"Le Yao, is your residence convenient for residents?"

   Lin Hong ignored the demons, but asked Chen Leyao.

   This is... you want to live with me?

   Chen Leyao was a little dazed for a while, but Lin Hong didn't expect Lin Hong to be so proactive, and immediately nodded in embarrassment.

   I'm still young, if he wants to... agree or not?

   This question lingered in the heart of the girl.



   After half an hour, Chen Leyao's home.

   Chen Leyao looked at the two big beauties who came with Lin Hong. She was really angry, but she couldn't show it, with a smile on her face: "Welcome to my house~"

   "What a cute little sister."

   Lin still likes Chen Leyao very much and walks over to hug her.

   I am not a little sister...

   Chen Leyao wanted to break free of her embrace, but found that she couldn't break free.

   "Okay, don't mess around." Lin Hong looked at it, and Lin still let go of his hand with some dismay.

   "You guys live here first, I'll go out, Le Yao, you can use the money in this box as you like. If you don't have enough, you can talk to your brother. You must call me as soon as possible.

   Lin Hong finished speaking and put down a box.

   "Money?" Chen Leyao opened the box and was shocked, a lot of money!

   "Don't walk around, you know?"

   Lin Hong asked again, and then left uneasy, and decided to go back quickly.

   "My name is Chen Leyao, what are your sisters' names?" Chen Leyao closed the box, and then asked Lin still them with a smile, and soon they introduced each other.

   "Le Yao, is there any way to make life happy?"

   Lin still walked to Chen Leyao's side, whispered in her ear, and told why Yan Yun was unhappy about his fate, which deeply moved the young Chen Leyao.

   "Yes! Women, of course I want to buy them." Chen Leyao came up with an idea and patted the box.

   "But cousin won't let us go."

   Lin still hesitated, but Yan Yun knew his fate and couldn't even lift any interest at all.

   "How can things like shopping in the mall be called chaos? I know a newly opened underwear store..." Chen Leyao chuckled, making Lin still believe it, and soon, Yan Yun was convinced by their efforts to persuade him to go to the mall.

   At this time, Lin Hong was rushing to the grave of Wang Jue.

   Under the night, he was so fast, passers-by couldn't see his shadow at all, they just thought it was a gust of wind.


   He finally stayed at the archaeological site of Wang Jue's tomb.

   The place is brightly lit and not open to outsiders, but there are many people watching the excitement. The security guards are maintaining order.

   "Hello, do you know where the crystal skull is?" Lin Hong asked someone casually.

   "Sent to the museum."

   This person answered quickly, and then shook his hand impatiently.

   Lin Hong immediately went to the museum. There is only one museum in this city, so he didn't bother to think about it.

   "The crystal skull is in the museum."

   "I heard that the Yanyun Family bid tens of trillions of dollars but did not sell..."

   The outside of the museum was also overcrowded, but Lin Hong got information from them.

  The Yanyun Family is intervening!

   "It seems that it is impossible to pay for it." Lin Hong frowned and thought, secretly saying that the Yanyun family should represent the fairy palace.

   In that case, the fairy palace also moved the mind of the crystal skull? Who is from the Yanyun family? Could it be related to the death of Yan Yun's father?

   "Steal it."

   The heart demon gives an idea at this time.

   "How can I...then steal it." Lin Hong said halfway, coughing awkwardly.

   There is no way, if the museum gives so much money and not sell it, there is only this way.


   half an hour later.

   He changed into a black suit, went to the top of the museum, and tried to sneak in.

   "Brother is such a coincidence, are you here to steal something too?" A voice suddenly came from his side.


   Lin Hong looked over and found that it was a thief, wearing night clothes, who looked much more professional than himself.

   "Since they are all peers, they should help each other, the younger brother has already found a way into the museum...only ten thousand dollars." The thief said.

   "This is ten thousand."

   Lin Hong gave ten thousand dollars.

   "Atmosphere!" The thief was ecstatic. He thought he had to bargain, but he met such a rich man!

   "Brother, I will take you there."

   After the thief finished speaking, he led Lin Hong on the roof of the museum, and finally came to an open skylight, under the skylight it was pitch black.

   "This is the corridor underneath, be careful, hush..." The thief finished talking to Lin Hong and turned to leave.

   "Aren't you going down with me?"

   Lin Hong asked him strangely when he saw this.

   "No, I'm here to protect you from the wind." The thief shook his head, and then sat there, as if waiting for something.

   Lin Hong used a trick, his eyes instantly turned blood red, and he looked under the skylight. He could use this trick to give himself a night vision effect.

   is really just a corridor, and you can still see a lot of empty display cabinets in the corridor.

   Now he no longer hesitated, and jumped down.

   "The idiot is going down, what if you get caught? I'll collect some guidance money here and I won't lose money." The thief chuckled disdainfully when he saw Lin Hong go down. He was almost collecting 70 or 80,000 dollars in such a night.



   In the museum, Lin Hong heard the thief as soon as he came here, and while speechless, he secretly said that the thief was a clever man.

   looked around, there was no one, he found a direction casually.

   The thief at the top of the museum welcomed a new visitor: "I know the way to the museum, look..."


   The man raised his hand and directly squeezed the thief's head. The red glow in his eyes confirmed that he was a genetic modifier.

   In the museum, Lin Hong has been groping for a long time, but he has not seen the shadow of the crystal skull at all ~ www.readwn.com~ and has not even seen a collection.

   "Normally, it should be in the storage room on the third floor, you can go there first." The heart demon said at this time.


   Lin Hong nodded lightly, then displayed Taxue Wuhen, and hurried to the third floor.

   the third floor.

   There are no security guards along the way, not even any alarm devices.

   Standing in front of the storage room, Lin Hong frowned tightly, feeling very strange. The journey went too smoothly. Everyone in the museum could guess that someone would steal it with their toes. Why didn't it seem to be defensive at all?

   What the mind demon noticed: "There are people from the police."

   Lin Hong took a step back when he heard the words, the secret path was indeed prepared.

   shook his head, he no longer paid attention to these, but figured out how to get the crystal skull.


   Suddenly, there was a loud noise from the building, and Lin Hong hurriedly hid behind a display cabinet.

   "What happened?" The people in the storage room walked out one after another, raising their guns and rushing upstairs to investigate.

"good chance……"

   Lin Hong licked his lips and rushed directly.

   No trace on the snow!

   When those people left, he went directly to the storage room.

   There were still many people in it, but Lin Hong just released a murderous aura, and they all fainted to the ground.

   "A lot of Chinese antiquities..." Lin Hong frowned suddenly and noticed that the storage room not only contains crystal skulls, but also some stolen cultural relics with a long history in China.

   He thought a little, and put all of these into the storage ring.

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