I Can Become a Treasure by Picking Up Garbage

Chapter 31: Assassination Club's Apocalypse

Obviously, this is poisoned.

Taking out a detoxification pill, he opened his mouth and swallowed it. After a while, the wound was cool and the stench gradually faded.

Turning his head to look at Li Yan's corpse, Lin Hong was silent for a while, persecuting the girl from the good family, he was more than dead.

But he had to leave quickly, or he would be too lazy to explain because he was afraid that he couldn't explain it clearly.

Shu Yao was about to say something, but because of her unconsciousness, she didn't explain it for a long time.

"Hey, I'll take you home." Lin Hong grabbed Shu Yao, came to the broken window, and jumped down.

But he didn't know that the camera in the house had already recorded all this.

In a corner of the city, Greedy Wolf held his chest and knelt here.

Lin Hong almost shattered his internal organs with that palm.

Wiping off the blood from the corners of his mouth, he tremblingly took out his cell phone and dialed the phone: "The target is powerful, I failed."


On the other side of the phone, the voice was cold and surprised, but it calmed down quickly: "I see, recently a distinguished guest has arrived in the agency. The mission has been cancelled. Come back first."

"Mission cancelled?" Greedy Wolf couldn't believe it. The assassination club was founded 50 years ago. When did the mission cancel?

"Yes, but my assassination club can't be tainted, you go to solve the employer."

The people over there finished speaking and hung up the phone.

If you can’t complete the task, kill the employer...

Greedy wolf chuckled and dragged himself into the night.

"Go back and rest." Lin Hong already took Shu Yao and came to her community.

On the way, Lin Hong gave Shuyao a drink to understand the alcohol, and he was sober.

"Um... thank you today."

Shuyao lowered her head shyly, not daring to lift it up.

Lin Hong saved herself again...

But because of her drunkenness, she didn't remember what happened, she kept moving back and forth between reality and dreams, and even imagined Lin Hong jumping down a tall building in her arms.

"Don't deal with your aunt in the future." Lin Hong was angry when she mentioned her aunt.

I won't mention the previous matter for the time being. The reason Shu Yao was in that restaurant this time was because her aunt took her there.

Meiyue said by her name that she met with Li Shaoxian, and I will give you an accurate answer, but who knows that before seeing Li Shao, Shuyao was pouring a few glasses of wine softly and hardly by her aunt.

Shu Yao, who never drinks, is naturally drunk.

The next thing was to meet Lin Hong.

"Well, I see." Shuyao bit her lip, intending to draw a line with Shufen.

She thought that Shufen would find it conscientiously, but she didn't know how to repent and kicked herself into the fire pit.

"Then I will leave first, and see you at school tomorrow." Lin Hong said, turning to leave.

He had already inquired about the location of Jin Feibiao, and it was not far from here.

It was late at night when I arrived outside the King's Building, so the place seemed empty.

The door was strangely open, and he walked all the way to the top of the tall building and came to the president's room.

He raised his foot and kicked the door open, but the extremely strong smell of blood passed into his nasal cavity, which made him frown slightly.

In the office seat, Jin Feibiao sat there on his back, his eyes blank and his expression horrified.

There were four or five hideous bite marks on his throat, and his flesh churned, as if he had been attacked by a wolf, but how could there be a wolf in this city? There is only one "greedy wolf".

"The assassin killed the employer?"

Lin Hong frowned, wondering what this so-called assassination club meant.

The phone jittered suddenly, and a message came.

"Dear Mr. Lin Hong, we have withdrawn the assassination order. We have asked Haihan for the previous incident. You should have seen the gift of apologize."

Unfamiliar number, but judging from the content of the message, it is not difficult to see that it is an assassination club.

Most of the gifts he mentioned were Jin Feibiao.

There is a bit of sincerity.

After all, they break their own rules, just like monks eating meat.

Lin Hong put his mobile phone back in his pocket and rushed to the scrap station in the city under his own name.

The waste station, covering a hundred hectares, is now full of rubbish.

He doesn't want to be so passive forever, so... how many martial arts secrets can be made out of the **** all over the mountains?

One night later, a little stubble grew on Lin Hong's chin, but he didn't have the time to take care of it.

He looked at the trash mountain next to him and threw a punch.


There was a loud noise, and the huge mountain of **** suddenly collapsed. Just the wind of fist was already so terrifying.

Although he has six times the blessing, even if he doesn't, he can still stand in a stalemate with the wolf.

When he walked out of the junkyard, he got on the rental and rushed to the school directly. He didn't meet the assassin until he reached the gate of the school. This made Lin Hong quite uncomfortable.

Recalling just a few days ago, but often passed by with death.

"What do you smell like rubbish?" Xiao Feng walked from a distance, dressed in a plaid shirt, hanging out.

"I fell into the trash, but you came to school on time?"

Lin Hong shrugged. He wanted to see Shu Yao earlier and came so early, but in his memory, Xiao Feng never skipped class for a day.

"What do you know, I'm in the same class as you, our class teacher's long legs, tut!" After Xiao Feng finished speaking, he raised his eyebrows trivially.

"Are you not lo*ic*n?"

Lin Hong was speechless.

Indeed ~www.readwn.com~ their head teacher wore professional attire all day long, showing slender jade legs.

Based on this alone, many students in the school like her class.

"I like Loli's cuteness, teacher, I am greedy for her legs, can it be the same!" Xiao Feng said as expected, and then suddenly remembered something, "By the way, there will be a children's draft in a few days, and I mixed up. Judge, are you coming?"


Lin Hong didn't understand for a while what the situation of this child elective course was.

"Child star! My dad set up a celebrity agency, and I took the child star live." Xiao Feng said as he walked into the school with Lin Hong.

"It really suits you."

Lin Hong smiled bitterly and shook his head, and then he realized that Xiao Feng had originally spent money to organize these elective courses for children.

Of course, it was Xiao family money.

In the class, the seats are not fixed. Lin Hong casually finds a seat to sit down, and Xiao Feng sits next to him.

"You come to be a judge. I have found a lot of people, but they are not willing."

After seated, Xiao Feng began to talk again.

Lin Hong turned his head: "If you change to a normal age draft, you would be anxious to be the judge."

"What I want is child stars, this field has not been fully developed, the initial cost is low, and when they grow up, they will be highly sticky to the company!"

Xiao Feng's words are straightforward.

"I can't tell you, the teacher is here." Lin Hong pointed to the teacher who walked in.

"Large long legs..." Xiao Feng turned his head squinted, but his face suddenly changed. The person who came in was an old man. It turned out that there is no class teacher's class today.

But Lin Hong frowned.

He didn't see Shu Yao's shadow. Did Shu Yao take leave today?

The first publication of this book is from 17K Novels. The first time you see the genuine content!

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