It was black like ink everywhere.

The same goes for looking back.

Lin Hong felt inexplicably shocked: "Where is this place?"

At this point, he still didn't know that he had come to the next level.

it's here.

Nothing at all.

"Hey, anyone?!"

Lin Hong took a deep breath, then shouted loudly.

After a while, the voice came back, indicating that this place is closed and has an end.

Hold your mind.

Lin Hong walked forward.


At the same time, the other side.

The inner demon was outside, sweating profusely: "Strange, why can't I get in?"

He tried to jump into the pit, but as a result, he got in, but stepped on the corpse, unable to enter the next floor.

This is really weird!

"Can't get in? Should we help you?"

The contemptuous voice came from not far away, somewhat familiar.

"What can you do...huh?!" The heart demon replied subconsciously. Suddenly, he raised his head in astonishment, staring at the two people who appeared at some unknown time, and his eyes widened slightly.

"It looks like you've already been in once, right?"

The ancient **** hugged his shoulders, his face was unkind, and said with a slight frown.

The heart demon breathed a sigh of relief: "So what?"

"You got the gift of existence?"

The ancient **** stepped forward, as if he didn't mean to do anything, he raised his hand and patted him on the shoulder, thoughtfully.

"Yes, now I am like you." The heart demon nodded calmly.

"Compared to this, I am more curious, shouldn't you be trapped in a small world? Why are you here..."

Although the inner demon is calm on the surface, he has already squeezed a sweat from his back.

The ancient **** said lightly: "We can't leave this space. That guy went to the next floor and we were forced to stay."

"so it is……"

The demon smiled bitterly, never expected it would be like this.

"You people, really **** it." The ancient god's expression was cold, and the powerful aura made the air directly solidify.

"Don't forget, I am immortal now, what can you do with me?!"

The inner demon also broke out a strong aura.

The ancient gods pressed harder step by step: "Since that existence has given you power, then you should prevent him from entering the next level. That is your mission!"

"Come on, mission? You are not worthy."

There was a slight sneer on the face of the demon.

"Why, still want to fight? If you have that leisurely mind, it's better to keep a watch and don't let other people in. Anyway, none of you can kill anyone...what about people?" The God of Creation said lightly, but suddenly realized that the heart demon Disappeared in place.

"He went to the next floor again?!"

The ancient **** furrowed his brows, which was absolutely impossible.

Chuangshi Shen said: "This... can only be done by the existence."


at the same time.

Next level.

Lin Hong walked for a long time, but could not reach the end.

But he met a person: "Inner demon, have you also come in?"


The inner demon floated in mid-air, a little dumb, and didn't know why he appeared here.

"It's already here, do you want to hide it?" Lin Hong asked very puzzled.


Suddenly, the heart demon spouted a mouthful of blood and knelt to the ground.

The two are no more than a few meters apart.

Lin Hong hurriedly walked over: "What's wrong with you?"

But I saw that the shadow-bearing sword on his waist flew out by itself, and the hilt fell into his hand.

"Want to know the truth of the world?"

"Do it."

"Just kill him and I will tell you everything."

The voice suddenly appeared, echoing around.

The heart demon opened his mouth to say something, but couldn't say it at all, as if the mute button had been pressed.

Lin Hong glanced at the Chengying Sword in his hand.

"I will not."

Lin Hong said.

But I saw that the inner demon suddenly violent, a halberd appeared in his hand, and then he swept away.



Lin Hongkan was defensive, but was still beaten out.

"You won't, but he doesn't seem to think so."

The voice came again.

Lin Hong clenched his fists, did not speak, and looked at the demon who was doing his hands with some doubts: "What's the matter with you?"


The inner demon didn't speak, even his expression was very indifferent.

"Are you under control..."

Lin Hong muttered and exhaled a long time, some of them didn't know what to do.

The demon finally spoke: "I have reminded you many times not to come here. Today, I must make a decision. This is my mission."

In fact.

He is now the guardian of this level just like the ancient gods and creation gods.

And as a guardian.

If others are allowed to enter this level, they will be punished.

And before that, they will fight to the death with those who are put in.

So there is this scene at the moment.

"What happened to you?"

Lin Hong asked the demon again, puzzled in every way.

"Huh--" However, what responded to him was the cold sharp blade on the halberd, exuding a cold light.



The weapons collided, and the harsh sound echoed.

Lin Hong defended one after another, with no intention of attacking at all, just thinking about how to solve the current troubles.


The demon's attack stopped.

When Lin Hong was not careful, the sword almost swung over and stopped quickly.

But then.

The heart demon moved a halberd slashed his chest, and then, a reversal, pierced the halberd fiercely in again, without stopping.


Lin Hong spit out a big mouthful of blood, with a little dazed eye in his eyes.

Is this your end?

He looked at the halberd that pierced his chest, and the wound did not heal at all because of the Slaughter Body.

Death came spontaneously.


Suddenly, the heart demon let out a heart-piercing roar, and then retreated with the halberd.

The blood is flowing like a shot.

Lin Hong covered the wound and backed away, the body of slaughter exerted to the extreme.

So far.

The wound began to heal gradually.

"Ah!!" The heart demon was still roaring heartbreakingly, with pain on his face.

"What exactly is going on……"

Lin Hong was puzzled and hurried forward.

He found a storage ring from the heart demon's hand. After opening it, he took out the healing potions in it, no matter what it was, directly into the heart demon's mouth.


It doesn't seem to be very good.

The heart demon choked, knelt on the ground, coughing violently: "You... are you trying to kill me?"

"Are you back to normal?"

Lin Hong was a little bit dumbfounded. Seeing that his tone was no longer so cold, he couldn't help asking.

"You stupid, how many times have you said that, don't come in, just don't listen." The demon clenched his teeth. "You want to see the truth of the world, now there is only one way left."

As he said, he directly pierced the halberd through his own chest.


He knows.

Only if you die, the rules will allow it.

Blood spurted out.

The smile on the face of the inner demon gradually weakened: "Remember, since you have chosen, don't regret it."

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