I Can Become a Treasure by Picking Up Garbage

Chapter 33: Evil Dragon Group of 5

"There is nowhere to go..."

After walking around the street for a while, Lin Hong found himself in a dilemma with nothing to do.

He took out his cell phone and dialed Xiao Feng's number: "Hey, are you still short of judges?"

"There is no shortage, but you can come here if you want to watch the excitement... This is good, I will accept it!"

"Brother, don't look at one, just accept one."

"How cute they are! Only loli can live up to it in the world, loli is justice!"

There was a mess on the other end of the phone, and Lin Hong hung up quickly.

With such a best friend, he is also very helpless.

Bored for a walk, walked to a park, and looked familiar, it turned out to be the place where I got the system.

It was also a turning point in my life.

Sitting on a bench at will, Lin Hong tilted Erlang's legs to relax his nerves.

After a while, he fell asleep unconsciously.

He was really exhausted if he didn't sleep last night.

Mo about two or three hours later, Lin Hong woke up, rubbed his eyes and felt vigorously, because he found himself in a mess, like being turned over.

No, it should be said that it was overturned.

He quickly touched his pocket, the phone was still there, but the golden bank card Xiao Feng gave him was gone.

"It's really unlucky!" Lin Hong slapped his thigh and yelled.

Although Nakari only had ten million, it was Xiao Feng's mind.

Immediately, he took out a crystal ball.

This glass ball looked like the kind used by a witch. Lin Hong looked inside, and saw the scene change in the crystal ball, unexpectedly the scene around him appeared an hour ago.

A man walked over and rummaged up and down all over his body.

Lin Hong chuckles when he sees this person's appearance clearly, but he is still an acquaintance, so it will be easier.

I saw this person, Huang Jun, his former junior high school classmate.

Because of him that day, I only met Shu Yao, but he didn't expect that he would be able to deal with his old classmate.

He looked into the crystal ball again, and Huang Jun gradually emerged.

A bank, or a nearby bank.

"Peng!" The crystal ball suddenly shattered, and it could only be used twice.

"Huang Jun, Huang Jun, your kid is waiting."

Lin Hong got up, muttered to himself, and walked towards the bank.

Inside the bank, Huang Jun was fanning with the bank card he got from Lin Hong.

He plans to try a few times first. Lin Hong is very honest in his memory, and he is definitely not good at setting passwords. Maybe it's his birthday, or 123456.

Even if it fails, it's fine if the card is swallowed.

He knows people and can take out the bank card directly.

"Don't move, raise your hand!"

Suddenly, the bank broke into a group of five people, all wearing black hoods. What frightened everyone was that they had guns in their hands.

There was a scream, but as a gangster fired a gun, people suddenly fell silent.

But the gangster who shot was hammered in the head from behind.

"Fifth, are you stupid!"

The head dragon was so angry that they could hardly speak. They came to robbery, and they shot in order to recruit the police! ?

The five of them were exactly the five-member evil dragon group that Lin Hong had met.

Head dragon, thorn dragon, triceratops, tyrannosaurus, and the fifth.

The fifth child was crying, "Head Dragon, don't I want to calm them down?"

"Fool, I think you just want to call in the police!"

The dragon took a bite, and then looked at the other three: "I want to say... Let's just stand like this, and they will send the money out obediently, do you believe it?"

"I do not believe."

Triangular Lou is a man with a big waist and a round waist. He shook his head directly after hearing it.

"Then you don't hurry up!" The dragon kicked the other four people one by one.

Is it easy to bring such a team! ?

Boss Jin was suddenly killed, and the money they hadn't gotten yet passed away with Jin Feibiao.

As the saying goes, they will never work in this life, so they decided to rob.

The other four people hurriedly went to work, while the head dragon was holding a gun and pointing at the crowd: "All squat down for me, be honest!"

After what he said, everyone squatted down and dared not move, including Huang Jun.

"Head Dragon, or else, grab all the money these people carry with you." Old Wu Pidian came over and pointed at the people on the ground.

Everyone's faces were pale, and the head dragon nodded after thinking for a moment.

"Good idea, after grabbing the money, let them use the bank card to take out all the money from the machine."

When the dragon finished speaking, the old five nodded.

The money in the ATM is not a small number. It is indeed a good idea to let people like them withdraw with a bank card.

He picked up a sack and looked at the crowd: "Hand over all the money and jewelry, otherwise!"


Everyone was trembling with a gunshot, but the dragon behind the old five was directly frightened and jumped up.

He stepped forward and kicked the old fifth's **** fiercely: "Don't shoot it!"

"Then I will collect the money."

The fifth child rubbed his **** and had to hold the sack, one by one, everyone took out their belongings.

After that, it was the highlight.

Old Wuyi swept the crowd and looked at Huang Jun: "You are honored to be the first one to take your bank card and withdraw all the balance!"


Huang Jun got up and was pointed at by a gun. He was also flustered and had to walk to the cash machine.

"Actually I am a thief, I stole this card." He swallowed this sentence abruptly.

Tell me about this situation~www.readwn.com~Who really believes it!

I just hope that the bank card password is the same as I guessed.

He knew about Lin Hong's birthday, and when he finished typing, he was startled looking at the balance that slowly emerged.

There are actually ten million!

"What are you doing... Fuck, so much money!?"

Old Wu took the sack and walked over impatiently. Seeing that the balance was eight digits, he couldn't help swallowing and smearing.

He quickly looked at the head dragon: "Tau dragon, ten million! We don't have to eat buns again after we get it!"

"We are here to grab the bank! Ten million you are so excited!"

The head dragon is simply a headache. Although it is indeed surprising that a person has ten million, they are here to rob the bank.

In a bank, there can be no more than ten million.

What's more, this is a provincial-level bank, and the cash in it is at least hundreds of millions.

"Oh, hurry up, get the money out!" The old fifth said to Huang Jun in a daze.

But Huang Jun was still stunned, wondering why Lin Hong had so much money.

Isn't his family bankrupt?

"I see who dares to withdraw this money!" Suddenly, a person walked through the door of the bank.

This person is not someone else, but Lin Hong.

When he saw the gangster, although he was surprised, he saw that Huang Jun was about to withdraw money, but he couldn't wait to break in.

Seeing that someone dared to be so arrogant, Toulong immediately shouted, "Keep down, or I will shoot!"

"Shoot? You try to shoot."

Lin Hong glanced at her and walked straight to Huang Jun: "Are you still a person stealing the bank card of your old classmate?"

If Huang Jun said that he really repented and gave him one hundred thousand two hundred thousand and two hundred thousand, it would be no problem for him to start over again, but he actually stole Xiao Feng's mind, how could he not be angry?

The first publication of this book is from 17K Novels. The first time you see the genuine content!

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