Mechanical Corps.

Underground Research Institute.

All the robots are doing research here.

"Grandma's legs, is this thing invincible?!" The robot is also studying, looking at the small bug in the glass, gritted his teeth.


The little bug could not speak, but stood up straight and made a mocking move.

The mechanical popularity is not good: "I want to research it out and exterminate you!"

He was unbalanced, and at this moment, a robot rushed over.

"A biological invasion has been detected. Unidentified creatures have sneaked into the mechanical legion. What should I do? Please give instructions."

The robot makes a sound.

"Biological invasion?" The robot knew, it must be some bugs.

"Quickly, shoot all the combat robots, I will withdraw first and protect me!"

The robot immediately roared and went directly to the deepest part of the research institute. This is already the safest place for the entire mechanical army.

Many combat robots are stationed outside!

But soon.

The robot beside him said: "Warning, creatures have invaded here."

"What?! How could it be possible?!"

The robot was amazed. You know, this is the safest place. How could it be invaded so quickly?

"Zizi-" a strange voice came from afar.

It can be seen to the naked eye that countless densely packed bugs are gnawing at everything, and there are robot remains everywhere.

"This is... a nano bug?"

The robot was shocked to discover that it turned out to be a nano bug with amazing destructive power, which could destroy almost everything!

He frowned: "How could this be... it's over, I can't run out anymore."

The robot is a little desperate at this moment.


"Da da da-"

There are still many combat robots on the scene, but their resistance is useless at all, and the attacks do not even cause any harm to the nano bugs.

"The second generation has not worked out a countermeasure. The third generation has come out. How to play?" With a wry smile on the face of the robot, he looked at the little bug in the bottle, feeling helpless.


Several combat robots came to him and shouted.

The robot shook his head: "It's useless. I can't escape. Their goal is me. Let's go. Maybe there is still a chance to live."

"Error, there is no order to escape, we need to guard."

The robot said directly, many robots stopped in front of him, not afraid of death.

"You..." Although the robot was moved, he knew that it was useless at all.

Will there be miracles?


Strange voices sounded one after another, and the nano bugs gathered together and turned out to be a giant bug, making terrifying calls.

The robot scolded: "Asshole, do you think we are afraid of you?!"


The giant insect's appearance was weird, and it continued to utter a heart-piercing roar at him, deafening.

"Go!" The robots were not afraid to say so, and they rushed up.

However, soon, they were beaten up one after another, the parts were scattered all over the place, and many of them were scrapped on the spot.


The robot was also beaten back, but his material was very hard and there was no major problem for the time being.

He looked around and said with a wry smile: "I am sorry for you... Obviously I am the scientific research consultant here, but it didn't bring you much convenience."

However, at this moment, it is useless to say more.

It's going to die soon.

"go to hell."

The giant bug actually spoke, opened his mouth, and a powerful force gathered from it.

"What is this."

But when I listened, a voice sounded.

Lin Hong did not know when, floating in the air, beside the giant insect, holding the Shadow Sword in his hand.

Without saying anything, he swung a sword.

"Huh -" The giant insect was divided into two, flew out directly, and landed on the ground wriggling.

"You came too in time!"

The despair in the robot's heart instantly dissipated, and he shouted excitedly.

Lin Hong chuckled, "I'll talk about it after I solve this thing."

"Get out of me? Haha."

The giant insects gathered again, their voices were somewhat magical, and they rushed violently.

"Taste this." Lin Hong said, slashing a sword fiercely, with a fierce look on his face.

In an instant, a strong wind swept across the entire institute, and the sound of thunder was faintly heard from outside.

"What a fierce sword!"

The robot was astonished and backed away again and again, a little afraid of being affected.


As everything subsided, the giant bug had fallen to the ground and became the corpse of countless nano bugs.

The robot came over: "When were you so strong?"

"Tsk, is it weird?"

Lin Hong's mouth twitched. After practicing this sword by himself for so long, wouldn't it be normal for him to be a little fine.


Although these insects look fierce, they are nothing at all under the shadow-bearing sword of immune defense.

"I'm really sorry, the insecticide has not been researched, now it seems... it is even more difficult to research." The robot said with some guilt, scanning the entire institute, it is already dilapidated, and even many places have been eaten by nano robots. It's left.

Fortunately, all the research materials are in the database, but they are not damaged.

"Do you know what's going on outside now?"

Lin Hong smiled bitterly, and then asked.

The robot nodded: "I heard... the bug has controlled many people."

"We must find a way to develop suitable pesticides, otherwise, the consequences will be disastrous."

Lin Hong said seriously.

"Yeah!" The robot answered, but it seemed that he didn't have much confidence.

After all, this is something that may not be able to be researched in a few years. UU reading www.uukanshu. com

If it’s only a few days...

It is even more impossible.

"Unexpectedly, the nihility technology is of no use now."

The robots are a little bit lost, mainly because they have not thoroughly studied this aspect of technology at all.

After all, it is a mechanical clan.

There is almost no need to guard against bugs!

But now...

I can only say that I didn't do the same about Weiran, otherwise it would not be so miserable.

"It is estimated that it will take a lot of time to rebuild here, can you do it yourself?" Lin Hong looked around.

"This... I can only ask for your help."

The smile on the robot's face was a bit awkward.

Lin Hong nodded and raised his hand. Soon, the building gradually recovered. He even used the power of the world to splice the broken robots back together.

The robot looked grateful: "It's a great help, it will save a lot of time."

"Send all combat robots here to build a city."

After Lin Hong pondered a little, he took out the map and said seriously.

"Building a city? How old?" Although the robot was a little strange, he still asked.

"It's as big as it can be, and it must be fully capable of defending against those bugs."

Lin Hong looked serious.

The location he chose was not far from the mechanical legion, and he would be able to arrive almost soon.

The robot was silent for a moment: "Well, leave it to me."

Lin Hong nodded and turned around to leave.

"I still don't understand...why do you want to do this?"

The robot still couldn't hold back, and asked very strangely.

"Because we need an absolutely safe stronghold." Lin Hong said seriously, then smiled, "I will save people as much as possible, and then take them to that city."

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