I Can Become a Treasure by Picking Up Garbage

Chapter 1837: The change of the demon

"What are you doing hiding from us?" Lin Hong and Huoqi walked over.

Because the injuries on their bodies now add up, they might not be able to beat the Cheng Jing in front of them.

"This...not hidden, nothing."

Cheng Jing was somewhat embarrassed.

Lin Hong shrugged: "You have so many clones, and the memories can be shared. Tell me where the ship is."

"Doppelgänger? You may not know it yet, I definitely don't have more than a hundred left now."

Cheng Jing was taken aback for a moment, then shook his head.

"No more than a hundred?" Lin Hong was a little surprised, "You have a very large number, how come there are only no more than one hundred left?"

"Hey... it's a long story. Ever since you chose to enter the small world and hide, the ancient gods have started to purge me."

Cheng Jing let out a long sigh and began to talk.

He then went on to say: "These days, the lives are simply hellish."

"You know, I just watched my companions fall, but I can't do anything. Thousands of me die every second."

Cheng Jing talked heartbreakingly, almost crying.

"It's miserable..." Lin Hong whispered softly.

"So, regarding the ship, I can only say I tried my best."

Cheng Jing calmed down his emotions, and then said.

As Lin Hong nodded, he connected with the only remaining self through memory sharing.

After some inquiries.

Really have a clue!

Cheng Jing pointed to the city ahead: "The heart demon is over there."

After he finished speaking, he pointed to the other direction, which was the direction the ship was traveling in.

"It seems that our general direction is right, but why is the heart demon in the city? Isn't this too unusual?"

Hodge's expression changed slightly, and he said in surprise.

"Indeed, this is not common sense." Lin Hong nodded.

"Hey, hey, I didn't lie to you, go if you like, if you don't want to pull it down, I still have things to do, so I'll leave first."

After Cheng Jing finished speaking, he ran to a deeper place, and then swallowed the treasure here, splitting the individual.

no way.

Now his number is too much.

If it can't split up more, it will soon be extinct.

Lin Hong and Hodge looked at each other: "Let's... go to the city first."

Inexplicably, he has a bad feeling.

"it is good."

Hodge thought the same way. After all, it was very close to the city, sitting with nothingness, and it took ten hours at most.

Soon, leaving the building, they went straight to the city.

On the way.

Hodge frowned slightly: "My strength has been completely fixed..."

"How to say?"

Lin Hong looked at it curiously, and then asked.

"Hey..." Huo Qi smiled bitterly, and said, "I am at least twice as weak as I was before, but among the void creatures is the top existence that has never been before. All void creatures will almost listen to me, unless those There is really no sane."

"Then you are not the earth emperor here?"

Lin Hong said half jokingly.

Hodge nodded: "Yes, when you leave in the future, I will take care of your friends."


Upon hearing this, Lin Hong fell silent.

He knew that those friends who were nothingness creatures could not leave here.

But if I am lucky, I will leave sooner or later.

Seeing his appearance, Hodge knew that he had made a mistake: "Don't think about it so much, at least it's not the time to separate."


Lin Hong forced himself to smile.

"Speaking of which, we have defeated the ancient gods and the creation gods. They have been sealed in the small world by you forever." Hodge said immediately with enthusiasm.

"Hahahaha! In this way, the hatred in my heart is finally reported."

Hodge couldn't help laughing up to the sky.

Lin Hong shrugged, did not say anything, but closed his eyes and rested quietly.

Not long.

The city has arrived.

There has been a big change here, it is exactly the same as it was at the beginning, and there is no more damage.

"It seems that the ancient gods have repaired this place." Lin Hong muttered softly, then shouted, "Inner demon, are you here?!"

The voice reverberated, but he couldn't wait for an answer.

"Isn't it? That guy lied to us?"

Hodge's expression changed slightly.

But when I heard, a voice suddenly came from behind them: "No, he didn't lie to you, I am indeed here."

After the two turned.

I saw that the person who spoke was the demon.

At this time, he was wearing a purple-black costume, his face was expressionless, and he was holding a halberd that was completely different from before, very domineering.

"Finally found you, where did you get this dress, handsome enough."

Lin Hong smiled and let out a long sigh of relief.

The inner demon was still expressionless: "Didn't I tell you to leave? Why did you come here..."

"This... that dream?"

The smile on Lin Hong's face gradually solidified, a little surprised.

"It's all true." The inner demon said, an unprecedented powerful force erupted from his body.

"Inner demon, what do you mean, do you want to do it to us?"

Hodge frowned and roared.

The inner demon remained expressionless: "Go, don't force me."

"Why are you here."

Lin Hong raised his hand to stop Hodge, who was still talking about something, and then looked at the inner demon and asked incomprehensibly.

"That's not important, I'll say it again one last time, you guys go quickly, get out of here, and never come back." The inner demon said again.


Hodge clenched his fists.

Lin Hong put his hand on his shoulder, turned around and let out a long breath: "Let's go."


Hodge didn't understand.

The inner demon is obviously something wrong now~www.readwn.com~ just left?

"Together, we can't beat him now." Lin Hong smiled bitterly and said.

This is a fact. He can feel that the power of the inner demon is extremely powerful now. Although it is a transforming person, all the materials have been replaced with something stronger than the super crystal.


Hodge calmed down and took him away.

Then the inner demon put away the halberd and watched quietly: "There are some things that you will never do, otherwise, you will regret it for the rest of your life. I can only use this method to protect you and forgive me."

the other side.

Lin Hong and Huoqi couldn't hear what the demons were saying.

"What the **** is going on with this guy."

Hodge frowned, complaining.

"Suddenly improved strength, sudden change of attitude...maybe, it's something you've experienced." Lin Hong guessed.

However, he couldn't guess what happened to the inner demon's body that would make him like this.

"Shall we go to meet Hachi and them now?"

Hodge asked uncertainly.

Lin Hong nodded, but shook his head again: "Go, I...do something else."

"Can you do it by yourself?"

Hodge asked puzzledly.

"Don't worry, I don't have a serious problem now." Lin Hong showed a reassuring smile on his face, then jumped off the void monster, and soon disappeared.

"Hey...I can't help it, you two, follow along. If something happens to him, report to me immediately."

Hodge shook his head and looked at the two void monsters fighting in the distance.



Two void monsters took the lead and secretly followed Lin Hong.

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