"Be careful..."

The heart demon's eyes narrowed slightly, a heat wave broke out on his body, and then he punched.

"This is?" Hazhen hurriedly resisted, but was directly beaten into the air, "When did you...when did you get the new trick?"

"Now that science and technology are developing rapidly, isn't it normal to have some new tricks?"

There was a slight smile on the face of the demon.

He twisted his neck: "Next? I'm not really happy yet."

"Huh, it's not coming. Even if you fight, it's no match. I still have room to improve. Wait. One day, I will beat you down."

Haechi said disdainfully, and lifted his shoulders.

The heart demon let out a long breath.


People still have room for improvement, but apart from waiting for technological progress, they are almost the ceiling.

Suddenly, Haechi screamed: "What bites me!"

The demons were surprised and hurried forward.

I saw that a bug was lying on Hachi's body, gnawing wanton, and it was already bloody.

"Dare to bite me."

Haechi absorbed the worm directly.

"Isn't it in your body?" The inner demon said worriedly.

"No, don't worry."

Haechi exhaled.

He then said: "This worm is not like the kind that enters the body, it should be something else."

"That's good……"

The inner demon looked around, his heart heavy, knowing that the bug had invaded here.

"Ah, it's not good!" The villain flew out of the boat.

"what happened?"

The inner demon asked quickly, thinking that something happened to Chengtian and the others.

The villain said: "We have been surrounded by bugs..."

While speaking, the earth began to tremble.

A huge bug is coming slowly from a distance.

"Is that a bug?"

Haechi rubbed his eyes and said in disbelief, saying that he was a giant is not an exaggeration!

"It should be correct...I don't know how strong it is." The heart demon let out a long sigh, his expression a little serious.

"I have asked the mechanical legion for help, and the master cannot be contacted for the time being."

The little man said.

Except for the huge bug, all kinds of bugs are coming, and the numbers are so large that it is jaw-dropping.

The inner demon frowned: "When will the mechanical legion arrive?"

"About... half an hour."

The villain replied after thinking about it.

"So long?" The heart demon twitched, seemingly helpless.

Right now, if you can't stand it, it will be miserable!

"Isn't it just some bugs? My master Hodge will be here soon. Besides, isn't this ship itself a powerful weapon? I can't beat it!"

Haze said loudly.

In fact, there is no need to be afraid!

The heart demon holds a halberd: "Try it first..."

"Say on board first!"

The villain said, and went back to the ship with them, and he went into the console.


The ship floated in the air, and various weapons appeared.

The heart demon and others came to guard on the deck, which is almost the only way to enter the ship at present.

"Hahaha." A laugh came from afar. It was the mysterious man with a slight smile on his face at this time.

"It's you……"

When Bei Yushi and Chengtian came to the deck, they turned pale when they saw the man.

The man said: "Last time I let you escape by chance, this time, don't try to escape again.


Bei Yushi did not speak, but his face was very pale.

Obviously afraid!

No matter how strong she was, she was just a child, thinking back to the scenes before, he had a lingering fear.

"Don't be afraid, there are us."

Chengtian also held a halberd and said seriously.

"Hmm..." Bei Yushi nodded lightly, breathed a sigh of relief inexplicably, and felt relieved.

And soon, densely packed insects struck, seemingly endless.

The biggest bug has never stopped.

"First think of a way to get rid of that big one?"

The demon's expression is very heavy.

Haezhi nodded, and then thought of something: "By the way, isn't there any cannon on this ship? Come on him!"


At this moment, a cannon slowly appeared from above the ship, using a lot of energy, and accurately hit the big bug.


The effect is not very obvious.

Even the bug only swayed a few times before it moved.

"What? This..." Hachi's expression was a bit ugly.

You know, their attack is not much better than that gun.


Didn’t they also use that big bug?

"Well, I don't know if your master will come in time to come over."

The heart demon let out a long breath.

Hearing this, Haechi's expression was a little weird: "Well, there is one thing you may not know. Since the last time I ate the fruits of the abyss, my master's strength has gradually declined."


The heart demon was wide and quiet, and never expected such a thing to happen.

"Hey... it may have exceeded the upper limit of the nihilistic creature's strength, so it will gradually weaken." Haze sighed a little helplessly.

"So, even if your master comes now, there is no way?"

The inner demon frowned, secretly saying bad.

In this case, wouldn't the ship fall?

Haechi nodded his head solemnly: "It's like this..."

"Quickly, get out of here!"

The inner demon pondered for a moment, then shouted immediately.

"Understood." The little man in the console nodded and controlled the boat to run in the opposite direction of the big bug.

"Bump me!"

Shouted the man standing on the ground.

Suddenly, the big bug slammed into the ship and directly hit the protective cover.

"Ka——" There was a faint cracking sound.

"It's not good, the protective cover is damaged. Once it is broken, those little bugs will board the boat."

The villain in the control room communicates with the people on the deck through the communication device~www.readwn.com~ The heart demon clasped the halberd in his hand: "Don't worry, there is still us here."

"I am going to make a space leap, hoping to escape from here."

After the villain finished speaking, energy burst out all over his body.

"Pop!" At this moment, the big bug hit again, and the protective cover broke on the spot.


As the villain said, the ship suddenly began to leap forward in space.


The entire ship disappeared.

The inner demon wiped the sweat off his head: "This is... a success?"

"It should be so right, haha, isn't it just some bugs, look at how nervous you are."

Haezhi smiled, although on the surface it was very stable, he barely peeed his pants.

There are too many bugs...

"We didn't lose in the eyes of the investigators, could we still lose in the hands of the bugs?" Haze said proudly, looking out of the ship, his expression gradually changed.

"What do you see?"

The heart demon was surprised, and walked forward, his expression also frozen.

I saw that there were countless insects underneath, gnawing everything, and then multiplying at a speed that was unbelievable.

The demon clenched his fists: "You must quickly get in touch with Lin Hong."

But it's just simple to say.

At this time, Lin Hong was still facing the **** of insects with Xue Qianhan.

A steady stream of bugs came down frantically.

"Senior, are you okay?"

Xue Qianhan was panting and talking, dripping with sweat and fragrant sweat, her sword hand trembling from time to time, it was obvious that she couldn't hold on anymore.

"You rest, let me come." Lin Hong let out a long sigh, leaped and looked around, there were countless bugs everywhere.

Immediately, he released the element of fire and grilled the entire plain.

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