yubu. Now that he heard an accident here, he hurried over with people, but not only saw the long-lost young master and sister, but also saw the seven long swords inserted in his body. Lin Daofeng, who had been dead for a long time, knelt there, unable to fall down because of the long sword supporting the ground.

   "Kill my elder Lin, this servant is crazy, come, take it down, and be sentenced to death!!" Lin Daihong cursed.

  "Auntie, Elder Daofeng has rebelled, dumb, he is to help us!"

  Lin still retorted to Lin Daihong.

  "You are all the people who defected from the Lin family, still want to explain? Come here, take it with you, and at noon tomorrow, all of you will be burned to death!!!"

Lin Daihong glared at him and waved his big hand. All the Lin family disciples behind him came forward, led Lin Hong and others to leave and headed to the prison. But in a secret room of the Lin family, Lin Changsheng was sitting here, suddenly opened his eyes: "Why? So uneasy?"

  Lin Daofeng felt strange that he had taken care of the entire Lin family, and nothing major would happen before the Secret Realm.

  "Finally, reaching the realm of the master now is the most important thing."

  Lin Changsheng sighed. Only when he reaches the master can he stabilize the entire Lin family.


  Da prison.

   "Cough cough..." Lin Hong coughed suddenly, woke up from a daze, and sat up.

   "Where is this?"

  He found that there was no discomfort on his body, but he had been put on prisoner’s clothes. The most important thing was that his shadow sword and storage ring were missing.

  "This is Lin's prison." Lin Yun in the cell next to him sighed.

   "The prison..."

  Lin Hong frowned, only to realize that he was wearing handcuffs. He tried to use his force, but he could not get rid of the handcuffs until he tried his best.

   "They are special handcuffs. They were bought from Tang Sect. They are claimed to be unbreakable by the master."

  Lin Yun looked at Lin Hong and smiled bitterly. The Lin family only had one pair of handcuffs, which had not been used for many years, but now they are worn on Lin Hong’s wrist.

   "Still, where's Fox White?" Lin Hong asked Xiang Lin Yun. They were all locked up here, but Fox White and Lin still didn't see them.

  "Still in other cells, as for Fox White, he ran away at that time."

  Lin Yun sighed, with some emotion. He was once a **** of the Lin family. He was blinded and neglected by others. Now he has finally become a young master, but after a few years, he has actually fallen into the Lin family’s own cell.

   "I'll save them." Lin Hong frowned, walked to the cage of the cell, and waved his hands fiercely.


   "What's the matter, my strength?"

  Lin Hong was at a loss, and then asked the system about his current strength.

  【The host's current force value is: 120】

"The handcuffs you are carrying can suppress your strength to almost nothing. I am wrong. I should have let you go long ago..." Lin Yun sat there paralyzed, sighed, and touched herself while feeling depressed. The wound on his wrist hurts, but his heart hurts even more. A generation of sword repairers, who have repaired the sword for so many years, can no longer hold the sword.

   "It turned out to be like this..." Lin Hong breathed a sigh of relief, he thought it was his strength no longer existed.

   "What is noisy, no, chat!"

  A squat came over, wearing the clothes of a jailer, holding a black stick in his hand.

  "Where are my things?" Lin Hong asked the jailer calmly.

   "Oh, the dying people still care about these things, tell you, you will have to die by noon!"

  The jailer sneered and spit out a mouthful of phlegm at Lin Hong's feet.

   "It's been so long..." Lin Hong was silent. It seems that a lot of things happened after he passed out yesterday.

   "No, what about the Lin family leader, he can't just watch his son die?" Lin Hong asked the jailer again.

   "It's useless, he is in retreat, and because of Lin Daihong, it is impossible for a disciple to send him a message."

  The jailer did not answer yet, but Lin Yun in the cell next to him spoke first with a wry smile.

   "Count... count your acquaintances!"

  When the dumb jailer left Lin Hong and others were silent for a while, and in a guest room of Lin's house, Fox White had put on a piece of clothing, which he had just cut out with cloth.

  "Young Master is ingenious." Li Yong on the side could not help but nod his head.

   "Elder, you go out first."

  Hen looked at Li Yong and opened his mouth. When Li Yong left, he looked at Fox White: "Because of the Hen family, I can't take it rashly, but...we can go to the Lin Family Master. He will never stand by."

  As an outsider, his intervention is equivalent to the Hen family’s failure to put the Lin family in their eyes. This will cause conflicts between the two ancient martial arts families.

   "Hmm..." Hu Bai was tired, and Hen was telling people to go out to inquire about the news, and at the same time give Hu Bai medicine.

   "It hurts!"

   "I'm sorry, I'll be gentle." Hen apologized to Fox White, and then gently began to apply the medicine.



  Night, early morning.

   "When the time comes, I will turn away the guards, and you will inform Patriarch Lin." The white fox was hidden in Hen's arms and said to it.


  Hu Bai nodded seriously, and the action began.

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