"Madam, do you want to do an inspection first?" Lin Hong asked Master Xiang.


Madam hesitated, she didn't want to, but she was really not wealthy at hand, and a simple physical examination would cost thousands.

"Auntie, if it's because of money, please don't worry, your account has already been paid." Suddenly, a female nurse came up and smiled at her teacher. She was sent by the dean. To be the exclusive nurse of this ward, at the same time, there is another arduous task, that is, not to let Lin Hong be wronged!

That is the major shareholder who occupies half of Pang's shares!

How can he be wronged! ?


Everyone was shocked, but that was 1.3 million!

At the same time, they all looked at Lin Hong unanimously. If anyone here is likely to pay the bill, he is the only one!

"Mr., when are you going to run naked?" Lin Hong looked at the professional elite indifferently.

"...How is it possible, I don't believe it, how could it be possible for a poor **** like you to spend so much money!?"

The elites in the workplace are very angry. Although they say that the money has been paid, it does not mean that Lin Hong paid the bill!

"Sir, please be respectful to our President Lin, otherwise this hospital has the right to expel you." The nurse suddenly frowned and said to the professional elite in a correct posture.

Poor cock?

If Lin Hong is a poor dick, then there will be nothing rich and handsome in this world!

"President Lin? He... he is the president of your hospital!?"

The elites in the workplace suddenly trembled. This hospital is a top-ranked industry in the Pang family. How powerful and powerful is the boss sitting in this industry?

"Lin always has 50&Pang's shares." The nurse explained to the professional elite.

"shut up."

Lin Hong frowned and looked at her. He kept a low profile for a long time, but when she came over, she immediately shook her bottom.

"Sorry, President Lin!" The nurse nodded quickly, and stood aside silently.

Fifteen percent!

The elites in the workplace are so big, he never expected that Lin Hong would be such a character!

"Just run!"

The elites in the workplace had to take off their clothes when they gritted their teeth, but Lin Hong raised his hand to stop him: "I am not interested in watching you run naked. Because of your concern for the teacher, I don't care about you."

"What are you doing in a daze? No need to do anything?"

Lin Hong smiled faintly, the professional elite quickly reacted, but he rushed over from work, and immediately left with gratitude.

Rich, powerful, and generous.

This is the evaluation given to Lin Hong by so many people present.

"Xiaohong, thank you this time..." the teacher suddenly said, breaking the silence.

"You are polite, it should be done, and if it weren't for Tan Sisi, I wouldn't know about it at all."

Lin Hong smiled calmly and looked at Tan Sisi.

"No, nothing."

Tan Sisi hurriedly lowered her head, knowing that between herself and Lin Hong, there was a wall that could not be touched and could not be seen but existed. This made her heartache. She found that she really fell in love with Lin Hong, not because of the money. Not because of Quan, but because of liking, because of his character, because of the smile he would have from time to time...

But, it's too late.

He has a girlfriend, and he is an ugly duckling in comparison.

If you really want to complain, you can only complain about yourself for not being able to live up to it... Not seizing the opportunity, she sighed, her hand in her pocket clenched tightly, and an advertising bill in her hand.

It reads: Genetic plastic surgery, genetically changing the appearance.



Everyone left one after another, leaving only Lin Hong, the teacher, and his mother in the ward.

"Xiaohong, that girl in my house often mentions you." The mother said suddenly.


Lin Hong remembered the little girl who always followed her **** in junior high school. At that time, she was only seven or eight years old and was always taken to school by her teacher.

"Ring ling ling -" Suddenly the teacher called.

"Hello?" Master connected.

"Mom! You're too much, why didn't dad tell me when he was sick! I'll pass now"

On the other end of the phone, it was Chen Leyao, who had just gone to high school abroad. She was crying.

"Don't be fooling around, your dad has nothing to do, don't listen to outsiders talking nonsense!" The teacher explained, but Chen Leyao, who had been crying into tears, didn't listen at all. After talking about when he would be at the airport, he hung up the phone. .


"I'll pick her up in a while."

Lin Hong rubbed his nose and waited for the flight to arrive. It was two o'clock in the morning. It was unsafe for no one to pick him up.

The mother thanked Lin Hong. Lin Hong didn't care, she walked out of the ward to buy lunch. Outside the ward, the nurse was standing here: "Good for Mr. Lin."

"How long have you been a nurse?"

Lin Hong saw everyone who had seen Taoism and felt a headache. Would you like to be so ostentatious?

"Hehe, I just changed from an internship yesterday." The female nurse chuckled.


Lin Hong could guess why the dean would let her be the exclusive nurse here. It has nothing to do with her abilities, just because she looks beautiful. As for why... if you don't tell it through, he won't be disgusted by it, as long as she does her duty.

The reason why he gets tired of Tan Sisi is because of her money worship, nothing more.

Because other people have money, they just show their favor and change their faces faster than turning a book. Why doesn't this make Lin Hong disgusted?

After buying some buns and porridge, Lin Hong and the teacher had a fairly warm lunch, followed by a physical examination. There is no doubt that the teacher’s body is no different from a normal person, and the tumor on the heart has been destroyed. Removal, all indicators are very stable.

"Madam, if you still don't worry, you can stay in the hospital for a few more days."

Lin Hong helped the teacher, walked in the aisle, and said to the teacher's wife beside him.

"Don't stop it, here you need a lot of money a day." Shi Niang shook her head.

"Madam, the medical expenses have been waived for you, no matter how long you live, it won't cost you money."

"That's not okay, you can't trouble others."

After the teacher's wife finished speaking, she went through the discharge procedures, and Lin Hong helped the teacher back to the ward, and took care of him to lie down~www.readwn.com~ teacher, what happened back then... Thank you so much. "Lin Hong said suddenly.

"This is the responsibility of being a teacher."

The teacher smiled softly.

At that time, Lin Honggang was in junior high school, he was a bully in the class, with poor academic performance and sleeping in class, which disrupted the class even more.

If an ordinary teacher had long been letting go, but he would not, he taught me every day, meticulously, once Lin Hong almost went astray, and prepared to take drugs out of curiosity, if the teacher arrived in time, I don’t know, until now What will it be like.

And this has become a secret between them, even the master does not know it.

"Xiaohong, I am going to give you a task." The teacher suddenly looked straight.

"You say."

Lin Hong immediately asked him when he saw this.

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