I Can Become a Treasure by Picking Up Garbage

Chapter 28: Meet the killer again

"Shu Yao, you haven't said why you rejected Li Shao." Shufen took Shu Yao's arm and whispered in her ear.

"If you don't like it, you don't like it. I have nothing to do with that Li Shao."

Shuyao looked at Lin Hong, her face still flushed, but when Shufen mentioned Li Shao, she was a little at a loss.

Lin Hong thought for a while, stretched out his hand from his back, and a red rose stayed in front of Shu Yao: "For you."

"Just a rose? It really is a poor ghost, Shu Yao, let's go."

As Shufen said, she planned to drag Shuyao away, but where could Shuyao wish? Stand still and ignore Shufen.

"Thank you..." Shu Yao reached out and took the rose, lowering her head shyly.

"Shu Yao, be realistic! Throw the rose quickly, don't let Li Shao see it!"

Shufen involuntarily touched the pure gold necklace on her neck, and after hurriedly speaking, she wanted to move.

If the things arranged by Shao Li cannot be done, the golden necklace will be taken back.

Shu Yao is really, there is such a sloppy boy who is ignorant and eccentrically leaning on such a sloppy boy!

"Why don't you marry Shao Li, one bite?"

Lin Hong pulled Shuyao over, and then smiled: "Oh, I see, it's because he can't get used to your bus."

Shuyao once said that it was Shufen who tricked her into the financial auction house and wanted to drag her into the sea.

Shu Yao was almost ruined all his life.

Therefore, he does not intend to give such a **** any face.

"You are the bus!"

Seeing that everyone around was watching, Shufen couldn't help but smashed the book she was carrying at Lin Hong.

Naturally, Lin Hong was not injured, but when he planned to use the identity of the principal to make Shufen drop out of school, Shuyao grabbed his arm: "Lin Hong, she is my aunt..."

"She is you..."

Lin Hong's words reached his lips, but he swallowed abruptly.

It was the first time he saw his aunt who would cheat his niece!

"I'm telling you, I want to marry our family Shuyao, not ten million... fifty million don't even think about it! Wearing a suit bought from an unknown stall, bah!"

Shufen forcibly dragged Shuyao away. When she left, Shuyao secretly looked at Lin Hong and pointed to the phone in her hand.

"I'm offending my mother's family." Lin Hong shook his head and smiled bitterly, but disapproved.

He likes Shu Yao, but not her aunt.

He casually called the rental, and he planned to return to the villa first.

"Sir, where are you going?"

The master who opened the rental wore a sun hat to cover half of his face.

"Ziqing Villa District." Lin Hong didn't think too much.

The car started slowly, and the taxi master looked at Lin Hong with the rear mirror in the car. After a long time, he looked back.

It seemed that he was just a idle kid.

"Sir, do you smoke?"

When the car came to a stop at a red street light, the master while driving took out a cigarette from the cigarette case, turned around and handed it to Lin Hong.

Lin Hongwan refused: "I don't smoke."

"Which--" But as soon as his voice fell, a silver needle was shot out from the cigarette **** facing him.

The silver needle reflected the senran cold light under the sun and flew towards Lin Hong's eyebrows.

"You are a killer!?"

Lin Hong raised his hand and easily clamped the silver needle in his hand, his expression instantly turning cold.

I am not going to die because of such a little trick.

It was the assassin who smiled faintly: "Sure enough, you are a master, but if you are targeted by our assassination club, you will definitely die."

After all, he jumped out of the car window.

The traffic light in front changed from red to green, and when the killer jumped out of the car window, the taxi suddenly became hot.


The taxi exploded directly and was swallowed by flames.

The assassin walked into a dark alley without looking back and got a call.

"The man is dead."

"That's good." There was a **** the other end of the phone, her voice indifferent.

"30 billion, it's really simple."

After hanging up the phone, the man smiled with satisfaction, but he didn't pay attention to the roof next to him. Lin Hong was standing there watching him.

Fortunately, there is an instant transfer symbol, otherwise it will be explained.

Twisting his neck, he jumped straight down from the tall building, stepped vertically on the wall, and gradually approached the killer.

Since you want my life, then I have nothing to be polite.

"What should this money be..." The killer was dreaming about the next few days, but there was a sharp pain in the back of his neck, his body collapsed, and he passed out.

Lin Hong stood there, withdrew his hand, watching the killer not say a word.

After all, he was softened and didn't kill anyone.

"Hua Guo's prison welcomes you."

Lin Hong called the police and later discovered that Shu Yao had distributed a lot of information to herself.

The content is to comfort him and tell him not to be familiar with his aunt.

"Don't worry, I'm not angry, do you want to come out for a meal together?" Lin Hong sent out this paragraph, and then left slowly.

A sirens sounded, and the killer fell asleep in the alley without knowing it.

He will spend the rest of his life in prison.

But Lin Hong thought for a while, instead of going to the villa, he rented a hotel to stay temporarily.

At the same time, he asked Zhang Kuang to arrange more bodyguards at the door of the villa to protect his mother's safety.

"No, I have something today."

Shuyao's information arrived late, Lin Hong leaned against the window, put down his phone, and looked at the bustling and noisy city outside the window~www.readwn.com~ his stomach screamed involuntarily.

Some are hungry.

Since it was a cheap hotel and there was no order service, he was going to go down and have a bite.

"Ling Ling Ling..." When the phone rang, Lin Hong picked it up and found that it was Xiao Feng.

"Hey, I'm here, come out and have a meal together?"

"Okay, you pay the bill." Lin Hong said casually, just as he was a little hungry.

"Of course, come here quickly. I'll be waiting for you at the five-star restaurant next to the city center."

After Xiao Feng finished speaking, he hung up the phone.

"I hope no killer will make trouble."

Lin Hong got dressed. If it's a five-star hotel, then the security work should be good, right?

He walked all the way to the city center and came to the hotel Xiao Feng was referring to. He saw a mentally young man standing at the door and looking around.

This person is Xiao Feng.

"Hey, I'm here, what are you looking for?"

Walking all the way to Xiao Feng's side, seeing Xiao Feng still looking around, Lin Hong couldn't help but speak.

"Shhh, I see beautiful women!" Xiao Feng, dressed in a plaid shirt, motioned to Lin Hong to be quiet.

"Look at the beauties? It's so strange, isn't your kid lo*ic*n?"

Lin Hong glared at Xiao Feng contemptuously.

"lo*ic*n ate your abalone and sea cucumber? Can't lo*ic*n like big white arms and long legs?"

Xiao Feng glared back at Lin Hong, then withdrew his gaze, the two entered the restaurant.

"Sir, are you two?"

The waitress came over and asked politely.

"Well, how much does it cost to cover your restaurant overnight?" Xiao Feng nodded, and the waitress was shocked by what he said.

"Sir, you are kidding, this requires an appointment in advance."

The service lady bowed and replied to Xiao Feng.

The first publication of this book is from 17K Novels. The first time you see the genuine content!

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