"I can become a treasure by picking up trash(!

"Guest, what would you like to order?"

As soon as he walked into the inn, the shop Xiaoer greeted him, an old man with a flattering smile.

no way.

Residents in the small world are generally very old.

In addition, he had summoned most of the young people before, which led to this scene.

Lin Hong said, "No, I'm here to find someone."

Xiao Er nodded, then left with a cane.

"you are?"

When Lin Hong came to the table of the heart demon and others, Fu Jiaojiao's eyes narrowed slightly, a little nervous for no reason.

"It's me." Lin Hong chuckled and found a place to sit down.

"What did you do halfway?"

The inner demon asked in surprise, but it hasn't been seen for a few days without any change.

Lin Hong replied: "Some worms have been cleaned up."

"Moth...you mean, those kids?"

The demon's expression slightly solidified.

"Exactly." Lin Hong answered.

"Good fellow... what I didn't do in three days was done by you as soon as you came."

The inner demon was a little dumbfounded.

Lin Hong was taken aback: "You haven't been back for so long because of this?"

"Well, I found that there was an organization catching children with someone behind it. For the past three days, I didn't rush to do it, just to wait for the mysterious person behind."

The demon shrugged.

"It's the relief office." Lin Hong said with a shrug.

"So that's it..."

The inner demon was a little shocked, no wonder he hadn't been able to find it for so long.

Lin Hong immediately said: "Don't worry, the matter has been handled properly, at least in the next few years, those guys will not jump around again."

"That's good, right, do you know what these residents have developed into now?"

The inner demon gave him a glass and filled it with wine.

"What does it look like?" Lin Hong asked curiously.

"Very deformed, this may be completely different from what you imagined, right?"

The heart demon's eyes narrowed slightly, and then he said.

Lin Hong was taken aback: "What a deformity?"

"You can understand that the poor are very poor and the rich are very rich."

The heart demon said slowly, his voice heavy.

"Is this..." Lin Hong whispered softly, thinking of something vaguely, "Is there any solution?"

"I can only say that if you continue to let it go, it will definitely collapse the entire society and even cause civil war. As for the solution... it depends on her."

After the inner demon had finished speaking, he looked at Fu Jiaojiao.

Lin Hong took advantage of the situation and quickly looked over.

Fu Jiaojiao said, "What does it matter to me?"

She didn't lift her eyelids, she looked indifferent.

"As the daughter of the former city lord, it should be easy to manage this without anyone, right?"

The demon said in a reckless manner.

"You mean... let Fu Jiaojiao manage the residents in the small world?" Lin Hong rubbed his chin, this is indeed a way.

"I didn't agree."

Fu Jiaojiao frowned.

If so, who would solicit trouble for themselves?

"Well, if you agree, he will give you whatever you want." The inner demon said, pointing to Lin Hong.

"It's me for Mao?"

The corner of Lin Hong's mouth twitched.

The relationship between him and Fu Jiaojiao is quite special, and they even quarrel with each other.

Fu Jiaojiao's eyes were a bit more playful: "Really?"

"of course it's true."

The demon nodded and patted Lin Hong on the shoulder secretly.

"Okay, then I'll be this...what position is it called?" Fu Jiaojiao was a little surprised.

"Just call it the Lord of the World, the Lord of the Small World, you are in charge of this place."

Lin Hong thought for a while and said.

He immediately raised his hand and pointed at Fu Jiaojiao: "I allow you to mobilize part of the world's power, so that if you encounter any trouble, you can easily solve it."

"How come there are only three of us, is there something missing?"

The inner demon took a bite of the food and looked around, suddenly unable to turn his head.

"Where is your apprentice?" Lin Hong's mouth twitched.

"Yes, damn, where's my apprentice?"

The heart demon was taken aback, and immediately got up to search, but no one was seen in the entire tavern.

Fu Jiaojiao asked curiously: "Speaking of this, do you know that your apprentice is a girl?"


The demon's expression was dazed.

It seemed that he completely regarded Chengtian as a boy.

"Okay, don't worry, you will find it soon." Lin Hong closed his eyes, used the system to detect, and soon found something.

"follow me……"

Lin Hong frowned slightly, leaving the money for the food, and then led them out of the tavern, looking ahead.

It ended up outside a gift shop.

Everyone stopped, and Chengtian was choosing things in the room.

The heart demon was surprised: "What is she going to do?"

"Shhh, keep your voice down, don't be heard by others."

Lin Hong made a hissing gesture.

"That's it, how much is it?" Chengtian finally chose a few gadgets.

"Just take ten copper coins from you."

The boss has a smile on his face.

In the small world, the currency traded becomes the most basic gold, silver and copper coins.

Chengtian took out a treasure from his storage bag: "I don't have money, can I use this to exchange it?"

"What is this... Since you don't have any money, just take it away. You won't be charged."

The boss waved his hand and didn't intend to collect the money.

"How do you do it, the rules are rules, ten copper coins, none of them can be less than you." Chengtian lowered his head.

"Well, I will **** things, and then come to you to buy."

Chengtian finished speaking immediately before turning around and ran out.

Because it runs too fast.

I didn't notice Lin Hong and others outside at all.

Fu Jiaojiao said, "What a good apprentice, such a person who follows the rules, let alone children, there are not many adults."

"Ah, the talent is good, and the character of life is also required."

The inner demon coughed awkwardly.

"Is there a word that you, a master, taught well?" Lin Hong asked with a smile while hugging his shoulders.

"……came back."

The inner demon said, turned his back quickly.

It turned out that Chengtian had already pawned things and returned.

Lin Hong and Fu Jiaojiao quickly covered their faces.

It seemed that he was very anxious, so Chengtian walked into the gift shop without looking at them at all, and gave them ten cents.

"The stuff is already installed for you, little guy."

The shop owner gave out a bag.

"Thank you." Chengtian said, and walked out of the house. This time, he happened to find the Inner Demon and others with their backs to him.


Chengtian tilted his head and his face was full of weirdness.

The demon coughed slightly: "Huh? Isn't this Chengtian? What a coincidence, I can meet him."


The eyes of Fu Jiaojiao and Lin Hong were filled with speechlessness.

There is no end to this lie!

"Master, look, I bought you a good-looking one." With a smile on Chengtian's face, he raised his hand and handed out a hairpin.

"Disciple, you...really pick a gift."

The corner of the heart's mouth twitched.

Just now, he saw what he had bought, but he didn't want to buy this hairpin, it turned out to be for himself!

Chengtian smiled and said, "Thank you, Master, for the compliment. Shall I put it on Master?"

"Huh? Isn't this bad?"

At the end of the minute, I froze ~www.readwn.com~ and glanced around, this is the street, where people come and go.

If this is worn...

I am afraid that the image of tall and mighty is about to collapse!

"The apprentice's kindness, no master would refuse, right?" Fu Jiaojiao said like this, hugging her shoulders.

"It makes sense, otherwise, the apprentice would be too pitiful."

Lin Hong nodded deeply with a smile on his face.

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