"You just look young, absolutely so!!" Jamie looked at Lin Hong's handsome face and yelled, "Look at me!"

   After he finished speaking, he released detection magic to Lin Hong.

   This is the simplest magic that can be used to know the weight, age, and height of others. After Jamie performed the detection magic on Lin Hong, his brows were tightly furrowed.

   The height and weight are perfect. She is eighteen years old. He waits a few months for her birthday to be nineteen.

   This completely subverted his cognition, why such a young person has such terrible strength, if it is him, it can really keep the nameless family, he will never allow it!

   Looking at Lin still's beautiful face, he vaguely made up his mind.

   "Can you take us to the Rad family?"

   Lin Hong put on his mask and asked Jamie faintly, but Nathan, who was not far behind him, suddenly realized.

   No wonder the second grandfather said in the car that he had difficulties, so strong and so young, he was actually very helpless, right? The master is lonely, even though he hasn't experienced it, he can still understand it faintly.

   "Of course..." Jamie nodded.

   Soon, a group of people came to the Ladd family, which is more magnificent than the nameless family, high-end and elegant, fountains, gardens, and young girls passing by from time to time confirm the vitality here.

  Nathan is here for the first time, and I am very envious when looking at the huge Rad family. Although the nameless family has once been brilliant, it is all past tense.

"I'll take you to sign up for the Magic Conference. There are 256 families participating this time. The Dracula family is still the leader, followed by the Werewolf family." In order to show their family's tolerance, Jamie began to make money. And to talk, it was like treating Lin Hong and the others as close old friends.

   However, his eyes still swept up and down Lin still from time to time.


   Lin still hugged Lin Hong's arm tightly, uncomfortable with Jamie's sight.

   "Look at my woman again. Believe it or not, I will goug your eyes out?" Lin Hong held Lin in his arms backhand and looked at Jamie lightly, "Don't think I'm joking."

   "What to pull!"

   Jamie scolded Lin Hong secretly in his heart, but he had already looked back obediently.

   Finally, they came to the so-called registration office and saw the notary, but the notary was lying on the table and sleeping late, drooling, and extremely lacklustre.

   "A family has come to sign up." Jamie yelled respectfully, and the notary woke up quickly and wiped the corners of his mouth.

   It is said that the notary public is a notary public because he is absolutely fair, majestic, and possesses super-powerful magic. However, as soon as we met, he gave everyone the feeling that they were unreliable.

   This is the annual magic convention, you fell asleep?

   "I got a car. I have been racing for the past two days. I didn't have a good rest. Forgive me." The notary got up and stretched his waist and twisted his neck.

   Why is he?

   Lin Hong's mouth twitched. Isn't the notary in this magic robe the beggar who was in the parking lot at that time? The car in his mouth was probably the one he gave him at the time.

"My lord, if you like cars, my Rad family has top sports cars." Jamie whispered, trying to please the notary. However, the notary ignored him and took out a notebook. Pen, let Lin Hong and the others fill in the name of their family.

   This kind of thing, naturally, let Nathan, who is a family, do it.

   Nathan wrote the name of the unnamed family in the notebook, while Lin Hong rubbed his chin and looked at the notary. This guy was right when he recognized himself. Why didn't he respond?

   This kid... is from an unknown family?

Although the notary was calm on the surface, he thought silently in his heart that when such a young man appeared in the unnamed family, he has never heard of it, but based on the last time, it can be seen that his character and personality are not bad. I don't know how strong it is.

   "Second Grandpa, sign your name here." When Nathan finished writing other things, he handed the pen to Lin Hong.

   Lin Hong nodded, stepped forward, and wrote his name.

   "Are you his second grandfather?" The notary frowned, stood up and looked at Lin Hong, "Can I use blood magic on you?"

   "This is not necessary, right?"

  Lin Hong smiled and folded his hands, secretly saying that this old man is more nostalgic. As the saying goes, if you don’t look at the face of the monk to see the face of the Buddha, you have to look at the face of the car. Why do you embarrass yourself on the other hand?

   "As a notary, I want to be fair and just." The notary said righteously.

   "Second Grandpa..."

  Nathan looked at Lin Hong a little worried. Before he used blood magic, the result was that they had no blood relationship at all. This result cannot be changed.

   "What would happen if we were not related by blood?" Lin Hong pursed his lips and asked the notary public.

   "Convicted of cheating, disqualification from the Magic Conference." The notary stood up and pointed his hands at Lin Hong and Nathan, "Are you... ready?"

   He feels that something is wrong more and more. The key point is that Lin Hong is too young. How could he belong to his grandfather's generation?

   "Not ready."

   At this moment, Lin Hong suddenly spoke.

   "Are you scared?" Jamie breathed a sigh of relief and laughed loudly, "Your nameless family is really shameless, dare to ask for foreign aid!"

   "The second grandfather belongs to our unnamed family, he is not a foreign aid!"

  Nathan is just over a decade old, and his face flushed anxiously as soon as he argued with others. He always believed that the second grandfather was his second grandfather. The reason for the difference in blood was because the second grandfather was carrying dragon blood!

"Huh...well~www.readwn.com~ Suddenly, Lin Hong, who had been silent for a long time, exhaled. He just went to Yuanqihai and quickly cursed the dragon. If you want to get through the difficulties in front of you, you need Shenlong's. help.

   "Then I will start."

   After the notary said, he wanted to use blood magic, but Lin Hong raised his hand to stop it.

   "What's wrong?" The notary asked Lin Hong impatiently.

   "My next words may be ridiculous to you, but please listen to it." Lin Hong said lightly, seeing this, the heart demon knew that he was about to start fooling around again.

   "Since I was born, my ancestors sealed a dragon in my body, and this dragon changed my bloodline. Lin Hong shook his head and said, carrying his hands on his back, "So no matter how the blood relationship is tested, it is inaccurate. "

   "You are not related by blood..."

   And the notary public has impatiently finished the blood magic, said so.

   "Quickly cancel their qualifications!" Jamie is the happiest person at this time, "Shenlong? Find an excuse and you can find a reliable one too, where does the dragon come from in this world?"

   "Notary, I know that you are the most fair, and I will know if my words are true or not."

   Lin Hong ignored Jamie's silly lack, but told the notary to let him explore his own Yuanlihai, but the place called Yuanlihai is called the magic pool by Westerners.

   "Well, don't have any resistance." The notary nodded and walked to Lin Hong to perform magic.

   "What a pure magic..."

   Lin Hong secretly said in his heart, and then chuckled, Shenlong, but it's up to you, and at this time Shenlong is angry in his vitality sea.


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