I Can Become a Treasure by Picking Up Garbage

Chapter 1802: Who can stand it?


Lin Hong drank a glass of wine on his own, with a smile on his face.

The city lord saw this: "Master, if you don't want to say, feel free to live here tonight. The room has been prepared for you."

It seems that he respects Lin Hong very much.

"Thanks a lot."

Lin Hong did not shirk.

After all, I really should have a good rest.

till this moment.

I haven't seen the beauty of that girl in Bei Yushi yet, but at least she has a good personality. As for her talent...

How could Hodge's selection be bad?

The girl beside him pours him wine from time to time.

Lin Hong rubbed his eyebrows, pretending to be drunk: "I'm going to rest."

"Butler, you take him to the prepared room."

The city lord said immediately.

Soon, Lin Hong was helped by the housekeeper and came outside a room.

"Here is it." The butler said, led him into the house, put him on the bed, and left.

"Master, why do you pretend to be drunk?"

The little man sat on Lin Hong's shoulders and asked curiously.

She knew that it was impossible to get drunk by virtue of Lin Hong's amount of alcohol.


Lin Hong opened his eyes and saw that the butler had already left, he couldn't help but chuckle: "If you continue to be there, I'm afraid I will have to drink a lot. There is no need to waste time."


The villain nodded ignorantly.

"Our goal is Beiyu poetry, we should find a way to get close to her." Lin Hong whispered softly.

"How am I going?"

The villain asked after thinking about it.

She laughed and said, "I said I was lost, let her take care of it, so that I can see many aspects!"

"Okay, you go, I'll have a good night's sleep."

Lin Hong nodded lightly and decided to let her handle the matter.

Time goes by every minute and every second.

It's quiet in the dead of night.

Bei Yushi was playing with dolls in her house, all kinds of boring: "It's so boring..."

"Huh? Where is this?"

The sound came suddenly, outside.

Bei Yushi put on his shoes, got out of bed, and saw the villain who was looking around when he went out.

"Aren't you the one from that uncle?" Bei Yushi said in surprise, unexpectedly meeting him here, "Why are you here?"

"I... accidentally got lost."

The villain lowered his head slightly, looking aggrieved.

"It's okay, I'll take you to find him?" Bei Yushi stepped forward, holding her in her palm, secretly saying that she was really a small one.

"My stomach is a little hungry now, can you give me something to eat first?"

The villain tilted his head and asked.

Bei Yushi nodded: "I have something to eat in my house, so let's eat it with me first, I'm going to find that uncle?"


The villain answered.

It seems that this little girl is a very enthusiastic child.

From this point of view, it is enough to be my master’s apprentice...


The villain entered the house.

Bei Yushi handed her a biscuit, got dressed, and left the house to look for Lin Hong.

"Um... Although it's a bit impolite, let me see what secrets you have."

The villain ate up the biscuits in two bites, then flew around the room, rummaging around, and soon, when she opened a cabinet, her eyes widened and she froze in place.

Beiyu Poems...

Never be the master’s apprentice!


"Have you seen it all?"

Bei Yushi didn't know when she was behind her, with that innocent smile on her face.

The little man shook his head hurriedly: "No, I didn't see it, I didn't see anything."

"Hee hee hee……"

Bei Yushi's smile looked like an evil ghost in the eyes of the villain at this moment.



the next day.

Lin Hong woke up from the bed and looked around, a little surprised: "Strange, she didn't come back all night?"

Surprised, he put on his clothes.

"My lord, I'm out for dinner."

Soon there was a knock on the door, it was the housekeeper.

"Did you see my pet?" Lin Hong walked out of the room, and then asked strangely.

After all, the villain shouldn't be home all night.

"Have never seen...sir, your pet is lost?"

As the housekeeper said, his face was a little unsightly.

"Well, what's the matter?" Lin Hong felt bad when he saw him like this.

"Hey, I don't know what's going on. The pets in the family have disappeared one by one in the past two years, and they have never been recovered."

The butler lowered his head.

He then hurriedly said: "But don't worry, we will do everything we can to find it for you."

Lin Hong closed his eyes and used the system to probe.

Soon, there will be results.

"Go call the city lord."

Lin Hong's expression changed slightly.

"Yes!" The butler did not dare to say anything, nodded, and went to find the city lord.

Lin Hong took a step forward and rushed forward.

Soon, he came outside Bei Yushi's room.

At this time, the butler had already arrived with the city owner and his wife.

The city lord hadn't even put on his clothes: "Master, what happened?"

"You'll know by looking at it for yourself in a while."

Lin Hong pursed his lips, stepped forward, raised his hand and pushed open the door of Bei Yushi's room.




All the people present were discolored.

I saw that there were many dead animals in the house.

But Bei Yushi was kneeling on the ground honestly, and in front of him was the villain flying in the air: "Huh..."

last night.

Bei Yushi wanted to catch her.

The result can be imagined!

Is the strength of the villain that she can beat a little girl?

So it became what it is now.

"What exactly is going on?"

The city lord walked into the house and found that those corpses were all pets lost in the family in recent years.

"Daddy...I didn't mean it." Bei Yushi lowered his head and said in a flustered manner.

"Let me talk to you, after one night, I have already asked."

The villain flew forward at this time.

She began to talk.

It turns out that although Bei Yushi is very well-behaved on the surface, there is a demon in his heart.

Or that she is a demon herself!

Those animals were killed to death by her.

The corpse stayed in the house, she admired it at any time, and used certain things to prevent it from odor.

"Yushi...you..." The lady of the city lord clutched her chest, shook her head in disbelief, panting, and then fainted.


The city lord was shocked and quickly asked someone to take him to the doctor.

At this time, the brothers and sisters of Bei Yushi also came, seeing this scene, their eyes were filled with shock.

It's hard to imagine.

The well-behaved Beiyu poems on weekdays would actually do this kind of thing!

Lin Hong pursed his lips: "Sure enough..."

In fact, he had already guessed that Nizi would have a problem in her heart~www.readwn.com~ but he didn't expect it to be so serious.

after all.

The pile of photos that Hodge gave himself is not an ordinary person.

It's because of outstanding talents, and geniuses without detailed information are bound to have some minor problems.


When the wife of the city owner was taken away, the city owner, who was anxious and furious, spewed blood, as if the sky had fallen.

To know.

He loves this little daughter very much.

However, such a thing would happen!

Who can stand it on whom?

At this moment, he even wanted to sever his father-daughter relationship with Bei Yushi!

"Daddy, I'm sorry." Bei Yushi didn't know what to say, lowered his head, a bit of helplessness and fear between his brows.

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